Greeters: Ron & Cindy Trent
Ushers: Charles & Julie Buckingham
Liturgist: J T Rickenbach
Acolytes: Sophia Nathan; Megan Sanders
Children’s Time: Ken Pourier
Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron & Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam
Fellowship Hosts: Linda Colson; Leona Dryden; Ruth Pourier; Kari Sanders
Media: Devon Trent, Linda Colson, Glen & Darla Elshire; Rita Bell
Flowers: Linda Colson
Greeters: Dollie Spencer
Ushers: Colleen Bowker
Liturgist: Judy Cox
Acolytes:Bridget Romey; Ryan Koupal
Children’s Time: Colleen Bowker
Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron & Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam
Fellowship Hosts: Edie Hooper; Rosalie Moore; Pam Myers; Sharon Romey
Media: Devon Trent, Linda Colson, Glen & Darla Elshire; Rita Bell
Flowers:Willie Miller
Greeters: Randy & Kathy Meyers
Ushers: Ann Abbott; Glen Elshire
Liturgist: Cathy Nelson
Acolytes: Kris Tubbs; Colton Koupal
Children’s Time: Colleen Bowker
Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron & Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam
Fellowship Hosts: Colleen Bowker; Merlin & Patty Dawson; Anna Speaect; Ginger Carlson
Media: Devon Trent, Linda Colson, Glen & Darla Elshire; Rita Bell
WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for Sept 28______
Greeters: Helen Anderson; Patti Schommer
Ushers: Russ Sanders; Kyle Sanders
Liturgist:Debra Frahm
Acolytes: Ryan Koupal; Clancy Koupal
Children’s Time: Jay Koumbia
Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron & Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam
Fellowship Hosts: Diane Emick; Avis Jennings; Cathy Nelson; Schommers
Media: Devon Trent, Linda Colson, Glen & Darla Elshire; Rita Bell
Lectionary Readings for September
7th – J T Rickenbach14th – Judy Cox
1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 27-28Exodus 14:19-31
Romans 12:6-8Exodus 15:1b-11, 20-21
Ephesians 4:11-13Romans 14:1-12
Matthew 18:21-35
21st – Cathy Nelson28th – Debra Frahm
Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16
Matthew 20:1-16Matthew 21:23-32
Church Office Days: Office hours are Wednesday & Friday mornings. If you need to reach Pastor Morris, call the Church Office: 605-424-2080; Home: 605-745-3073; Cell: 605-890-1696. If no answer, leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
As the Interim Pastor for Prairie View UMC, one of my primary goals is to prepare the way for the next Pastor. Whether this individual is a “he” or a “she,” the pastor and family will need a place to live. While Pastor Paul Smith was the pastor, he lived on a rented ranch acreage, which was great for him since he had horses that needed space and grass.
But the church needs to address this issue of how to take care of the next pastor’s living accommodations. In order to address this need, the Administrative Board has formed a Parsonage Committee to decide on how best to provide this housing.
Deb Russell is the Chairperson for this committee, which is comprised of six more members who are a part of the Prairie View church family (3 female and 3 male). They are investigating options for a parsonage: whether to lease, buy, or build. Each option carries with it advantages and disadvantages, and it is the committee’s responsibility to determine the best housing solution for the pastor and family.
Your responsibility as a congregation is two-fold. First, PRAY. Pray for the members of the Parsonage Committee that God would give them wisdom in the selection of the church parsonage. Second, SUPPORT their decision with an additional substantial offering to purchase this housing for your new future pastor. And always remember that they will NOT find the PERFECT parsonage, because the ideal perfect house & location will be different for everyone. It will always have too many or too few garage stalls. It will be the right color or the wrong color. The kitchen will be too small or too outdated or have a refrigerator that is too small (or too big). It will have too many bathrooms with showers or not enough. It has too many steps or the floor plan is too open (or chopped up). There’s too much land to mow or the landscaping looks overgrown. It’s too far from (or too close to) the church. It will either cost too much or not enough, depending upon your point of view.
So pray for them and support them in their search, always remembering that this committee, which is acting on your behalf, will never find the ideal parsonage. They are tasked by the Administrative Council to select the BEST AVAILABLE and AFFORDABLE housing for the next pastor and her (or his) family.
The pastor and family have no choice as to where they live in the UMC system. They will have to live in the parsonage the congregation furnishes, so let’s make it the best available.
