Selected Articles in English:
Yuezhi Zhao, “The State, the Market, and Media Control in China,” in Pradip Thomas and Zahoram Nain (eds.), Who Owns the Media: Global Trends and Local Resistance (Penang, Malaysia: Southbound Press and London: Zed Books, in press).
Yuezhi Zhao, "Underdogs, Lapdogs, and Watchdogs: Journalists and the Public Sphere Problematic in China," in Gu Xin and Merle Goldman (eds.), Chinese Intellectuals between the State and the Market (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004), pp. 43-74.
Yuezhi Zhao, “Falun Gong, Identity, and the Struggle for Meaning inside and outside China,” in Nick Couldry and James Curran (eds.), Contesting Media Power: Towards a Global Comparative Perspective (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004), pp. 209-224.
Yuezhi Zhao, “Transnational Capital, the Chinese State, and China’s Communication Industries in a Fractured Society,” The Public/Javnost: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture, 10:4 (2003), pp. 53-74.
Yuezhi Zhao, “Transnational Capital and Market Tensions in Chinese Communications,” Media Development 2003:3, pp. 8-11.
Yuezhi Zhao, “’Enter the World’: Neo-liberalism, the Dream for a Strong Nation, and Chinese Press Discourse on the WTO,” in Chin-Chuan Lee (ed.), Chinese Media, Global Contexts (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003), pp. 32-56.
Yuezhi Zhao, "The Rich, the Laid-off, and the Criminal in Tabloid Tales: Read All About It!" in Perry Link, Richard Madsen, and Paul Pickowicz (eds.), Popular China: Unofficial Culture in a Globalizing Society (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002), pp. 111-135.
Yuezhi Zhao, “Media and Elusive Democracy in China,” The Public/Javnost: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture, 8:2 (June 2001), pp. 21-44.
Yuezhi Zhao and Dan Schiller, “Dances with Wolves? China’s Integration into Digital Capitalism,” Info, 3:2 (April 2001), pp. 137-151.
Yuezhi Zhao, “Herbert Schiller, the US Media, and Democracy in China,” Television and New Media, 2:1 (February 2001), pp. 51-55.
Yuezhi Zhao, "Watchdogs on Party Leashes? Contexts and Limitations of Investigative Reporting in Post-Deng China,” Journalism Studies, 1:4 (November 2000), pp. 577-597.
Yuezhi Zhao, "From Commercialization to Conglomeration: The Transformation of the Chinese Press within the Orbit of the Party State," Journal of Communication, 50:2 (Spring 2000), pp. 3-26.
Yuezhi Zhao, "Caught in the Web: The Public Interest and the Battle for Control of China's Information Superhighway," Info 2:1 (February 2000), pp. 41-65.
Yuezhi Zhao, “Toward a Propaganda/Commercial Model of Journalism in China? The Case of the Beijing Youth News,” Gazette 58:3 (1996): pp. 143-157.
Robert A. Hackett, Yuezhi Zhao, "Challenging a Master Narrative: Peace Protests and Opinion/Editorial Discourse in the US Press During the Gulf War," Discourse & Society 5:4 (October 1994): 509-541.
Yuezhi Zhao, "The 'End of Ideology' Again? The Concept of Ideology in the Era of Post-Modern Theory," Canadian Journal of Sociology 18:1 (Winter 1993): 70-85.
Articles in Chinese:
Zhao Yuezhi, “Diguo shidai de shijie chuanbo: Zouxiang ziben, guojia he feizhenfu zuzhi de chongxin buju?” in Chen Weixing (ed.), Guoji guanxi yu quanqiu chuanbo, Beijing: Beijing Guangbo Xueyuan Chubanshe, 2003, pp. 1-28.
Zhao Yuezhi, “Quanqiu dianxi weiji he changye chongzhu de kunjing,” Xiandai Chuanbo: Beijing Guangbo Xueyuan Xuebao, 2003 (2), pp 16-18.
Lu Ye and Zhao Yuezhi, “Meiguo shuzi dianshi zai jishu, zhengce yu ziben de jiafeng zhong fazhang”, Xinwen yu chuanbo yanjiu (Journalism & Communication Research 6:3 (1999): 15-29.
Zhao Yuezhi, “Gonggong liyi, minzhu yu oumei guangbo dianshi de shichanghua,” Xinwen yu chuanbo yanjiu, 5:2 (1998): 25-44.