Grade 12 Retreat

Outline of the Day:

9:10 a.m. Welcome and Introduction

9:15 a.m. Icebreakers (back to back, belly laugh, I am more like, Scavenger hunt, pair and share cards)

9:30 Intro to theme: Joshua 1:9 Looking for God’s fingerprints in our lives. . . .

Past: Where have you been?

Present: Who are you?

Future: How will you live?

Opening Prayer

9:35 Past? Where have you been? Timeline. Examples of Grace.

Questions: What was the high point? Low point?

Looking back, can you see moments of grace/light?

Share in small groups (use deck of cards to form groups).

10:30 Break

10:40 Present: Who are you?

Watch video and have students complete questions individually. Discuss in small groups. Pass out playdough and have them create an image to represent their answer to the final question. Examples: bowl to be more receptive; book to be more focused; smile to be more friendly;

11:45 Lunch -Pizza

12:25 p.m. Walk

1:00 p.m. Future: How will you live? Video – Rhythm. Discuss with a partner, then as large group.

1:45 p.m. Guided meditation

2:10 p.m. Closing prayer

2:15 p.m. Bus back to school

Grade 12 Retreat

List of needed materials

At retreat centre:

·  Name tags

·  Pencils

·  Deck of cards

·  Pair and share cards

·  Napkins

·  Playdough or clay

·  CD for meditation

·  Markers

·  Dream God’s Dream (in file)

·  Final blessing (in file)

·  Icebreaker (I am more like)

·  Nooma: Rhythm (in file)

·  Bible

·  Yoga mats

·  DVD with Nooma videos (Rhythm and Name)

From school (needs to be replenished each time)

·  Pizza

·  Drink (juice jugs)

·  Back-up snack (Maria cookies)

·  Handout

§  Timeline of life

§  Nooma : Name

§  Icebreaker sheet (scavenger hunt)

·  Cell phone

Domino’s Pizza number = (519) 836-3030