The summary of the main ideas of the report.

1.Humanistic paradigm of the development of society, economic and ecological system in 21 century.

The modern period of social and economic development is characterized by disproportion and instability. Global crisis has systemic civilizational character and revealed contradictions that accumulated over the past decades. The development of humanity began to acquire crisis character. Not only unexpected financial crisises, economic decline, bankruptcies, rising unemployment, loss of income, economic insolvency of the whole countries, but also destruction of cultur, moral degradation, strengthening of protest moods became signs of modern development. Injurious use of resources, focus exclusively on current consumption limits the rights and opportunities of future generations, leaving them no choose of the way of life. Thus, modern humanity has the way of life that makes it impossible to continue to live.

Objective development of the society defines justice as the main condition of survival of humanity and steady civilization progress.

Under these conditions, problems of providing justice and stability of social and economic development come to the forefront, which demand urgent theoretical judgment and practical solution.

In search of answers to the challenges of the nowadays humanity has no such reserves for manoeuvres which had previous generations - globally connected world gives no opportunity to anybody alone consume the entire civilized potential and move to the "other worlds" where it will be possible to provide a happy life for themselves and their descendants. It is gradually realized by the world elite but not by the main mass of population.

Objective development of society defines justice as the main condition of survival of humanity and steady civilization progress. Justice is an act of agreement, harmony, predictability and trust which make basis for productive interaction.

Stability should be connected also with progressiveness of reproduction in the future best of known achievements and effective neutralization of consequences of the previous mistakes. Rather stable development accumulates in one process achievements of contemporaries, priorities on intentions of the following generations also relies on saved up by predecessors.

Theoretical basis of ensuring justice and stability is the concept joint-divided activity. All social relations historically developed from joint-divided work. Resolution is embodied in the division of labour, private property and institutionsof the market, and compatibility - in cooperation, socialization of labour, general people's interests and institutions of the state. The components of the combination of compatibility separation are complementary functions of the state and the market, state and civilsociety implemented, including through public-private partnership, cooperationand joint responsibility.

2. Economic principles of equity and sustainability of human development.

On providing of justice and stability of civilization progress influence four basic processes each of which separately can cause positive and negative effects. Only the interaction of all 4 and subordination of humanistic imperative can give confidence that the outcome will be favourable and ensure stable human development:

- formation of information and network economy;

- finansization of economic activity, behavior, thinking;

- socialization of economic relations;

- humanization of development.

Further development of society connected with the formation of information and network economy.

Networking is an organizational form and space for creation, development, distribution and use of economic benefits, the transition from hierarchical (traditional) to modern society. If vertical hierarchical systems the main role belongs to the status relations, in the network it belongs to information. The relationship of people on the production, distribution and consumption of information are basic and dominant in a society that demands new forms of ownership of information and its derivatives. Accordingly laws of functioning of the economy, forms of ownership, human life and human qualities are changing. Accordingly, period of search of the institutional design of these transformations is accompanied (and will continue to be accompanied) by the strengthening of instability, crisis events, finding ways out of the crisis, new methods for regulatory impact on the economy.

Networking, finansization and socialization of economic model of development should be based on the humanistic imperative.

Transfer to informational and network economy creates new global challenges, essence of is not only in the thing than crisis effects are covering all countries, spheres of life of society, but also in that that is a challenge to the very existence and development of humanity. Human of the network society itself becomes a Network. Its essence is the simultaneous presence in natural, social, economic networks. Such a simultaneously separate and joint existence can only be provide by that development where there is a harmonious combination of natural, biological, technical and social in space and time, which provides the overall progress focused on human development.

The second fundamental process that influences the process of forming of preconditions of stable human development is finasization of economic activity, behavior, thinking. In global aspect finansization appeared as the dominance of financial local sector over the real and growth of financial depth of the global economic space. At the level of national economies of developed countries finansization appeared in a dominance in the financial industry, financial intermediary and relations around budget.

The financial systems do not need social obligations, territorial coherence and stability of the environment. Financial operations can grow as on social, economic and environmental success as on disasters. At financial market important is the financial result of operations, regardless of their socio-economic substance and effect, social imbalance and antisocial consequences of the financial markets have become more tangible and possibilities of their overcoming more uncertain.

The basic principle of the movement of financial assets is a direct relationship between risk and yield, making the most attractive for financial concentration is crisis, unstable and unbalanced processes. Therefore, absolutely obvious is impossibility of dynamic economic growth, practical inevitability of periodic economic downturns and social imbalances. Alignment of development, overcoming of global economic and financial asymmetry for ensuring stability of development are those factors which will cause decrease of incomes from the financial operations, that is inevitably generate resistance. And as financial markets can't provide real economy with resources for restoration, the last catastrophic loses financial resources, undermined social stability, the inequality takes roots, - each next financial crisis leads to deepening gap between level of the incomes of various segments of the population, enrichment of rich and impoverishment of poor population.

