3/11/15 Agenda

Success By 6/Smart StartNorman

Targeted Problem: Not all children are ready for school

Systems Change Targets / Strategies
(Fill in as developed) / Agenda Items / Discussion / Action Items
  1. Services are available and accessible for families
I.2. Parents unable to find programs that meet their child’s needs. (Resources) / Using existing settings to get info out to families. / 1.2.A. Discuss implementing the strategy to promote the UW Helpline as a resource line for families
What feasible action steps can we take in moving this strategy forward?
Readiness – Do stakeholders recognize a need for this change? Do they see the change as feasible and beneficial to themselves?
Diffusion – Is the change being communicated effectively throughout the system? Is it easy to know how to implement the change? Does all the stakeholders know about the change?
Sustainability – Are necessary procedures in place to sustain these changes?
1.2.B. Discuss implementing the strategy to promote the SB6/SSN website as a resource for families
What feasible action steps can we take in moving this strategy forward?
Readiness – Do stakeholders recognize a need for this change? Do they see the change as feasible and beneficial to themselves?
Diffusion – Is the change being communicated effectively throughout the system? Is it easy to know how to implement the change? Does all the stakeholders know about the change?
Sustainability – Are necessary procedures in place to sustain these changes?
1.2.C. Discuss implementing the strategy to promoting SB6/SSN Facebook as a
community portal for family resources
What feasible action steps can we take in moving this strategy forward?
  • Like and promote the Success By 6 Norman Facebook page
  • Each agency should post upcoming events or services that are new etc.
  • Group needs to email Christy to post something or let her know to repost something from their Facebook page.
  • Need to think about ways to ensure the information is seen by the maximum number of people.
  • The page needs to be promoted by everyone in the Early Childhood system.
  • Subcommittee to help keep the information quality and accurate.
Readiness – Do stakeholders recognize a need for this change? Do they see the change as feasible and beneficial to themselves?
Diffusion – Is the change being communicated effectively throughout the system? Is it easy to know how to implement the change? Does all the stakeholders know about the change?
Sustainability – Are necessary procedures in place to sustain these changes?
1.2.D. One other strategy was to have resources highlighted at the library In April, during Week of the Young Child, (Tara)
What feasible action steps can we take in moving this strategy forward?
1.2.E. Continue to explore reasons making it hard for parents to find programs to meet their child’s needs.
Which additional underlying cause should we prioritize for action? Is it feasible for our group to tackle – and will have a powerful effect on getting kids ready for school (refer to handout)
What can be done to address these prioritized root cause issues?
  • What strategies could we use?
  • Can we coordinate these strategies with any other efforts/groups?
  • What small win actions can we accomplish in the next 6 months to move these strategies forward?
1.2.G. Norman Public Library’s resource fair on April 17th / WEBSITE
-Facebook boost that targets clients (fairly cheap)
-Targeting by monthly topic for posts
-would it be helpful? Yes
Getting kids to their wellness checkups
-Confusion for women about being assigned a pediatrician vs selecting one and then getting in
-The problem with pamphlets
-Informational video for parents / Send list of places you refer families if they don’t qualify for your services to Christy (NPS)
Send list of links for website to Christy (Diane Holland)
Think about how to minimize the “no man’s land”, the group of children who don’t qualify for services
Change qualifications?