24 May2017 at 6.00pm
Present:ChairNeil Audsley (NA)Co-opted Governor
Vice ChairAlan Ockenden (AO)Parent Governor
Juliette Stone (JS)Parent Governor
James RobinsonParent Governor
Sian Mitchell (HT)Headteacher
Rebecca Lee (RL)Parent Governor (from item 6)
Peter Whittell (PW)Co-opted Governor
Anna Rose Adams (ARA)Co-opted Governor
Nush Farnhill (NF) Staff Governor
David Sharpe (DS)LA Governor
In attendance:ClerkLaura Waites (LW)
Rachel Ray (Langton HT)
Apologies:Lindsay Harrison (LH)
Minute / Detail / Action1.0517 / Welcome and apologies for absence
AO opened the meeting and welcomed Rachel Ray, the HT to be covering for SM next year. Governors introduced themselves. RR did a brief introduction about her background; has been HT at Langton for 2 years and previously was assistant HT at a large York school. SM gave a summary of the maternity arrangements. There has been a recent history of peer work and close working between Leavening and Langton e.g. collaboration between staff, shared training, part of a wider local HT support group and HT challenge.
JR joined the meeting at this point.
SM approached RR to see if interested in providing maternity leave cover at this school. Langton governors have approved the arrangement in principal. Will need to be signed off by NYCC if this GB is happy to go ahead with the arrangement. RR gave overview of the benefits of the arrangement as follows:
1) schools working collaboratively is the way forward and she anticipates even closer working relationships in the future. This arrangement would give a good start for more joint working e.g. joint staff meetings to share practice and ideas.
2) financially it is a benefit as splitting the cost of HT for the duration of the maternity leave will help both schools.
3) staff retention; there are good staff at Langton e.g. senior teacher and there will be opportunity for senior staff here also to have increased responsibility during the time. Under the circumstances, having a part-time head would be beneficial to both schools. The schools are 3 miles apart. It could be an opportunity for strategic collaboration beyond the initial 9 months and HTs will carry on working together.
RL joined the meeting at this point.
Governors discussed the other alternative which was having a full-time, inexperienced head, however, this approach was tried previously and it was agreed that this time they would prefer a more experienced head. The arrangement would increase RR’s workload; she can be flexible in approach in terms of how time is split in both schools.
Governors discussed the proposed arrangement and noted the need for someone to show visible supervision in the school whether the head or senior teacher.
NA joined the meeting at this point.
The GB discussed the strategic role of the head and teaching role and the bias towards the strategic role in Leavening now.
Q Has it been discussed with Langton governors and do parents know? Do you see any objecting?
A Langton is on a similar improvement journey. Some governors may have reservations. It was agreed in principle and if both GBs agree then a memorandum of understanding would be done. Parents not aware yet of the proposal until finally approved.
RR left the meeting at this point and governors thanked her for her time.
HT outlined the procedure for the approval of the HT maternity arrangements; a committee had met and agreed to recommend the part time HT option with Langton. All governors were asked to confirm if they approved the option in principle by email to the Head/Chair.
If both GBs are in final agreement the next steps are to draft the memorandum for consultation and sign off with NYCC.
2.0517 / Declaration of interests, pecuniary or non-pecuniary.
Governors were reminded of the need to declare any interest in matters of business on the agenda; none raised.
3.0517 / Confidential Agenda Items
Governors were reminded of confidentiality and of the need to identify any proceedings to be treated as confidential and excluded from the public minutes; it was agreed that the arrangements for the HT proposal be a confidential matter with governors; a separate minute was not needed as the minutes would not be public until after next meeting in July when the details would be known.
4.0517 / Minutes of the last meeting
Governors were happy with the minutes from the last meeting held in March 2017 and approved them along with the confidential minutes.
5.0517 / Matters Arising and review of actions
Actions from the minutes were reviewed as follows.
- HT/ LH met to discuss the funding ideas.
- Self-diagnostic to be done as informal health check on the GB with HT/ chair/ clerk rather than a full diagnostic – to be held on 15th June. Governors will need to do a 360-degree appraisal.
- Easter clean-up was done.
6.0517 / Governing Body Update
Training – RL went an introduction of governors training and is due to go on day 2. AO is doing chairing Governing Body training next week.
7.0517 / Subject lead update - Maths
HT gave an update on progress with the action plan.
8.0517 / Governance Review
HT referred to the pre-circulated SEF and asked governors to note the judgements compared to the Ofsted recommendations. On 6th June, there will be an enhanced review like a mock Ofsted led by the LA involving the lead adviser and EDA. HT believes there is sufficient evidence that performance is good. This involves the whole school including staff and governors. RL, AO and JS are able to attend the session at 2:30. NA also to attend.