Your prayers and support are essential in this important decision. So, “THANK YOU!” for all your prayers and the support you give. Pastor Morris
Parsonage Committee. The Parsonage Committee met for the first time after church on August 17. Members include Cathy Nelson, Ron Rickenbach, Merlin Dawson, Linda Colson, and Rita Bell, andI. We are hoping that another gentleman with building/remodeling experience will join our group. We discussed the pros and cons of buying, building, and leasing. After reviewing the parsonage standard specs from the conference, we decided that we would share those standards with a realtor to see what may be available forpurchase in Hot Springs or on the east side of Angostura Reservoir. Currently, there are four properties we will be looking at that come very close to meeting the standards. For the time being, we decided on a price range of $200,000 or less. Eachof these four properties is less than $200K. The church does have savings that will cover a downpayment. Keep praying for us in this work to honor those who serve our church with a home in which they can be proud to live. Respectfully submitted by Deb Russell
Women’s Bible Study.The Women's Thursday evening Bible Study is September4 and 18 at 7:00 p.m. Morning Bible study meets second and fourth Tuesdays at 9:30am.
UMW News Congratulations lady UMW readers! Our unit of UMW always works to out-read other units in our district. It is a little informal competition we have, mainly with Rapid City First Church UMW. I don’t know if we will beat them this year or not but we keep reading. We will find out at the District Retreat in Pierre on Sept. 5 and 6th.
I would like to tell you of the reading program. (Men, you are welcome to read the books, too. (But no credit for you!) The national organization puts out a reading list of books each year and members get credit for reading books within the last five years. Individuals keep track of the books they read and those lists are compiled in August to be sent to the District UMW office. At the district UMW meeting, units and individuals are recognized for their efforts with award ribbons.
You might ask, “Why is this important?” Recently my sister-in-law asked if I read a lot. The answer is “not really,” but she went on to ask what I read – fiction? And my answer is “Not really.” I read 10 to 20 UMW books a year and they are educational. Most are non-fiction and are on social issues of the day. They are so eye- opening and inform me on so many issues I know little about.
Right now I am reading a youth book “Growing Up Muslim”(Education for Mission). I just finished “You are Already Amazing” (Spiritual Growth.) The most interesting book I have read through this program was “I am Nujiod, 10 and Divorced” (Nurturing Community.)
United Methodist Women is about education and mission work. Come visit and see what UMW is about. It is about YOU and the World we live inand how as Christian sisters we can make a difference. Monthly evening program and meetings are on the third Wednesday att 7pm at the church. Come visit and consider joining.
The books are in the bookshelf at the east end of the fellowship hall. Just pick up one and fill out the card and leave it in the file box. Please, when you return the book, put the card back in the book and return the book to the shelves.
Afternoon circle meets on Sept 3 at 2pm. The evening program is September 17 at 7pm, with Helen Anderson as leader, with hostess Patti Schommer.
BAZAAR PLANS: UMW will be holding its annual bazaar with soup and pie luncheon following church services on Sunday, October 19th. Homemade soup and pie will be served. Bazaar items will include crafts, baked goods, grab bag and white elephant items. This is UMW’s big fundraiser for the year.
Bell Garden. There is compost/mulch material available for use by anyone working in the Bell Garden. It is on the northeast side of the garden. Help yourself. Installation of the sprinkler system is underway.Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations Committee. Attendees: Todd Heck, Kari Sanders, Steve Alexander, Glen Elshire, J.T. Rickenbach (Lay Leader) & Pastor Nelson
Absent: Ann Abbott
Opening Prayer by: Pastor Nelson
Old Business: A discussion was held on what to use for pastoral duties / expectations for the next pastor. Pastor Nelson will provide more input at future meeting. It was noted that the parsonage is under the guidance of a visioning committee from the Administrative Council.
New Business:Pastor Nelson reported on his activities for the past month. He did about 25 visits to homes, hospital and care centers. He has been putting in 30 to 40 hours a week. When asked by the committee “How can we help” he asked us to sign up for visits.
He also reminded us when he would be vacationing, and that Rev Rickenbach would be filling in.
JT Rickenbach moved that we increase the S/PPRC committee size by one member to six. With the Lay Leader that would then be seven voting members, an odd number. Glen Elshire seconded. Motion carried.
There was a discussion on how to make members of the congregation aware of who is on the Staff / Pastor Parish Committee. (S/PPRC) Please note the names above. Please feel free to contact any of us with your comments, positive or not. However, if you call and we aren’t available, please leave a name and number so we can call back. Please don’t leave messages with our spouses or children. We still need to maintain confidentiality. Thank you.
Administrative Council. The unapproved minutes of the August 13Administrative Council meeting:
Meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by Chairperson Debbie Russell. Pastor Morris opened the meeting with devotional from the Upper Room, “God’s Child,” John 13:1-13 and a prayer.
Those in attendance were: Debbie Russell, Pastor Morris, JT Rickenbach, Irene Beard, Ken Pourier, Cathy Nelson, Ruth Pourier, Pam Myers, Cindy Trent, Nancy Hussey, Randall Meyers, Steve Alexander, Ron Rickenbach, Todd Heck, and Linda Colson.
