Meeting:Executive Board and Member Directors
Date/Time/Location:2-28-12 / 3:30pm / Phone Conference
Present: Carolyn Adams, Vicki Imerman, Connie Booth, Katherine Siebert, Cathy Black, Karen Eberle, Joan McCleish, Jana Pownell, & Denise Higgins
Absent: Ginny Wangerin & Mel Bethards
Topic / Discussion / Decision/Action Plan / Target Date / Evaluation/Evidence of CompletionApprove minutes from Nov. 15, 2011 / Connie Booth called to order the meeting at 1530 per phone conference February 28, 2012. / Connie Booth distributed the minutes per email today. Minutes were approved with no changes.
Treasurer’s report / Treasurer’s report was given by Katherine Siebert of $9,715.25. / Connie asked for any outstanding bills. No outstanding bills.
Annual Report / Submitted Feb. 6; awaiting notification of status, but should be Full Affiliate / Connie submitted annual report 2/6/12. Waiting to hear approval.
Iowa Health Educators Conference / June 21, 22 at Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids.
Table is $200 for 2 days. Sponsorship (which we did last year for $250) has been increased to $500; puts our name on the materials and we can count it towards sponsoring Continuing Ed. Only budgeted $250 for conference sponsorship / Connie opened discussion on whether to have a table for $500 at Iowa Health Education Conference June 21st and 22nd which puts a logo on materials. A discussion table would be $200 for 2 days.
Connie encouraged members to improve ILN awareness and maintain membership. / 6-22-12 / Karen Eberle moved to purchase a table for $200.00 and add a picture of scholarship recipients to display on table. Vicki Imerman seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Annual Meeting / We can have it early (7:00 a) on Friday morning 6/22 or following adjournment on Friday afternoon (2:30 or so) – They have a variety of dinner activities planned for Thursday night, I guess – We could also move the annual meeting back to the end of the year if we feel that would improve attendance. / Connie opened discussion on moving annual meeting to November instead of June to improve attendance.
CEU? Connie fill in
Jana Pownell discussed using Adobe connect for conference calls and possible website. Jana will facilitate annual meeting and program. Connie & Jana will have a discussion about Adobe connect in the near future. / 11-20-12 / Annual meeting will be November 2012 instead of June. Enhanced electronic communication will be utilized, if possible.
Scholarships / Notice of scholarships went out last week from Melody Bethards; April 30 deadline. Again have a $500 scholarship from NurseTim. / Members were encouraged to spread the word of the scholarships offered by the ILN and NurseTim. / April 30, 2012 / Adequate qualified applications will be received.
Committees – would be good to have board members each serve on 1 committee / Finance – Treasurer is chair – Pres-elect + 3 members on committee
Strategic planning – Pres elect is chair – need 4 members (Joan, Pam, Melody, Karen listed..?)
Nominations – need 1 appointed Director and 4 elected members (didn’t have these on ballot) Mary Gengerke and Joan McCleish have done this in the past.
Scholarship – Melody Bethards – committee?
Membership - / Connie opened discussion and asked for volunteers the different committees.
Finance committee- Denise Higgins volunteered
Strategic planning- Joan McCleish volunteered to be on committee again. Denise will ask Pam if she plans to continue to be on committee.
Nominations-Karen Eberle volunteered to chair and continues to be on committee. Vicki Imerman and Cathy Black volunteered to be on committee.
Scholarship- Vicki Imerman volunteered to be on committee.
Membership- Denise Higgins volunteered to be on committee. / Nominations will be October 2012
Member recruitment / Incentives – door prizes at IHEC? Free 1 year membership for scholarship/grant recipients (except NurseTim?) / Connie opened discussion on free membership for member recruitment. Members agreed to continue to offer free membership.
Website / Mel has requested that we divide up duties regarding postings to the website / Discussion on dividing up Mel’s duties regarding posting to the website. / Opposed / Members agreed to divide up duties posting to website under Melody Bethard’s direction.
Ballots of Results of November 2011
Iowa Council of Nursing
meeting 2-24-12 / Connie reported 26 ballots were returned for 2011 election. One write-in for president-elect.
Ginny Wangerin was president-elect.
Joan McCleish and Karen Eberle attended. / Discussion on nominating chair. Appointed Karen Eberle nominating chair. Cathy Black, Carolyn Adams, and Jana Pownell-member directors.
Karen and Joan discussed ICON meeting that they attended last Friday 2-24-12. Legislators are focusing on licensure of direct care. Questions were: patient care safety, increased cost of health care delivery, barriers, accountability of direct care providers, insurance, etc. / On going / Karen and Joan will submit a report to Connie.
Next meeting (to set agenda for summer annual meeting)
Adjournment / Next meeting will be April 25, 2012 at 1530 per phone conference.
Connie adjourned meeting / Meeting adjourned at 1645
Recorded by,
Denise Higgins 2-28-12
Q:\District Nursing\Forms\Minute Masters\Blank Minutes Master.doc