Q How are these self-moderated or benchmarked?
A There is no obligation to do a SEF but it is good practice to develop one to demonstrate how the school was considered evidence against the 4 key areas. The SEF needs to be evaluative and can be a useful working document.
The school has a support plan in place for the last year and the LA will be assessing progress on this. Governors discussed some of the ways things were being addressed. The tracking and curriculum committee has reviewed the detailed plans.
Q Are you happy with governors who are coming and that they have sufficient information?
A Agreed that governors needed to ensure they have the latest information about school progress.
Q What is the difference between the LA review and the health check.
A The health check is about governance of the GB, the review is about the whole school like a mock Ofsted.
The enhanced review will be looking at the school development plan and the impact of it; how the GB holds leadership to account including senior and middle leaders; what questions governors ask; SEF and key announcements of the school; link governors and presence in the school – this is having an impact and HT reminded governors of the need to complete the governor visit forms; tracking and detailed progress data. HT noted detailed data is sent out to all governors.
Q Is the school going forward? How would we know this?
A If not on tracking committee we won’t have all the detail – it is ok to say that governors have certain specialisms. HT reminded governors about the governors’ files.
Q Will they be observing the classes?
A Yes. Noted that it is important to note that this is a snapshot and the school has the evidence to show progress over time.
HT challenge group – HT will be doing this with RR to check the robustness of the data.
Local authority support plan – shows the improvement priorities from the Ofsted inspection.
Q Was the success criteria agreed by LA and school?
A Yes, was jointly agreed.
The LA gave the school £4k in funding for support work. Governors discussed the success criteria and how they reflected the teaching standards and the difference between good and outstanding.
Q How are staff coping with all the visitations and constant observations?
A It has been a hard year as there has been constant scrutiny of the school. The school is lucky to have staff who are so receptive. This has impacted on staff morale. However, there has been a stronger focus and as a result HT is seeing improvement in teaching and learning.
Q Is there anything else that governors could do?
A Ensure they understand the material shared and keep on with the governor rule as currently doing. / RL AO JS NA
9.0517 / Safeguarding
AO gave an update; gate issue resolved and flow of traffic round the school.
Q what arrangement is in place?
A pupils kept in school until parents arrive.
10.0517 / GB objectives and plan
HT proposed a small group to formulate GB objectives to bring back to the GB.
Q Could we review plans used by other schools?
A GB has done a lot of groundwork with the SWOT and other activities, the plan does need to be specific to the school like the SDP. Discussed what other schools have – no one size fits all. Suggested an example objective this year could have been development of the link governors.
It was agreed that JR, NA and AO develop and review a draft plan based on key areas that the GB agreed had been areas of focus over the past year and the priorities for the future. / NA, AO, JR
11.0517 / Governor Visits
SEN provision – ARA did a learning audit and observed the pupils in their environment; pupils were happy and involved with task they were given. In the other class observed good practice in how pupils worked in class. Saw more use of learning resources available in the class. Pupils were all listening and involved in story.
12.0517 / Finance
No finance matters to raise – to be covered next meeting in more detail.
13.0517 / Premises Health & Safety
No outstanding maintenance issues – there is an ongoing programme of assessment. AO and HT met regularly to discuss H+S concerns and identify required actions including ensuring risk assessments and protocols are in place and reviewed. Changes are explored with the parents, e.g. the ideas for a zoned area in the playground. Governors noted that the school had a robust process in place for dealing with accidents and referred to a recent investigation as a result of an accident in the playground and the response by the governors involved.
Q was there an account book entry?A HT covered how the policy was followed.
PW and JS left the meeting at this point.
14.0517 / Staffing
No staffing changes to report.
15.0517 / Clerking update
LW will send out GSIN meeting details
16.0517 / Next Meeting
The next meeting of the FGB will be held on 5th July, 6pm.
To cover governor objectives, pupil outcome headlines, SDP for next year.
Next tracking meeting 7th June.
Governors are to meet with LA to confirm the MOU after the LA review on 6th June (RL, NA, AO).
17.0517 / Close
AO closed the meeting
Gov / 5 Oct 16 / 23 Jan 17 / 8 Feb 17 / 29 Mar 17 / 24 May 17NA / Y / Y / Apol / Y / Y
AO / Apol / Apol / Apol / Y / Y
JS / Y / Apol / Y / Y / Y
RL / Y / Apol / Y / Y / Y
JR / Y / NP / Y / NP / Y
PW / Y / NP / Y / Apol / Y
ARA / Y / Apol / Y / Apol / Y
LH / Y / Apol / Y / Y / Apol
NF / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y
DS / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y
HT / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y