Instructions for Self Sufficiency Matrix
Homes for All Corps is using the Self-Sufficiency Matrix to evaluate the Homes for All Corps program and the service of each Homes for All Member. Homes for all Members and client names will not appear in the evaluation. We are using this tool to identify ways in which Homes for All might be more helpful to clients and areas where the program and Members are doing well. It is also a very helpful tool for clients to assess their own needs and to celebrate progress toward goals.
Forms used in the assessment: 1) Cover Sheet 2) Paper version of the Self Sufficiency Matrix, and 3) Database version of the Self Sufficiency Matrix
Areas that the Self Sufficiency Matrix will cover for each client (do not leave any area blank)
§ Access to Services: assesses the client’s knowledge and ability to get the type of services they need to meet their individual or family needs.
§ Housing: assesses the ability of the client to obtain appropriate housing of choice based on their circumstances.
§ Income (Federal Poverty Level): assesses the income adequacy of the client.
§ Life Skills (Financial Matters): assesses ability to pay bills in a timely fashion, develop and maintain a budget, and understand other important financial issues.
§ Life Skills (Setting Goals & Resourcefulness): assesses ability to plan for the future and utilize resources efficiently.
§ Mental Health: assesses the emotional well-being of the client.
§ Support System: assesses the nature of the individual’s immediate interpersonal relationships, especially the extent to which they form a foundation for the individual in times of crisis.
Members will track each new client at intake (a snapshot of each area of the client's life on the Matrix form before Case Management or assistance begins). This provides information concerning where the client is at intake-BEFORE Homes for All and Site services are provided. Only new clients will be assessed. Client change in all areas will be charted throughout the year. It is not expected that you will see progress in all areas of the Matrix. Some scores will remain constant and others may decline. Our hope is that the service that Members provide will assist most clients in achieving higher self- sufficiency, particularly in housing.
Please follow these steps to completing the Self Sufficiency Matrix:
Step 1: Look at the Sample form. Read through the questions thoroughly before meeting with the client! Call or email Kelly Dycus with any questions concerning the Matrix.
Step 2: Client intake (only clients that you will actually work with will be counted. You may count clients that you work with in conjunction with staff or other agencies). These clients do not necessarily have to be housing clients. You could be serving the client in other ways. EACH member of the family, age 18 and over should be assessed separately. Children should NOT be assessed.
Step 3: Meet with the new client and identify where he or she is in each area of the continuum of self-sufficiency identified within the Self Sufficiency Matrix. Place ONLY ONE number in column one for each area. See Sample. Add the date of the assessment on the Cover Sheet and attach the matrix to the cover sheet.
Step 4: Go into the Homes for All database and complete the online version of the Self Sufficiency Matrix for each client. PLEASE do not take more than one week from filling out the paper form to add the information to the Homes for All database.
Step 5: Continue serving the client. Discuss progress made in each area of the Matrix. Identify ways in which you may assist the client in each area. Help the client identify community resources that may be helpful to increasing scores in areas where the client is assessed as "Vulnerable" or "In Crisis".
Step 6: Meet with client mid-way through the year to re-evaluate all areas of self-sufficiency on the Self Sufficiency Matrix. Fill out form and add date of second assessment to the cover sheet. Even a small positive change or increase in score is VERY important. Celebrate success with the client!
Step 7: Go into the Homes for All database within a week of completing the paper version and add information for each client into the second column of the online Self Sufficiency Matrix.
Step 8: Meet with client at exit to complete Assessment #3. This will go into the 3rd column. Add date of 3rd assessment on the cover sheet. Discuss and celebrate client success and while you are at it, celebrate YOUR service!!!!!
Step 9: Add Assessment #3 to the online database.
***If you are working with a client on a more short-term basis, it is fine to just do 2 assessments. You should complete the intake (box 1) and the exit (box 3). There will be clients that drop out of services and if this happens, you will just leave assessment #1 as it is. The most important thing is to get at least the first and third assessments completed with as many clients as possible.
Thank you for assisting us and for all that you do to assist your clients. We appreciate you!