CCJ 4941, Section 03, 06, 09
Spring Term, 2006
Instructor: M.A. Eastep, Ph.D.
Phone: (407) 823-3598 Fax: (407) 823-5360
Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Text: Gordon, Gary R. and R. Bruce McBride
Criminal Justice Internships: Theory Into Practice, 5th Edition
Requirements for Internship Participation:
must be a criminal justice majorSenior status attained (in his/her last 30 hours of study)
Overall GPA must be at least a 2.5
Criminal Justice core courses must be completed, with a C or better in each
Work 10 hours per week, for each 3 credit hours earned
Write 10-, 18- or 25-page paper, depending on credit hours sought
Internships may be paid or unpaid, depending on the placement site selected
Course Requirements:
1. Student Service
This course is designed to give students the opportunity to earn credit hours for experiential learning. As such, the primary component of the course is student service. Students are required to work for the agency where placed for the appropriate number of hours, corresponding with the credit hours for which the student is registered. The following sets forth the hours you are required to work:
3 S.H. - minimum of 10 hours per week/15 weeks. Total required hours: 150
6 S.H. - minimum of 20 hours per week/15 weeks. Total required hours: 300
9 S.H. - minimum of 30 hours per week/15 weeks. Total required hours: 450
The agency supervisor will be asked to verify your hours, and to evaluate your performance during the period of your internship. This component is mandatory, and you cannot pass the internship unless the minimum number of hours has been completed.
- Meeting with Instructor
Students should meet with the instructor at least three times during the term: at the beginning of the term to clarify course requirements and timetable; at midterm to submit time sheets; and at the end of the term to submit final papers, journals and time logs.
3. Reflective Journal
Students are required to keep journals reflecting their activities for each week. They may be kept on a daily or weekly basis. The MINIMUM entry is a weekly, 2-paragraph entry describing the weekly activities, reflecting on thoughts, feelings or new experiences, and specifying hours spent working at the internship for the day or week. Chapter 5 of the text provides some guidelines for the construction of logs, journals or field notes. You may wish to refer to Chapter 5 if you feel you need some guidance in constructing your reflective journal. A good starting point may be to ask yourself what the best part of the internship this week (or today, if keeping a daily journal), or what was the worse part of the internship this week. Please be aware that if you begin keeping a daily journal, you do not have to write in it every day. There may be some days you have little to write about and some days you have a good deal to write about. Or, you may wish to keep a daily journal most of the time, and keep a weekly journal some of the time. Either option is fine. But the minimum requirement is that you make weekly entries in the journal and that those entries be at least two paragraphs in length. If you are "stuck" for something to write in your journal, use the questions in the back of the text chapters to help get you thinking about some aspects of your internship that you might not have thought about before.
4. Learning Plan
A Learning Plan must be completed by the student in conjunction with the site supervisor. A copy of the learning plan form is included with the internship packet. It is very important that the student consults with the site supervisor regarding risks and enumerates all possible risks associated with the internship work site. There is room for this to be done on Page 3 of the Learning Plan. If more room is necessary so that all risks can be named, the student should attach extra sheets to the learning plan.
5. Requirement to Log Hours
Students are required to keep track of the hours they work, and they must have their supervisors review and initial a listing of hours worked. THERE ARE NO SPECIAL FORMS FOR THIS FUNCTION. Students are to compile and maintain a listing of weeks and hours worked, then have their supervisors sign off on the hours. These listings should be submitted to the internship instructor twice each term: at midterm and at term's end.
6. Job Description
A job description, developed by the student and site supervisor, must sent to the internship coordinator after the first full week of the internship. The form is provided by the internship instructor.
