Monday, October 7, 2013 7:00 p.m.
The Parker City Council met in regular session on Monday, October 7, 2013in the council room of City Hall. Members
present: Council members: Patten, Mark, Berens, Sattler, Friese and Mark. Absent:Mayor Nelson. Other persons
attending:Finance Officer Duchscher, Mike Jorgensen, Travis Friman, KentJohnson, Drew Duncan. Council President
Mark declared a quorum present and calledthe meetingtoorder at7:00p.m.
All action in following minutes carried by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.
13.96Motion by Hammond, seconded bySattler to approve the minutes of the September 9th and September 25th, 2013 meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
13.97Motion by Friese, seconded by Berens to approve the Octoberclaims as presented. Motion carried.
Septembersalaries. General Fund: $14,733.65. Enterprise Funds: $12,725.96. Total salaries: $27,459.61.
Banner engineer, Kent Johnson was available to answer questions and explain the force main replacement that may need to be replaced along with the current lift station project. SD DENR has questioned the condition of that pipe in order to go forward with the lift station project. Council discussed the possibility of applying for a SD DENR consolidated grant. Council will work with SECOG to apply for this grant deadline of December 1, 2013.
Council discussed if they were going to change any of the electrical rate classifications.
13.98Motion by Sattler, seconded by Hammond to table any change in electrical rate classifications until August 2014, at which time it will be placed on council agenda for further update/review. Motion carried.
Council discussed the upcoming Lewis & Clark Water System meeting that will include a vote by board members to determine the future of the project and the direct impact this will have on the City of Parker. Future funding the water project is necessary in order to complete the pipeline to the remaining cities. One option is to continue the "wait and see" approach and hope federal funding improves so construction can continue. The other option is to initiate a capital call of up to $18.4 million where the members are essentially forwarding funding on behalf of the federal government to keep construction moving forward. Any future federal funding would be used to re-pay the members. However, federal funding is not guaranteed.
13.99Motion by Patten, seconded by Hammond to direct Lewis & Clark Board Member Ivan Friese to vote “No: at the capital call vote by Lewis and Clark board members at their October 24, 2013 meeting. Roll Call Vote: Sattler: Yes. Friese: No. Mark: Yes. Hammond: Yes. Berens: Yes. Patten: Yes. Motion so passes.
Travis Friman stated he has been working on AMR meters and helping get snow equipment ready. He informed council the MGC sewer has been working.
Mike Jorgensen has been working on getting snow equipment ready and doing fall sweeping of streets.
Sewer rate calculations timeline were discussed. Current ordinance is to calculate annual sewer rates based on April and October consumption. It has been asked if another month can be used for the calculation instead of October. No action was taken on this item.
Legal Report: Drew Duncan reviewed a pending planning and zoning ordinance violation. A letter was sent to resident to notify them of the violation.
SHERIFF REPORT: Turner Co Sheriff Nogelmeier announced he has secured a grant for a portable speed sign that will be placed in Parker. Nogelmeier and council discussed the on-going issues with school children cross walk and vehicles not observing the no park zone. Nogelmeier and Berens will ask to speak to school officials in order to resolve the cross walk safety for children.
14.00Motion by Friese, seconded by Hammond to go into Executive Session at 8:30 pm for the purpose of discussing personnel according to SDCL 1-25-2. Motion carried.
Council President declared out of Executive Session at 8:50 pm.
14.01Motion by Sattler, seconded byBerens to adjourn at 8:51 pm.
Ron Nelson, Mayor Jeanne Duchscher, Finance Officer
Terry Mark, Mayor pro tem