Potentially useful references for the final paper:
Bak RPM, Engel MS. 1979. Distribution, Abundance and Survival of Juvenile Hermatypic Corals (Scleratinia) and the Importance of Life History Strategies in the Parental Coral Commumity. Mar Biol 54: 341-352.
Buss LW and Jackson JBC. 1979. Competitive Networks: Nontransitive Competitive Relationships in Cryptic Coral Reef Environments. The American Naturalist. 113: 223-234.
Connell, JH, Slatyer RO. Mechanisms of Succession in Natural Communities and Their Role in Community Stability and Organization. American Naturalist, Vol. 111, No. 982. (Nov. - Dec., 1977), pp. 1119-1144.
Connell, JH. Diversity in Tropical Rain Forests and Coral Reefs. Science, New Series, Vol. 199, No. 4335. (Mar. 24, 1978), pp. 1302-1310.
FOSTER, NL, IB BAUMS, P J MUMB. 2007. Sexual vs. asexual reproduction in an ecosystem engineer: the massive coralMontastraea annularis. Journal of Animal Ecology 76, 384–391
Hay M. 1984. Predictable spatial escapes from herbivory: how do these affect the evolution of herbivore resistance in tropical marine communities? Oecologia. 64: 396-407.
Idjadi JA, Edmunds PJ. 2006. Scleractinian corals as facilitators: evidence for positive interactions between scleractinian corals and other reef invertebrates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 319: 117-127.
Jackson JBC and TP Hughes. 1985. Adaptive Strategies of Coral-Reef Invertebrates.
KanndorpJA. 1999. Morphological analysis of growth forms of branching marine sessile organisms along environmental gradients. Marine biology. 134: 295-306.
Koltes KH, Tschirky JJ, and Feller IC. Carrie Bow Cay, Belize. Environment and development in coastal regions and in small islands: Coastal region and small island papers 3.
MacArthur RH, Wilson EO. An Equilibrium Theory of Insular Zoogeography. Evolution, Vol. 17, No. 4. (Dec., 1963), pp. 373-387.
Ribes M, Coma R, Gili J. 1998Seasonal variation of in situ feeding rates by the
temperate ascidian Halocynthia papillosa. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 175: 201-213
Sebens KP, Johnson, A.S. 1991. Effects of Water Movement on Prey Capture and Distribution of Reef Corals. Hydrobiologia, 226:91-101.
Sebens, KP. 2002. Energetic Constraints, Size Gradients, and Size Limits in Benthic Marine Invertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42: 853-861.
Saffo MB. 1987. New Light on Seaweeds. BioScience. 37: 654-664.
Vogel S. 1977. Current-induced flow through living sponges in nature. Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. 74: 2069-2071.
Wilkinson CR and Evans E. 1989. Sponge distribution across Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, relative to location, depth, and water movement. Coral Reefs. 8:1-7.
Literature on Fish:
Fish Schools: An Asset to Corals
The replenishment of coral reef fish populations
Author: PJ Doherty, DM Williams
Date: 1988
Oceanography and Marine Biology Vol. 26
Spatial and temporal patterns of recuruitment of juvenile coral reef fishes to coral habitats within …
Author: DMB Williams, PF Sale
Journal: Marine Biology
Date: 1981
Assemblages of fish on patch reefs—predictable or unpredictable?
Author: PF Sale
Journal: Environmental Biology of Fishes
Date: 1980
Early survivorship of juvenile coral reef fishes
Author: PF Sale, DJ Ferrell
Journal: Coral Reefs
Date: 1988
Perception, pattern, chance and the structure of reef fish communities.
Author: PF Sale
Journal: Environmental biology of fishes. The Hague
Date: 1988
Diversity of the tropics: causes of high diversity in reef fish systems
Author: PF SALE
Journal: Ecological Studies
Date: 1989
Connectivity, Recruitment Variation, and the Structure of Reef Fish Communities.
Author: Sale, Peter F.
Journal: Integrative & Comparative Biology
Date: Nov2004
Volume: 44
Issue: 5
Pages: 390(10)
Effects of grazing and damselfish territoriality on internal bioerosion of dead corals: Indirect …
Author: PW Sammarco, MJ Risk, C Rose
Journal: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Date: 1987
Bioerosion of corals and the influence of damselfish territoriality: A preliminary study
Author: MJ Risk, PW Sammarco
Journal: Oecologia
Date: 1982