To culminate our study of Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet, you will write a traditional five-paragraph essay in which you demonstrate your understanding of the meaning of the play. You should rely on the quotes you identified and analyzed in your motif packet. Be sure to use the three themes we discussed in class: connection between love and hate, love is blind, and fate vs. free will.
Prompt: How does Shakespeare use a motif to illustrate a theme in Romeo and Juliet?
Five-paragraph essay; At least one quote per body paragraph; Effectively embed and properly cite quotes; Less summary and more analysis; Topic sentences should summarize paragraph’s purpose; MLA formatting
Excellent / Good / Fair / PoorFocus / Thesis is complete and effective; the topics of the body paragraphs support the thesis; essay addresses the prompt completely; effective grabber and extension / Thesis is complete; the topics of the body paragraphs mostly support the thesis; essay mostly addresses the prompt; ineffective grabber/extension / Thesis is lacking elements; the topics of the body paragraphs do not all support thesis; essay deviates from prompt / Thesis does not address the prompt; the body paragraphs do not support thesis, essay does not answer prompt
Content / Summary is brief, concise and accurate; analysis in body paragraphs is meaningful and in-depth; quotes have major significance; clear analysis of motif’s connection to theme / Summary is mostly brief, concise and accurate; analysis lacks depth; quotes are mostly significant; lacks clear analysis of motif’s connection to theme / Summary is unnecessarily detailed; little or no analysis; quotes have little thematic meaning; no connection between motif and theme / All summary and no analysis; missing quotes; no connection between motif and theme
Organization / Overall organization is logical and supportive; topic sentences clearly state the purpose of the paragraph; thoughtful transitions / Overall organization is mostly logical; topic sentences missing components; some transitions / Overall organization is confusing; topic sentences do not summarize paragraph’s purpose; no transitions / Essay structure missing elements; no clear topic sentences; no transitions
Style / Clear, effective sentences; no empty phrases or wording; strong diction; logical flow to writing / Mostly clear sentences; some empty phrases or wording; somewhat strong diction; writing flows / Confusing sentence structure or wording; a lot of empty wording; no variety in diction; writing is choppy / Many sentences are not understandable; ample empty wording; writing is choppy.
Conventions / Minimal grammar or mechanics errors; correct MLA header and spacing; proper parenthetical citations / Several grammar or mechanics errors; issues with MLA header and spacing; mostly correct parenthetical citations / Many grammar or mechanics errors; incorrect MLA header and spacing; incorrect parenthetical citations / Many grammar or mechanics errors; incorrect MLA header and spacing; no parenthetical citations
- Introduction
- Grabber
- Road Map (transition/bridge from grabber; establish context of play; brief summary of play; mention relevant devices from play; etc.)
- Thesis (include author, title, motif and theme)
- Body Paragraph One
- Topic sentence: (state motif; specific example to be discussed; connect to thesis)
- Establish context of quote
- QUOTE (effectively embedded/set up and properly cited)
- Analysis of quote (in outline include a sentence summary or list of what you plan to write – in essay analysis will be longer)
- Concluding sentence
- Body Paragraph Two
- Topic sentence: (state motif; specific example to be discussed; connect to thesis)
- Establish context of quote
- QUOTE (effectively embedded/set up and properly cited)
- Analysis of quote (in outline include a sentence summary or list of what you plan to write – in essay analysis will be longer)
- Concluding sentence
- Body Paragraph Three
- Topic sentence: (state motif; specific example to be discussed; connect to thesis)
- Establish context of quote
- QUOTE (effectively embedded/set up and properly cited)
- Analysis of quote (in outline include a sentence summary or list of what you plan to write – in essay analysis will be longer)
- Concluding sentence
- Conclusion
- Rephrasing of thesis
- Recap your three examples
- Extension (either relate back to your grabber or make a larger connection)
Outline due printed at the start of class: ______
Your outline must be typed! Complete only the BOLDED elements in one sentence (unless otherwise stated.)
Reminder: You are picking ONE MOTIF with three different textual examples of it to illustrate ONE THEME.