Draft Report

Board meeting and General Assembly

Dublin, June 22nd,2012

President Ulrich Ix opens the meeting at 10.00 and welcomes the 22 participants.

  1. Presences and proxies

Armand Sanchez Jr. gave proxy to U. Ix

Bürck Rohstoffhandel & Recycling / Daniel Bürck
Bürck Rohstoffhandel & Recycling / Philip Bürck
Bürck Rohstoffhandel & Recycling / Maximilian Fischer
Emiliana Rottami / Piero Goldoni
Eurovetro / Pierluigi Galli
Eurovetro / Giovanni Serpella
GRI Glasrecycling / Ulrich Ix
GRLLeeseringen / Marnix-Jan Oostrijck
Maltha Groep / Pieter Bartels
Minérale / Christian Deltenre
Norsk GlassGjenvinning / Kjell Håkon Helgesen
Paté Green Solutions / Stéphane Leroux
Rehab Glassco / David Farrelly
Rehab Glassco / Mick Keogh
Rehab Glassco / Zeki Mustafa
Rhenus Recycling / Christoph Bildstein
Samin / Jacques Bordat
Santaolalla / Fernando Santaolalla
Techno Recuperi / Federico Gritti
Tönsmeier Glas / Jürgen Bode
Vidrologic / Melina Pinheiro
Viridor / Matthew Demmon
Hans De Belder
Baudouin Ska
  1. Order of business

The draft order of business was unanimously approved.

  1. Approval of the previous reports

The report of the Board meeting & General Assembly in Estoril(June 24th, 2011) and the report of the Board meeting in Brussels(November 25th, 2011) are unanimously approved.

  1. Statutory questions


The mandates of Ulli Ix as President, Raf Vanswartenbrouck as Vice-President; Pieter Bartels as Chair of the Steering Committee and Baudouin Ska as Secretary General are confirmed.

4.2National Delegates / New representatives/New members

Stephane Leroux is appointed as new National delegate for France, and will participate with Christian Deltenre to the meetings of the Steering Committee.

The members of UK will propose,at the next Board meeting, a new National delegate for the United Kingdom.

The members of Spain will discuss internally the representation of Spain in the Board and will make a proposal at the next Board meeting.

The assembly discusses the candidacy of the Day-Group: This company is mainly active in the aggregates business (3 mio tonnes aggregates/year) and only for 100 000 tonnes in the glass recycling business. The planned investment to sort out glass is quite limited, and aims to bring 50 000 tonnes of glass to the recycling industry. The members are afraid that a restart of the economy in general and of the construction sector in particular will drop the glass recycling activity of the Day-Group. Another risk in accepting such company is the possible request by other companies active in the recycling of glass in construction materials to join FERVER. The assembly invites the secretary general to check the statutes of FERVER on this specific issue, and decides tosuspend the demand of the Day-Group.

4.3 Financial issues (documents in an annex to the Report)

  1. Situation Year-to-date

The accounts presented by the secretary general on the situation Year–to-date are approved by the assembly

  1. Approval of the accounts 2011

The accounts 2011 presented by the secretary general are approved by the assembly. The official document will be undersigned by the President and Vice-president.

  1. Approval of the budget 2013

The document presented by the secretary general is discussed and the Assembly asks to increase the budget for EU lobby from 1 500,-€ to 5 000,-€ and the budget for New initiatives from 2 500,-€ to 5 000,-€.

The assembly also decides to take EU-lobby as a fixed agenda point for the meetings of the Steering Committee. With both above-mentioned modifications, the budget 2013 is approved by the assembly.

  1. Activities of FEVER
  2. End of Waste

The Assembly discussed the remaining open issues in the draft Regulation submitted to the approval of the next European TAC-meeting (Technical Adaptation Committee) on the 9th of July. Among the 4 points listed in the FERVER Forum document, the assembly decided to concentrate the actions on the two major ones, being (1) the deletion of the words “upon transfer” and (2) the enlarging of the scope to non remelting processes. The secretariat will circulate a revised version of the Forum document (in annex) allowing the members to provide it to their respective TAC representatives. The secretariat will send it to the Commission, and will contact FEAD to get its support.

