Dapdune House Surgery Patients’ Participation Group Meeting

16 April 2015

Record of Decisions and Actions

Present / Sue Holroyd
Doreen Horridge
Derek Pulleyn
Andrea Croucher / Dr Jump
Peter Lambourn
Apologies / Jean Bywater
Vic Quayle
Paula Dummet
Sheila Martin
Lyndsay Leaver / Kenneth Martin
John Diggens
Andrea Croucher
Jean Bywater
Steven Knight
Item / Subject / Decision or Action
1 / Minutes of the last meeting - Actions
Action 1.1. Increase diversity of PPG membership / Action 1.1: PL: Ongoing
Action 1.2. Improve engagement with hard to reach groups / Action 1.2: PL: Ongoing
Action1.3. To investigate the practicality of providing a time bracket for a GP telephone consultation. / Complete. GPs and receptionists are encouraged to stick to a time bracket. Total phone call slots have been reduced, partly to facilitate this. Feedback from patients on success of this is welcome.
Action 2.1. To pass on PPG suggestions about ICP Steering Group membership (Surrey Carers, and other key charities). / Complete
Action 4.1. GPs to be reminded that they must inform patients of their important role in the referral process, including appropriate timescales for taking action. / Complete. Referrals are also be logged, better to confirm despatch.
2 / Practice Update
Peter updated the group on:
·  Staff changes
o  introduction of Assistant Practice Manager position
o  Training up of HCA, and improving availability of nurses
o  Plan for use of Locums over next 6 months
·  Redevelopment of Methodist Church – planning application resubmitted
3 / Patient Participation Annual Report
The group had no specific comments on the report, and agreed that the PPG priorities for 2015/16 were to run itself, to increase the membership and diversity, and to use it more.
4 / CQC Report
The group agreed that the level of detail and guidance in the report (circulated previously and soon available on the website) was disappointing. The only suggestion, to improve the visibility of the complaints procedure on the website, had been implemented
5 / Patient Suggestions and Friends and Family Test (FFT)
The group discussed recent patient suggestions:
·  Provide a water dispenser in the waiting room
·  Provide proxy online access for parents
·  INR appointments on the template further in the future.
Peter explained the process for dealing with FFT comments. Easy proposals would be dealt with immediately; others would be reviewed bi-monthly. Increasing appointment availability was the most frequent improvement proposal.
Peter invited PPG members to propose future supplementary FFT questions. / Decision. The group agreed that this was unnecessary. Water was available from the receptionists on request.
This will be implemented now that the nursing team is back up to full strength.
Action 5.1: PPG members. To propose supplementary FFT questions for future surveys.
6 / Recent patient complaints and significant events
Dr Jump summarised a patient complaint about how ear syringing was managed, informing the group that the process had been amended as a result (appointments would be booked at the time of advising the patient to try oil first).
Dr Jump also explained the action taken following a recent investigation into an incorrect and potentially unsafe issue of medication from a pharmacy under the ‘managed repeat’ system. / Action 6.1: PL. To simplify the prescription flier, as requested by members of the group, and to use members as a ‘test group’ for future fliers.
7 / Any other business
Andrea offered support to the Practice in introducing its compression bandaging and Doppler investigation capability.
8 / Date of next meeting
Thursday 18 June at 1900