Area Council Meeting November 30, 2017
Scott Lester: Present
Fedjine Constant: Present
Jared Dennis: Present
Alyssa Bryan: Present
Sara Dowling: Present
Chris Gosslin: Present
Kelsey Aaron: Present
Emily Courter: Present
Hayley Miller: Absent
Manuel ‘Manny’ Calabre: Present
Baylee ‘Elizabeth’ Hanna: Present
NeyssaSossous: Excused
Shanique Bowen: Present
Arianna Wagenbrenner: Present
Eddie Hannah: Present
- The 6th at 6pm dining with directors free SoVi dinner have meal plans are willing to sit with directors and give feedback
- Jared
- Elizabeth
- 6th at 10:30am student panel for staff members to learn what its like to be a professional at fgcu
- Elizabeth
- Last day for active programming is December 15th.
- This is second to last day for area council.
- Passive programs last day is before December 18th.
- We need to get apparel THIS semester.
- Next Wednesday 9:30pm all area council can come to RHA’s meeting - will be a long meeting - current balance $19774
- Cameron needs minutes
- Dec 1st nrhhstudents events - 7pm ops 5th floor
- The 11th RHA & SOVI at 8pm dining and ornaments. Giving 100 dining passes.
- Banquet - april 21 @6 all AC members can come
- Keep eye out on Housing Social Media - Katy Perry tickets coming out
- Destress event - December 13 3-6 catered by moms, make stress balls, near fire pit
- Taylor got her funding for the conference
- Soul fest happened today
- West Lake Shaun asked for 550$ - end of the year destress event (laser tag) dec 14 @6pm at north lake
- Ugly Sweater Extravaganza - RHA - Dec 12 in eagles landing - zen gardens, stress balls, bubble wrap, care packages hot cocoa ginger bread $25 20 and 15 to target for ugly sweater contest, they’re also giving away long sleeved tshirts- $4159.59 (10 yes, 0 no)
- Trying to go to SUCUR to get elected to board asking for $1200 - running for 2 positions for the regional board and to represent FGCU. (10 yes, 0 no)
- Piano recital 7$ Bower Music 7:30 and symphony free and wind orchestra @grace church free –
- Pie in the face for 1-2$ potato sack 1$ Dec 6th
- RA Feedbacks are now open. So now we can log on and give our RA’s feedbacks.
- We have $1100 left
- The hat event for RA
- 90s Week
- Holiday Week
- Brian: UPD I Scream you scream the cops come
- UPD officers will come and you’ll have ice cream with them. They’ll share how to stay safe on campus.
- Requesting $25 for ice cream and toppings.
- Monday 11th at 8-9pm
- We have ice cream in the freezers
- (10 yes, 0 no)
- Money doesn’t rollover so we have to use all 1100 this semester
- Quack a Thon:
- Pool Party Event- 8:00-10 pmall of sovi comes and has a rubber duck themed pool party December 10th - inflatables 500 rubber ducks and pictures and DJ (maybe)
- There’s a designated aRea for rain - Asking for $402.08
- We recommended he push it to next semester.
- January 27th mandatory RHA retreat for bonding with different area councils (2 yes, 8 no)
- Hot chocolate in mason jars (24) - $60 for hot cocoa supplies in 2nd floor class room - next week (10 yes, 0 no)
- Area Council Happy Holidays Banner
- Put up a Christmas tree
- Monday: @ 6:30 6th floor multi purpose room -Ugly Sweater Party can win a Starbucks gift basket - $315 9 yes
- Tuesday: Lobby Candy Grams: Passive Event - $150 - Amazon and Michaels for candy canes and bags 9 yes (10am)
- Wednesday: Lobby Passive Hot Cocoa, Apple Cider, and Cookies 10 yes (10am)
- Thursday: Movie Elf - 9 yes (8)
- Friday: Deck the Osprey Halls - decorate cookies mugs and door decs - $115 - 9 yes
- Election: Elizabeth wants to be Vice President (9 yes 0 no)
- T-shirts
- West Lake is willing to collaborate for sweatshirts
Final Role
Scott Lester: Present
Fedjine Constant: Present
Jared Dennis: Present
Alyssa Bryan: Present
Sara Dowling: Present
Chris Gosslin: Present
Kelsey Aaron: Present
Emily Courter: Present
Hayley Miller: Absent
Manuel ‘Manny’ Calabre: Present
Baylee ‘Elizabeth’ Hanna: Present
NeyssaSossous: Excused
Shanique Bowen: Present
Arianna Wagenbrenner: Present
Eddie Hannah: Present
- Apparel has to be planned no later than Monday afternoon
- 250 shirts with osprey logo - 1000-1200$$
- Elizabeth will take care of shirts bill
- Next week must discuss when we’ll have meetings in the spring