Lea and Garsdon CE Primary School

Newsletter 17 –Monday 30th January 2018

Tel: 01666 823534 email:


This week we will be focusing on the value of love. We will also be thinking about Holocaust Memorial Day and how showing love to one another can prevent awful things like the Holocaust of WW2 happening again.

Our Learning this week will include:

Maths / English
Hedgehogs – Reception / Recognise coins to 10p and using them in the shop role play area. / Looking for information from illustrations. Letters & sounds: ar, or.
Hedgehogs – Year 1 / Knowing value of coins to £1. Addition with small coins. 10 more and 10 less. / Looking for information from illustrations. Letters & sounds: ow,oi.
Foxes / Multiplication / Talking about characters and emotions.
Otters / Fractions, addition, subtraction and assessments. / Writing a story about a dragon.
Seals / Multiples, factors and prime numbers. / Parenthesis and story writing.
Owls / Fractions. / Improving sentences.

What will Mrs Vousden be up to this week and next?

This week Mrs Vousden will be in Lea on Tuesday and Friday morning. Next week she will be in on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.


Welcome to Bianice and Sofia who have both started in year 6.


Well done to: Bradley O, Harry P, Savarnah, Ben S, Leo, Etienne, Amelia B, George R, Ed B, Bethali and Will R for being spotted by the teachers for putting in amazing effort, focusing on their learning and producing excellent work.

Sports and Netball Club

Netball club will not run tomorrow, however Miss Withers will run sports club.

Parent Teacher Meetings

We will be holding meetings with class teachers and parents on Monday 26th February from 3.30 until 7.30pm and Tuesday 27th February from 3.30 until 5pm. We will be sharing your child’s mid year report with you at this meeting and we hope that all children will have an adult representing them.

Please request your appointment by following this link: https://goo.gl/forms/NG4e412zdAqwJ4GC3. Requests should be made by Thursday 22nd February.

Planetarium – Outstanding payments

Next week the children will all be visiting the Planetarium Dome at the village hall organised by the PTA. This is a really exciting event and we ask that if you have not yet paid £3 towards the cost, then you do so asap, to ensure that we are able to offer similar events in the future. Many thanks to the PTA for all the organisation that has gone into this.

School Lunches – menu attached

Please can you submit your school dinner order for term 4 order by Tuesday 6th February. The order form is available on the school website: http://www.leagarsdon.wilts.sch.uk, under Admin and Lunches. Please select the week you want to order, fill in the order form and press submit. The orders will come straight to the office. If your child is in Hedgehog or Fox class then you don’t need to do anything else as your child’s lunch is paid for. If you pay for lunches, please can you complete the form on-line (as detailed above) and pay on line via Parent Mail via payments/Go to shop. If anyone has trouble paying on line please see Mrs Goodey who can run through the process.

For packed lunches you can order a sandwich in advance, and then on the day children will be able to choose from fresh fruit, a biscuit, fruit pot or fruit yogurt.

Street Dance

The children had a fantastic time taking part in the street dance activities organised through our Sport Premium Grant. They all exercised well and some showed some amazing dancing skills! Photos will be available on the school website and Facebook.

Otters Class

On Monday, Otters class took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, an event we’ve been looking forward to for some time!

Although we were tempted to count the same birds coming back again and again, we resisted and our results are as follows:

1 blackbird

1 robin

3 great tits

2 blue tits

10 house sparrows

Otters Class love watching the birds visiting our busy bird table and we were very pleased and excited to submit our results to the RSPB.

School Council – Lea’s Got Talent – 1.45pm Wednesday 7th February

The contestants for this year’s Lea’s Got Talent are:

Tickets are now on sale and cost £1 with all money raised going to Cancer Research. Please contact Mrs Goodey if you would like to buy some.


Please can Hedgehogs parents send in their children observations (letter sent out last week).

PTA News

Today is the day for the amazing Planetarium Dome to arrive in Lea Village. Rachael and her team have put a huge amount of work into this event and so we really hope the children and all of you who are going to see it enjoy the experience. There will be a pop up cafe there with cakes and treats to enjoy before and after the event.

