“Education for Mastery”
Course Scope:
This one-year course is designed to focus on three critical areas: 1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; 2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; and 3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness, including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The use of manipulatives, mathematical tools, and technology, including calculators and computer software, is an integral part of this course.
Course Goals:
1. To develop the Standards for Mathematical Practice. [CCSS]
2. To know that there are numbers that are not rational and approximate them by rational numbers. [CCSS: 8.NS]
3. To work with radicals and integer exponents. [CCSS: 8.EE]
4. To understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations. [CCSS: 8.EE]
5. To analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
[CCSS: 8.EE]
6. To define, evaluate, and compare functions. [CCSS: 8.F]
7. To use functions to model relationships between quantities. [CCSS: 8.F]
8. To understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software. [CCSS: 8.G]
9. To understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. [CCSS: 8.G]
10. To solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres. [CCSS: 8.G]
11. To investigate patterns of association in bivariate data. [CCSS: 8.SP]
Textbook: Our resources include McDougall Little: Pre-Algebra and Glencoe Math Course 3
Hours of Availability: By appointment with the teacher.
Evaluation and Grading System:
Components of the Quarter Grade: Assessments comprise 90% of each quarter’s grade. Other assignments comprise the remaining 10% of each quarter’s grade.
Grades are based on percentages using the scale of: 90%-100% = A, 80% - 89% = B, 70% - 79% = C, 60% - 69% = D, 50% - 59% = F
Components of Semester Grades: 45% quarter 1 and 3; 45% Quarter 2 and 4; 10% Semester Exam.
Current grades may be viewed through Infinite Campus (Parent portal): https://campus.ccsd.net/campus/portal/clark.jsp?status=portalLogoff&lang=en
Spelling, grammar, and neatness are valued on all assignments. Notebooks must be kept up to date and neatly organized. Extra credit will not be offered.
Assignments will be given Monday – Thursday. Assignments are the responsibility of the student and must be attempted and/or completed on time. The purpose of Pre-Algebra assignments is to practice daily skills and identify areas of difficulty. Students should spend no more than 30 minutes on math assignments.
Make-up Procedures:
Makeup work due to an absence is the responsibility of the student. Students can get the assignment from the teacher. Students must obtain assignments missed, complete the work, and turn it in no later than three days after returning to school.
Late Work:
Late work is not accepted.
Assessment Retakes:
If a student is unsatisfied with their performance on an assessment, they may choose to re-take that test one time only. [This option is not available to students who receive an F for academic dishonesty.] To qualify to retake a test, students must submit a completed “Retake Ticket”. Test re-takes will be administered at the teacher’s convenience and must be completed before the subsequent test is administered to the class. This option is not available for semester exams.
Classroom Behavioral Expectations:
The guiding classroom principles encompass rigor, respect, and responsibility. Students are expected to participate cooperatively, arrive prepared to work, and follow all Panther Principles and CCSD regulations. Students are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings or they will be marked tardy.
Consequences and Rewards:
Disruptive, disrespectful or harmful behavior will not be tolerated. Progressive discipline steps will include: conferencing with the student, parent contact, loss of privileges or after school detention, and counselor or dean referral depending on the nature of the behavior.
Students will be recognized on an individual basis for cooperation, teamwork, and academic excellence. Certificates may be issued or a positive phone call home may be made to share the achievement.
Citizenship grades are assigned each Quarter. Citizenship grades are outlined as follows:
O = Outstanding – The student’s attitudes and actions have a positive effect upon the class. Leadership quality is demonstrated. This includes participating in class, asking questions, answering questions, doing assignments and promoting positive learning in the classroom. While we recognize that no one is perfect, this student must have no more that 3 missing assignments.
S = Satisfactory – The student’s attitudes and actions display an acceptance of personal responsibility. The student does not have a negative effect on the class. While we recognize that no one is perfect, this student must have no more that 6 missing assignments.
N = Needs Improvement – The student’s attitudes and actions have a harmful effect upon the
class. The student does not work toward personal success within the class. While we recognize that no one is perfect, a student must have no more that 10 missing assignments.
U = Unsatisfactory – The student’s attitudes and actions have an observable, negative effect upon the class. The student does not work toward personal success within the class. The student has followed progressive discipline often and no change has occurred. While we recognize that no one is perfect, this student has more than 10 missing tasks.
Bullying will not be tolerated.
1. Under NRS 388.122, “bullying” means written, verbal or electronic expressions or physical acts or gestures, or any combination thereof, that are directed at a person or group of persons, or a single severe and willful act or expression that is directed at a person or group of persons, and:
a. Have the effect of:
(1) Physically harming a person or damaging the property of a person; or
(2) Placing a person in reasonable fear of physical harm to the person or damage to the property of the person; or
b. Interfere with the rights of a person by:
(1) Creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment for the person; or
(2) Substantially interfering with the academic performance of a student or the ability of the person to participate in or benefit from services, activities or privileges provided by a school;
*This is a summary of the legal definition of bullying. Please use the link below to access the full legal definition and for other information on bullying:
Contact Information:
Contact can be made by telephone at 799-4260 or by email. To email, select the teacher’s name on the school website: hydeparklms.org or infinite campus.
Please sign this Pre-Algebra 8 Expectation Sheet as acknowledgement of receipt by
______. Each student will be required to keep their Course Expectations Sheet in their folder for future reference.
I have read the expectations above and understand what will be expected of me.
Student’s Name (Printed) Student’s Signature
I have read the student expectations above and I understand what will be expected of my child. I will see that my child does come to school each day and does the assignments as required.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (Printed) Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
To improve our ability to communicate, please provide the following information if possible:
E-mail Address:
Cell Phone Number (or alternative contact number):
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