Mercedes Engle
We were approaching each other. She was with another girl and I was alone. I could feel my heart beating. The history between us proved that we did not like each other. As they passed me, they snickered and began to whisper. Not knowing why, I stopped and snobbishly said, “What’s funny?” At that moment she started screaming at me and I did the same to her. Things began to climax when she came charging towards me. I did the same, but we both were held back by our friends. That was the day I let my character slip away for the friendship of three girls.
Sophomore year of high school, I began to associate myself with this group of girls. People did not like these girls because they were mean and conducted themselves as if they were better than everyone else. I was always seen as a “good girl” because I was trustworthy, excelled in school and exuded confidence. However, I did not want this to be the case anymore, which is why I decided to be friends with them. I wanted to be like them so my parents, teachers, and other adults in my life would stop expecting me to always do so well.
As a result of associating with these girls, I was suspended from school, for the first time in my school career. I thought these girls were my friends; however they did not want the best for me. And it took me almost being asked to leave school for me to realize that my behavior was not like me.
My junior year of high school, I was determined to turn my life around and show who Mercedes Engle really was. I began to volunteer and join school clubs, which let my real character prevail. With the Campus Ministry department at my school, I went on Labre, which is when you make and deliver food to homeless people and develop friendships with them at the same time. It was the most humbling experience of my life. It helped me realize that being of service to others is what life is about. I proved that I had character and that I possessed characteristics of a leader. My character is something I am grateful for because it was the very thing that saved me from being asked to leave Saint Martin just as every one of those girls from sophomore year was.
There are students who look to me as an example of how to be a person of character and integrity. I want them not to be like me but to be better. I will motivate others to join me in advocating for personal character and integrity by furthering my leadership skills. I will continue to take on significant responsibilities in my extracurricular activities. I will be confident and have the courage to not follow the crowd. My goal is to show others that we need more leaders and hopefully when they see me stepping up they will be inspired and do the same. I want others to see my character and how it has helped me become who I am, so they can take pride in their character to better themselves as I did.