Upcoming Events

Friday 2 February - Film Club - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (U) 3.05 to 4.45 pm

We will be showing Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 at the next film club. This is now full, if your child can not attend please let Mrs Goodey know so the place can be offered to someone else.

Saturday 3 February - Clothes Swishing night at 8pm in Lea Village Hall

Kellie’s dining room is filling up with rails of a wide range of clothes - some still with their tags on! The choice of shoes is fantastic and there are some lovely handbags, pashminas and scarfs on sale too. We hope you can join us on Saturday night at 8pm onwards for some prosecco and nibbles whilst browsing at our Pop Up Shop. Cards will be accepted on the night. All the profits will go to the school. This event will be run in association with Bev Willis from Belle and Bear in Malmesbury.

Donations of items: We are into the last few days of collecting donations. Please leave them in the named bag in the lobby of the school or contact Kellie () to arrange a drop off at her house in Lea. It is for good, clean nearly new ladies and children’s clothes (age 5 years and up) in all sizes as well as accessories like handbags, shoes, scarfs and costume jewellery. Please no men’s clothes, sports shoes/clothes or babies’ clothes.

Wednesday 7 February – Disco – 5.30pm to 7pm

Sarah Revans (Henry’s Mum Y5 Seals) and Nirpal Sandhu (Leo, Kassia & Simran’s Mum Y2 Foxes) are selling tickets in the playground most days. Please try to buy your tickets in advance to alleviate the time and congestion in queuing to get in. The tickets are £2.50 per child. This includes a packet of crisps, drink and a glowband.

We need some parent helpers for the disco please - five parents and one staff member. Please let Sarah or Nirpal know if you can help.

Friday 9 February 3.05pm–Cake and Second-Hand school clothing sale - in the playground (a classroom if it is wet)

Please deliver your cakes and biscuits to receptionbefore 2.45pm on Friday 9 February(with a Valentine theme if you wish). Alongside the cake sale will be a Second-Hand Uniform table so please bring along any items on Friday you would like to donate. All items will be 50p each. Please can we have a few more helpers on the cake stand.

Save the date:

- Friday 23 February - Quiz night. Doors open at 7.45pm to start at 8 pm. A maximum of six people per team.£5 entry fee per adult.

- Tuesday 27 February - Rags to Riches collection. 9 am at the school.

Contacting PTA

You can contactthe PTA via our email address: by speaking to Kellie Chandler, Rachael Fairburn, Nicola Earle and Karen Neal in the playground before or after school or by using the PTA Facebook page.

Attachments to newsletter:

Menu for Term 4

Church Clubs

Diary Dates

Tuesday 30th January 2018 Planetarium at the Village hall – for all classes

Friday 2nd February PTA Film Club

Monday 5th February Scrapstore visiting Hedgehog & Fox class

Wednesday 7th February School Disco

Wednesday 7th February 1.45pm Lea’s Got Talent

Friday 9th February Cake and 2nd hand school uniform sale

Saturday 3rd February Clothes Swishing night at the village hall. 8pm.

Monday 5th February Art Week

Friday 9th February Last day of term 3.

TUESDAY 20th February 1st day of Term 4

Friday 23rd February Quiz night. Doors open at 7.45pm to start at 8 pm. A maximum of six people per team.

Monday 26th February Parent Teacher meetings

Monday 26th February Hedgehog & Fox class visit to Bristol Aquarium

Tuesday 27th February Parent Teacher meetings

Tuesday 27th February Rags 2 Riches Collection

Thursday 1st March Amy Wilson Author visit for whole school.

Monday 5th March Otters class visit to Bristol Zoo

Friday 16th March Yr 2 and Yr 6 Fire Safety Education

Saturday 17th March Netball & Football festival at Lea & Garsdon School

Monday 26th March Scooter skills

Wednesday 28th March 1.30pm Easter service at St Giles

Thursday 29th March – last day of Term 4

Monday 16th April First day of T5

We are continually looking at ways to improve and develop the school. If you have any ideas please let us know and we will see if we can incorporate them into our plans for improvement.

Learning – Excelling- Achieving