MINUTES OF THE MEETING of theCOUNCILMEETINGheld at the Parish Hall, Oxhey Drive on WEDNESDAY2nd MARCH 2016 @ 7.40pm
Attendance:Councillor Valerie Coltman (Chairperson)
Councillor Ty Harris (Vice Chairperson)
Councillor David Coltman
Councillor Yessica Gould
Councillor Joan King
Councillor Pam King
Councillor Shanti Maru
Councillor Sean McCluskey
Councillor Alison Scarth
Councillor William Waite
Police:PC Sarah Calcutt & PC Dan Jones
Officer:Michele Fundrey – Clerk
Apologies:Councillor Ann Grant
Councillor Brendan O’Brien
Councillor Angela Roberts
Absent:Councillor Terry Dos Ramos
The apologies were noted and accepted. - DECLARATIONS
No declarations were received.
PC Dan Jones reported the following:-
▪A house burglary took place in Sleaford Green where Asian jewellery was stolen.
▪Power tools stolen from a motor vehicle in Carpenders Park
▪ANPR carried out across the district.
▪Drugs raid in Muirfield Road where a 15 year old youth was arrested
▪PCSO to cover Ashridge Ward will be starting on 2.4.16.
▪CCTV in the precinct has been out of action for some time but is now being repaired.
▪Oxhey Police Station will be open to the public on the Parish Council Fun Day.
PC Dan Jones reported that it was mentioned in the Watford Observer that South Oxhey has the lowest crime figures. All Members congratulated the Police. - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION
There were no members of the public present.
The Council Meeting Minutes of 3rd February2016were approved as a true and correct record, but with the following amendments:-
Minute 264 SOI
6th paragraph amendment:-
If a social housing tenant moves from their property, they will be re-housed in affordable housing, they will no longer be a social housing tenant. Cllr. Scarth advised that this is a government ruling and not that of the District Council.
amend to
If a social housing tenant moves from the property, the property will automatically be changed to affordable housing”.Cllr. Scarth advised that this is a government ruling and not that of the District Council.”
The Chairperson signed the minutes. - MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING(S)
- Minute 261.1 - Air Ambulance Clothes Bank
The Clerk reported that Highways had still not replied in relation to placing the clothes bank on Station Approach and feels that options have now run out. It was agreed by all that despite our efforts, there is no alternative but to return the clothes bank. - Minute 264 - SOI
The Clerk advised that she had sent a letter on 16.2.16 to Alan Head (TRDC) in relation to the impending Community Board. The Clerk has since emailed Alan Head requesting a response but she has still not received any communication - Minute 266.3 - Playground Inspection Reports
- The Mead Play area
On Monday 29th February 2016, the Members and the Clerk attended The Mead park. Safety concerns were raised at the state of the ground tiles. The tiles are now very old. Many are sinking with gaps and also lifting creating a trip hazard. The only equipment in the park is the slide, all other equipment has had to be removed over the past couple of years due to spares being obsolete. Both entrances to the play area are extremely muddy causing a safety issue. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the closure of the play area for safety reasons. It was agreed that the play area should be closed to the public for the present time until discussions with the District Council and the Parish Council in relation to the management of the parks have been finalised. The Clerk is to advise TRDC that the decision has not been taken lightly to close the parks, but for reasons of safety it has left the Parish Council no alternative. The Members requested that photos of the tiling are sent with the letter to TRDC with a copy to the Political Team Leaders.
The Clerk is to seek advice on the procedure of closing the play area and discuss how best to secure the closure to stop people from entering the area.
RESOLVED that The Mead play area be closed until further notice for safety reasons. - Park Leases
The Clerk advised that TRDC had contacted her regarding the Parish Council proposed maintenance programme in order to draft a Heads of Terms. The Clerk is to advise:-
▪Grass cut 2 x monthly March to Oct/Nov
▪Hedges/bushes will be maintained on a rolling programme
on the same visit as the grass cut and trimmed where required
▪Inspection of play equipment is RoSPA inspected quarterly.
▪Daily checks of the parks are carried out (weekdays only)
▪Trees will be inspected by a qualified arboroligistevery 3 years - Minute 266.4 Pottery Club Kiln
The Clerk reported that the new kiln has been ordered and hopefully delivery will take place early to mid March 2016.
A letter received from the Post Office in relation to changes taking place at the Prestwick Road Post office was noted. - PlanningApplications
The planning applications for February were noted.
The Clerk has been requested to look into the procedure for the District Council selling their land.
Highways Consultation on the speed limit along The Woods, Oxhey Drive & Prestwick Road
After lengthy discussion and careful consideration, the Chairperson requested a show of hands to submit the following comment:-
“We support the change in limit but we would request that the 30mph signs are located further back to enable motorists enough time to slow down before entering the built up area”.
Abstain:2 - SOI
The next Steering Committee Meeting is on Monday 7th March 2016. - COMMITTEE MEETINGS / REPORTS
- F&A Committee 17.2.16
- Recommendation that the Pottery Class charges remain unchanged for 2016/2017.
RESOLVED that the pottery class charges remain unchanged. - Recommendation that the Lunch Club charge remains at £3.50 for 2016/2017.
RESOLVED that the Lunch Club charge remains at £3.50. - Recommendation that the hall hire charges for 2016/2017 remain unchanged.
RESOLVED that the hall hire charges remain unchanged. - Pottery Teacher
Part II Confidential Business
Due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted the Chairperson requested a resolution for the Council to go into committee to discuss the next item.
RESOLVED that the press and public are excluded from the next item on the agenda. - FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION
- Accounts
The schedule of accounts for January & February were approved. - CHAIRPERSON EVENTS
No events to report for this month. - OUTSIDE BODY MEETINGS – COUNCILLOR UPDATE
Cllr. Scarth advised that the next Environmental Forum will be on 23rd March 2016. - URGENT MATTERS
Chairperson Cllr. Valerie Coltman advised the Members that the Clerk has informed her that she will be handing in her resignation from her post as Clerk in the next few weeks as she is moving to Ireland. Cllr. William Waite thanked the Clerk for helping him since he has been a Councillor. - CLOSURE
There being no further business to be considered, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm.
Chairman,6th April 2016
F&A Committee 17.2.16
281.1.4Recommendation that the Pottery Class Teacher hourly rate is increased from £20.45 to £21.00.
RESOLVED that the hourly rate for the Pottery Class Teacher is increased from £20.45 to £21.00.
6th April 2016
Council Meeting 2015/2016