Socioinstitutional, psychological and mental transformation that accompanied processes of finansization stimulated the development of the opposite qualities of personality and finansization proved to be a negative sociohumanitarian process of rooting financial motives of behavior, financial values ​​that transform basic values of the individual. The result of finansization became the formation of setting ‘life not on means, but on credit’, which, having sources at macrolevel, with a special force was shown in the environment of households. Driving force of modern economic transformations inevitable becomes socialization - process of acquisition by all components of an economic turn of social functionality.

Socialization of the capital is connected with that development of a person in that measure, in which it is a factor of increase of efficiency, is realized through new functions of the capital. It is connected with the spread of so-called social responsibility and social obligations of business.

Network communications is a specific form of socialization, as they produce basic possibility of attraction of any person to interrelations and provide access to information. It is essentially impossible in vertically hierarchical systems where access to communication is defined and is rigidly limited to the status. Socialization hasn't developed yet to that level when it becomes internal necessary capital moment. Its further development is largely associated with transformations in the structure of the main capital as new properties of the elements of the main capital change the place of people, their skills and knowledge in the public production also cause a reduction of the part of alive work and growth of a qualitative role of person. Being one of backbone factors of economic growth, accumulation of the capital promotes such growth rate of labour productivity, which provides sustainable economic development. Exactly qualitative characteristics of fund of accumulation form a basis for perceptions of new "philosophy of economic growth" based on achievement of good results of social development, enhancement of the sociocultural values, preservations of environment, maximum greening of a social production and consumption. Granting of necessary resources of development, knowledge, cultures and their use has to be combined with growth of consciousness and responsibility as on the attitude to yourself, as on the other people - contemporaries and successors, and the nature. Such approach is an antithesis of egocentric understanding of a role of the person, expresses a humanistic imperative of modern development.

Thus, economic bases of fair and sustainable social and economic development consist in equilibrium movement of each component of processes of formation of information and network society, a finansization and socialization of economy and their submission according to an essence, a place and a role in the general process to a humanistic imperative.


World experience of realization of policy of a sustainable development testifies that its productivity and efficiency is provided only in the presence of three main preconditions:

-the strategic potential received as synergetic effect of attraction natural and resource components of the environment of life of the person to processes of building of factorial and complex signs to noosphere self-reproduction

-the modern market relations, eliminating contradictions of individual private freedom, public and collective rule-making and free availability of life-supporting infrastructures;

-flexible stability of organizational and communication structures of interference of social units of society.

The basis of formation of such structures is patterns of succession of technological structures in the development of economic and social systems of natural consumption. The main consequences of influence of technological way on formation of ecological prospects of a sustainable development are: change of nature of harmful effects on environment from various forms of economic activity, change of a natural material of economic activity, change of anthropogenous parameters of the environment of human reproduction.

... ecological restrictions set not only limits of human development, but also opens new opportunities

The accounting of a factor of change of technological ways in a concept of a sustainable development conducts to transformation of a format of activity as a person, as society in whole, demands change of the contents, structure and productivity of work, transformation of social structure of society, control system reformatting practically in all fields of activity of society.

Ecological restrictions of development include objective restrictions and institutional safety locks.

To objective restrictions concern:

-earth resources from the point of view of the potential of fertility of lands, use of lands for certain types of agro-industrial production, development of systems of settlements, biodiversity preservation, etc.;

-the resources of water connected with deficiency of water resources for industrial, economic, and the main thing, drinking problems of the population, in volume number in the territory considerable anthropogenous loading and the intensive rural economic production;

-the resources of the wood concerning as directly quantity and quality of the forest resources, and the accounting of potential of resources of the wood for the ensuring assimilatory potential of environment focused on support abilities of ecosystems to restore the properties after external intervention and preservations of ecological balance of environment;

-mineral and raw, connected with use of certain types of mineral raw materials for productive development of the industry and state fuel and energy complex, economy structure as a whole, that is restrictions concern formation of cost of end products and limit development of branches of national economy which depend on resources;

-secondary resources caused by the irrational use with wastes; the system natural resources of assimilatory type focused on use in the balneal and recreational purposes.

These restrictions are regulated by the system of general planning of the territory, it observance and development of natural and reserved territories of their preservation and restoration, in particular local value. Ecological institutional safety locks are divided on global and international, national, regional, territorial and local. Global and international restrictions - represent system of institutional reservations and resource opportunities for regulation of processes of growth, namely integration to foreign markets, mainly development of ecologically favorable technologies, attraction to the international arrangements and integration into the international nature protection legislation and etc. The international restrictions will concern also development and transfer of technologies contributing environmental protection or development of productions, which will influence minimum on ecological safety of society and territory.

