Minutes of the Meeting of Stapenhill Parish Council

held at the Immanuel Church, Hawthorne Crescent, Stapenhill

on Wednesday, 14th January 2015 at 7.00pm


Councillors:S Paxton, W Turton, I Gibson, B McLelland, M Bott, S Godfrey and P Hancox

Also Present:County Councillor, P Davies

Borough Councillor, M Fitzpatrick
Five members of the Public

R Young, Clerk to the Parish Council

01/15 Apologises

Apologises for absence were received from Borough Councillor, S Grier.

02/15 Members to Declare an Interest in matters to be considered

Declarations of Interest to be made when the relevant matter is discussed.

03/15Public Participation

Angela Allen raised concerns regarding development work in Saxon Street. Details as follows:-

  • Large lorries move within inches of her home.
  • Lorries frequently move along pavement during work pavements.
  • No co-operation from Contractors.
  • Other lorries also use the Saxon Street route, including Bullworts.
  • P Davies suggested contacting the Planning Department regarding vehicles, lighting and noise. Enquire regarding working hours.


a)Planning Applications Received

16 Heath Road, Stapenhill

Erection of a two storey side extension and a front porch.


313 Stanton Road, Stapenhill

Erection of part single storey, part two storey, front, side and rear extensions.


Adj. 19b, Bedford Road, Stapenhill

Erection of an attached building.


9 Main Street, Stapenhill

Change of Use from Class D2 Assembly and Leisure as a Gymnasium to Class D1 as acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice with ancillary retail sales.


201 Rosliston Road, Stapenhill

Retention of balcony and railing over existing flat roof rear extension.

b)Planning Decisions

43 Saxon Street, Stapenhill

Erection of a front porch and a part two storey, part single storey side and rear extension to incorporate dependent relative accommodation (Amended Scheme).

Conditional Approval


16 Heath Road, Stapenhill
Erection of a two storey side extension and a front porch.

Planning Approval


Blessed Robert Sutton R.C. Comprehensive School,

Bluestone Lane, Stapenhill

Erection of a phased development of six new classrooms, with associated office and landscaped courtyard (non-material amendment-roof parapet detail omitted to rear of plant room, replacement gutter to NW elevation, column detail to weather canopy walkway, stub recess to base omitted to

SE elevation).

05/15County and Borough Councillors Reports

a)County Councillor P Davies

P Davies mentioned the following:-

Meeting with Jo Samuels (N.P.) arranged for 2nd February 2015.

Fire Authority – Update regarding financial pressure and precept requirement. Will not compromise Public or Fire Fighters safety.

M Fitzpatrick commented the Police, Fire Service and other Public Services cannot exceed 2% as recourse could be a referendum.

b)Borough Councillor M Fitzpatrick

M Fitzpatrick mentioned the following:-

Update regarding budget.

Meeting with Colin Shakespear on site regarding leaking sewage adjacent to the allotments.

Meeting with Jo Samuels (N.P.) towards end of January 2015.

Will also ask A Legg to attend.

06/15Approval of the Minutes

It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 10th December 2014 be approved.


To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 10th December 2014.

07/15Matters arising from the Minutes

a)Bretlands Way

S Paxton reported monitoring by Civil Enforcement was ongoing.

b)All Weather Cricket Pitch at Stapenhill Hollow

The Clerk reported that Andy Mason at ESBC confirmed that Brizlincote Parish Council had agreed to match the funding being contributed by Stapenhill Parish Council.

c)Neighbourhood Plan

Meetings arranged with County Councillor, P Davies and Borough Councillor M Fitzpatrick.

Drafting first version of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Drafting Policies for submission to Steering Group.

Draft Transport Statement to be circulated.

d)Parish Name Signs

The Clerk confirmed that an application had been submitted to the Neighbourhood Forum for matched funding. S.C.C. Highways reviewing potential sites for name signs.

e)War Memorial

The Clerk to obtain an update from ESBC regarding the cleaning of the War Memorial.

f)Request for a barrier at the bottom of the steps – Between the Shops and Catholic Church on Main Street

The Clerk reported that Kevin Wawrzynczyk of SCC Highways had confirmed a Task Order had been raised to install a barrier.


ESBC precept requirement 2015/2016.

Staffordshire Police email from Bob Champeau – Community Programmes.

YMCA – Thank you letter for donation to Food Bank.

East Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group – “Improving Lives” Update.

Mrs A E Allen – Disruption by lorries on Saxon Street.

09/15Parish Projects

S Paxton reported the following:-


Complaint received from Parishioner regarding the Bench installed by the Waterside Path.

It was proposed, seconded and agreed the bench should stay at its present location for 12 months.


That the new bench installed by the Waterside Path should stay

in its present location for 12 months.

Second bench to be installed during the next week.

Footpath top of Bretlands Way

Requesting installation date from Contractor.


First Noticeboard installed. Additional Noticeboard to be installed at the Spar Shop. Waiting for approval from Tesco Stores for installation of the third new Noticeboard.

10/15Financial Matters

a)Cheque Payments

Date / Name / Details / Amount / Cheque No.
14/12/14 / R Young / Salary / £479.00 / 000529
14/12/14 / HMRC / PAYE / £119.00 / 000530
14/12/14 / R Young / Expenses / £26.20 / 000531
14/12/14 / Zurich Insurance / Parish Insurance / £582.44 / 000532
14/12/14 / Immanuel Church / Room Hire / £22.00 / 000533
14/12/14 / Women’s Institute / Replacement cheque
Expenses / £14.96 / 000534
Total: £1,243.60


To issue and approve the above listed cheque payments.

b)Parish Insurance

The Clerk circulated to Councillors a copy of the Parish Council Insurance Schedule received from Zurich Insurance for comment.

c)Parish Precept Requirement 2015/2016

The Clerk gave Councillors details of Parish Council receipts and payments during the current year, plus the bank balances at present. S Paxton compared the precept of Stapenhill (£15,606) with Winshill Parish Council (£54,000) last year.

It was proposed, seconded and agreed a Parish Precept of £16,058.81 and ESBC Grant of £2,889.00 should be requested for the year 2015/2016.


To request a Precept of £16,058.81 and Grant of

£2,889.00 from ESBC for the year 2015/2016.

The above Precept of £16,058.81 will result in a 0% change in the Parish Rate of £8.65.

d)Information Sheet

P Hancox suggested a draft information sheet should be produced illustrating the Parish Council’s achievements and suggestions for improvement. S Godfrey commented could use Bpud to circulate details.

11/15Clerk’s and Members’ Reports

No matters were reported.

12/15Any Other Business

W Turton mentioned the following:-

  • Barley Mow – S Paxton commented that the Barley Mow would not qualify as a Community asset.
  • Drainage by Road Crossing (Chinese Take-away) on Main Street still had a problem with water gathering and not clearing.

13/15Exclusion of Press and Public

The Chairman, S Paxton, asked the Press and Public to leave the meeting.

14/15Private and Confidential

a)Stapenhill Allotments

The Clerk reported that no additional information had been received from Solicitors.

The Clerk was asked to confirm to Stapenhill Allotments that the Parish Council wanted preference to be given to Stapenhill residents in future.

The meeting closed at 8.59pm

S Paxton

Chairman of the Parish Council

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