7. Paper
Each student intern is required to submit a paper outline and critically analyzing his/her experiences. The paper should be written in a manner consistent with college level work, and should follow these guidelines:
Length - 3-hour internships: 10 pages, typed, double-spaced, standard font
6-hour internships: 18 pages, typed, double-spaced, standard font
9-hour internships: 25 pages, typed, double-spaced, standard font
Format - The paper should be divided into sections, as follows:
Section I: Literature Review
Find and review at least three articles in professional journals that deal with interns and/or service learning. These are available in the library and can be found through a search of WebLUIS, using key words, service + learning, or internships.
Section II: Intern Supervision
Choose three questions from Page 72 of the text, and respond.
(6 - 9 hour interns, choose 5.)
Section III: Ethics in Practice
Respond to Questions 1, 2 and 3 (top section) on P. 87, AND Questions 1 and 2, under Answer for Yourself (bottom section).
Section IV: Organizational Structure of Site
Respond to Questions 1, 3, and 6 on Page 113
(6 - 9 hour interns, also respond to Questions 5, 9 and 10.)
Respond to Question 4, Page 145 (all interns must do this).
Section V: Assessing the Internship Experience
Respond to Questions 2, 3, 4 and 6, Page 165.
(6 - 9 hour interns, also respond to Questions 5 and 7.)
That will probably fill your space. If not, however, after the foregoing has been included, the student is free to write on any other aspect of internship, including (but not limited to) a summary of activities, high or low points during experience, particular lessons learned, important aspects of training or assignments, etc.
Due Date - The final paper is due on Friday, April 21(even if the internship will continue through the following weeks).
First week of classes: Meet with Instructor and confirm placement. Receive syllabus and information.
Second – third weeks of classes: Mail or carry Job Description Sheet and signed Learning Plan to Instructor
Monday, February 27: Submit your constructed time sheets through Week 7
Friday, April 21 - The time sheets you constructed for Week 8 - Week 14/15 due; Final Paper due; journals due. ALL WORK SHOULD BE COMPILED TOGETHER IN ONE PACKAGE, AND SHOULD BE TAKEN TO HPA I, ROOM 329. INCLUDE EVALUATIONS. (YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO SUBMIT EVALUATIONS.)
This course is graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Thus, all of the above requirements (service, meetings, logs, journals and paper) must be met, in accordance with the specifications contained within this syllabus, in order to complete the course satisfactorily.
In order to help you succeed in this internship, the following two items should be taken into careful consideration:
1. Some agencies care very much how you dress. Before you begin your internship, ASK how you should dress. Do not make assumptions about professional dress standards based on your experience at college.
2. If you think there might be a problem that you cannot work out with your supervisor related to your attendance, the quality of your work, or any other aspect of your internship, DO NOT LET IT GROW TO BE A BIG PROBLEM. Please contact your faculty advisor so that we can discuss any issues, concerns or items of conflict that might have the potential to create an unpleasant work environment. Call or email me at the first sign of a problem so that together we can work on an intervention strategy.
To successfully complete this course, the following is required:
*The Paper must be submitted, on time, to specifications outlined in the syllabus. It is imperative that you keep to the length requirements that are specified in the syllabus.
*The Journal must be completed and submitted on or before due date
*Students must adhere to the timetable set forth in this syllabus
*Academic integrity must be maintained at all times. Please refer to the Golden Rule for acceptable student academic behavior, and familiarize yourself with the topics of dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, and disruptive conduct.
*Attendance at your service location is expected. You are representing this University and this Department, and it is anticipated that you and your site supervisor will work together to determine your schedule. It is then your responsibility to resolve scheduling conflicts and to meet your internship responsibilities.
*Active participation at your work site is expected. You will only enhance your opportunities for success if you actively participate in programs and organizational discussions during your internship.
Your course grade is calculated as follows:
Instructor's evaluation of paper 30 points
Submission of journal 20 points
Submission of forms, including timesheets 15 points
Evaluation of student from site 25 points
Adherence to course deadlines 10 points
Total points 100 points
S = Satisfactory / At least 80 pointsU = Unsatisfactory / Under 80 points