Thus, ecological restrictions as objective, as multihierarchical formulated for the purpose of protection and reproduction of the nature set not only limits of human development and also opens new opportunities which realization requires policy of accumulation of reproduction and assimilatory potential of the environment.

4. Paradoxes and regularities of human development in Ukraine: resources and policy of their formation and use

Definition of prospects of sustainable human development and mechanisms of their realization has to rely not only on assimilation of progressive ideas, but also on the account of existence of key resources of human development, choice of exact and reliable methods of assessment of their sufficiency, definitions of perspective requirement for them.

Definition of prospects of sustainable human development has to be based upon the accounting of existence of key resources, choice of exact and reliable methods of assessment of their sufficiency, definition of perspective requirement...

Almost the only positive sign of changes is improvement (at least quantitatively) of indicators of education of the population - the specific weight of persons who have not higher general secondary education decreasedto 6,6% and the part of people with the higher education increased to 26,8%.

But limited human resources are used insufficiently effectively. In particular in informal sector which obviously doesn't provide satisfaction, high efficiency, the appropriate income, it is concentrated 23,1% of all busy. Grows (from 16,1 to 23,2% for 1999-2011) a share of the persons taking workplaces, not demanding the qualified labour.

Land resources of Ukraine, per capita are potentially one of the richest in the world. As of January 1, 2011 the land fund of Ukraine made 60 35 - 4,8 thousand hectares, from which farmlands - 70,9%, the woods and the territories covered with the wood - 17,6%, the built-up lands - 4,2%, the territories covered with a surface water - 4,0%, boggy lands - 1,6%, others - 1,7%. However, available land resources are used, protected and reproduced with steady deterioration of quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Water resources of the country get the status of one of the main factors of national ecological security: river waters of Ukraine only on 2/3 are formed at the territory of the state, thus 80% from them are water resources of a river Dnepr that causes very high dependence on one source. Essential barrier of formation of appropriate conditions of human development is high extent of pollution and poor quality of water, characteristic for the majority of the Ukrainian reservoirs. On level of rational use of water resources and quality of water, including existence of facilities of purification, Ukraine, according to UNESCO, takes the 95th place in the world. Water-retaining capacity of GNP is in 3-5 time higher, than in industrially developed countries of Europe, testifies to irrational water use and low overall efficiency of the available production equipment. Intensity of water use in Ukraine now reached the level which exceeds ecological capacity of water resource potential.

Forest resources. In comparison with the developed countries Ukraine belongs to the low-forest and states which have deficit of forests as the considerable part of the woods in the past is translated in agricultural grounds and formation of the populated systems. Woodiness of Ukraine is nearly 3 times less, than Western Europe (43,2%). It is about 0,18 hectares of the lands covered with the wood per one inhabitant and 34 CBM of a stock of wood.For today area of the woods of Ukraine is below a settlement optimum indicator (20-22%), necessary for achievement of balance between lands of agricultural purpose, the woods, settlements, volumes of wood consumption and ecological requirements. Thus, the wood resources capacity of Ukraine and its regions doesn't satisfy ecological and raw requirements of sustainable human development. Mineral raw material resources are main in ensuring the Ukrainian economic growth, a source of its export and budgetary potential.The mineral resources of Ukraine are rather powerful in world measurement and contain big resources of combustible, metal and non-metallic minerals and various on types mineral healing waters. In a subsoil of the country there are almost all main types of the useful minerals which are used in modern economy, and by their stocks Ukraine occupies one of leading places in the CIS. In Ukraine there is an opportunity for providing both own requirements and export. However it doesn't concern minerals of power direction, namely: gas, the oil, being coked coal etc.

Secondary resources. Secondary resource use (recycling of materials) is important factor of increase of resource security. The sphere of secondary resource use in Ukraine is in a stage of active formation. Volumes of use of waste as secondary raw materials in 2010 reached 145,7 million tons and is steady growing. At the same time the organizational and production infrastructure of the market of the secondary raw develops where there are about 1500 enterprises. However this process occurs substantially spontaneously that led to emergence of a number of imbalances as in territorial (regional)as in a branch section.

Preservation of a biodiversity and protection of ecosystems. Occupying less than 6% of the square of Europe, Ukraine owns to 35% of its biodiversity, advancing on this indicator almost all European countries that give the chance to consider it as one of powerful reservoirs for restoration of a biodiversity of all Europe. Unfortunately, the specific wealth promptly decreases because of anthropogenic load of environment.