Minutes from the last meeting were approved as presented. The Treasurer’s report showed receipts of $11,168.46 and debits of $1,494.94, with a checking balance of $61,821.23. However, the debits are not a true account since most of July’s bills had not been paid due to Nancy’s circumstances.
Committee Reports:
Education: Ron reported the committee met on July 20. Sunday school for the children and youth will begin the first Sunday of September. The program will include a bible story and activities such as crafts and music to develop the story. Teachers are needed and they can sign up for a week or more and for one or more activity. Pastor Morris will take a confirmation class of 7th & 8th graders to Storm Mountain. The Youth program kickoff will be Saturday, August 23 from 4 to 6 and will include games. A potluck supper of hot dogs and salads will follow at 6:00 p.m. and a concert by “New Song” will begin at 7:00 p.m.; everyone is invited to attend; bring a salad or desert if you would like. Youth group will meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 4-5:30 p.m. (NOTE: This has since been changed to the 1st & 3rd Sundays from 4:30-6pm) The 5th Sundays will be used for service oriented projects. Next meeting will be held August31.
Finance: Cindy mentioned it was time to start thinking of budget items for next year. She contacted Patty Dawson regarding the audit of the books.(NOTE: please submit your budget items to Cindy by the middle of September)
Lay Leader: No report
Worship: Communion banners were made for the Fairburn church. Pastor Morris would like to meet to begin thinking of the Christmas season.
Missions: Nancy reported they are collecting school supplies. They will have a coat drive and also are trying to think “outside the box” to have different missions. One idea might be a diaper drive. Do not know the dates for the Ingathering.
Nurture & Outreach: Still working on the brochure and Pastor Morris would like to have it printed on a 4x6 card. Next month, Ed Coates’ band will perform in the Fellowship hall. They are thinking of maybe a pie social. Details to be finalized. They also discussed having a workshop lead by Pastor Morris regarding visitations so others might help the pastor.
Pastor Staff Relations: They discussed the pastor’s visitations and what he has done so far. The pastor will be taking 10 days off in October and Joel Rickenbach will fill in for him. The committee is going to have a list of the Pastor Staff Relations members and their phone numbers published in the newsletter. The committee made a motion to increase the Pastor Staff Relations committee by one to have an uneven number for voting purposes. The motion will go to the All Church Conference for a vote.
Trustees: Bell garden irrigation will begin next week. Thanks to Debbie Russell and Marv Colson for mowing the church property in July. They would like to hire someone next year to mow a couple of times. They are getting a bid for a lattice fence to shield the dirt pile behind the bell garden. The roof leaks have been fixed. The front door sweeps are fixed (the ones the mice chewed up). Nail holes in the pastor’s office have been repaired and will be painted soon. Need to get with Merlin Dawson regarding salt for the water softener. They are looking at the insurance policy and have a meeting with the agent on Thursday, August 14. They would like to have a line item in the budget in 2015. There was a discussion regarding the weeds in the parking lot and Steve will take the issue to the next Trustees meeting.
UMW: Next meeting is next Wednesday. The District Shepardess will be attending. Check the newsletter for details regarding blanket Sunday.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Morris has made 25 home visitations which included homes, hospitals, or nursing homes. He will continue as it is good for him to see where people live. His job is to prepare the way for the next pastor. He is starting a program series on spiritual gifts—helping people to find their spiritual gift. He hopes to have this completed before nominations.
New Business:
Report on Parsonage: Committee is made up of Merlin Dawson, Ron Rickenbach, Cathy Nelson, Rita Bell, Linda Colson, and Debbie Russell as chair. They will be meeting Sunday after service to set up some guidelines.
Linda Colson moved to adjourn. Randy Meyers seconded. Respectfully Submitted by Linda Colson
Trustee Committee minutes of August 27Attendees: Russ Nathan, Shawn White, Terry Stombaugh, Steve Alexander & Pastor Nelson
Old Business: Discussion of insurance walkthrough on the 14th. Building and contents seemed to be well covered. Liability coverage seemed a little low. We asked for cost to increase Pastors liability to $1 million and church liability to $4 million and medical liability to $2 million. Agent Ronni Calvird indicated cost should be low. We will also secure a quote from a second company for comparison.
It was noted that the irrigation system installation has begun. As we have gotten some conflicting input about the dirt pile, we are holding off on building the lattice fence. The dirt pile needs to be moved to make room for the fence. Is there a Bell Garden committee to make final decisions?
Pastor’s office holes in the walls have been filled and still need painting. Paint has been located.
Trustees will monitor water softener and fill with salt.
2015 budget was discussed. We need input from treasurer to finalize request.
New Business:Weed spraying was discussed. Do we spray just the parking lot or the yard as well? Terry will get a bid from a professional for comparison.
The decision was made to extend the north / south rail fence by one section to the south. Driving on the sand is creating ruts. No one could remember if the insulation extended out or down from the building.