A review of the previous contacts with the national administrations is summarized as follows:

  • Germany fully supports the enlarging of the scope to non-remelting processes, and understands the words “upon transfer” as the loading on a lorry.
  • Spain, The Netherlands and Belgium alsosupport FERVER statement.

The Italian colleagues have a meeting with their administration on the 5th of July.

The President stresses that each member has to contact his own national representative to ensure some results.

5.2End of Life Vehicles (car glass)

Although the Directive on ELV’s is clear on the issue, the Commission considers that it is not in a position to impose a pre-dismantling of the glass fraction in ELV’s. France has a project of decree imposing such dismantling prior to the shredding of the cars.

Belgium is performing a study on the economic and ecological aspects of such pre-dismantling. FERVER will take all initiatives at European and national level to at least insure that the solutions applied to the glass fraction of ELV’s are really recycling solutions, and not pseudo-ones.

5.3EU Life+ project: FERVER Project

A general and well summarized presentation made by Hans De Belder (documents on the website/extranet) initiates a fair debate between the members about a possible study focused on two possible subjects, (1) the benefits of a separate collection and (2) alternative recycling uses of cullet.

Hereafter a summary of the different opinions:

  • The study has to evaluate the different ways of collection, being limited to statements of facts, and not promoting a particular system.
  • Some members support both initiatives
  • Some members (as company) do not support such study
  • Some members want the benefits of such studies to be only shared by FERVER members, and not by all the glass recycling companies
  • The budget range (smallest study performed for 80 000,-€) is extremely (too) high for FERVER
  • The deadline (end of September) to introduce such project is too short
  • Why would FERVER spend money for the promotion of selective collection in some countries, while countries of other FERVER members have been performed high rates of selective collection for years?

The conclusion is that FERVER will not participate to the present LIFE + program, but recognizes that the idea is not wrong and the proposed subjects valuable.

FERVER could also try to collect information on the above-mentioned subjects eg via thesis of students. The University of Maastricht has a Master in European Affairs. We could ask a studentto collect official data on recycling per countryfrom the governments .

Kjell-Håkon insists on the need to promote the way of re-use for glass, and gets the support of the FERVER members of Italy and Portugal.

5.4 Sustainability: new working group?

The idea of such working group is to improve the general quality of the glass life cycle, making each step of the chain aware of such necessity. For example, President Ulli Ix mentions the presence of metal or plastic in labels, the use of too strong glues for these labels, the use of ceramic caps on special bottles, the addition of RFID-tags on glass packaging, the production of packaging with specific coloursthat the glass producers themselvesrefusein cullet,…

The assembly decides to create a working group covering the following topics: ELV’s, Quality and Sustainability

Rhenus, Vidrologic and GRL confirm their will to actively participate in the working group. Ulli Ix will chair the working group with the assistance of the secretariat.

6Internal General Debate

See separate PowerPoint presentations on the website

7Lecture of Mr. Ed Purtill (Ardagh)

Ed reported about the ARDAGH group and future quality specs.

See separate PowerPoint presentation on the website.

8Lead Issue

A debate takes place between the participants, based on the results of the first campaign and on the results of a ring test between 3 labs, being (1) CTCV Portugal (the lab where the samples of the first campaign were analysed), (2) SGS Belgium, and (3) IGR in Germany.

The main conclusions of the debate are as follows:

  • Lack of continuity in the results of the first campaign
  • The ring tests confirm the general reliability of the CTCV lab, the lack of sensitivity of the SGS lab, and the best results of IGR
  • From both series of results, it can be concluded that the lack of continuity found most probably its origin in the limited representativeness of the samples (1 kg per month)

The assembly decides to start a second campaign based on a new sampling procedure. The Secretary General will contact IGR and CTCV to get confirmation of their ability and quotation for the analysis of 10 kg samples. After a short debate on the relevance of the second campaign, all the participants confirm their principal participation in the second campaign.

9Next meetings

Next Steering Committee: Paris on the 11th of September 2012

Next Board meeting: Brussels on the 30thof November 2012

Next General Assembly: Stockholm on the 14th of June 2013

10Any other business

No items

11Farewell to Hans De Belder

The President thanks Hans De Belder on behalf of all the FERVER members for his fruitful work in the setting up of the FERVER Federation in his particular commitment in its development and daily running and wishes him all the best in his future activities.

The President closes the meeting at 15.24