The Influence of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca

What were their influences on modern peoples?

As the Europeans began to expand their Empires and trade routes they found a "New World" as they explored the Americas. "The New World was, in a sense, a European invention." As these explorers searched for new ways to reach the Far East they stumbled upon native peoples such as the Maya, the Aztecs, and the Inca. They were not aware that this part of the world existed which meant that they also had no knowledge that there were civilizations that had existed for centuries.

The Task

Complete the following criteria for the Inca, Aztecs, and Maya..

After using the internet and other research resources prepare a PowerPoint presentation or Brochure for the class about the 3 civilizations.

Presentation Grading

Your PowerPoint presentations will be graded on the following:

1) Knowledge shared from this activity with the class.(75%)

Should include but is not limited to:

  • Where the civilization is found and what the geography and architecture is like
  • Years of existence and how they collapsed
  • Achievements
  • Religion/Culture
  • 5 interesting facts
  • What is the impact of this civilization was on modern peoples?

2) Creativity (20%)

  • Creative presentation techniques (Design)
  • Includes Pictures
  • Is readable (Design and font color are legible)

3) Writing Conventions (5%)

  • Correct spelling
  • Correct grammar
  • Correct capitalization and punctuation

The Links


  • General Information
  • Daily life in the Maya empire
  • Tour of Chichen Itza (architecture)
  • Mayan astronomy, math, writing, calendar
  • General information about all aspects of Mayan life
  • artwork, architecture


  • and some cultural aspects of the Aztecs and History
  • brief history of the Aztecs
  • Culture and history
  • Culture and history
  • Covers all aspects of the Aztecs
  • artwork, architecture


  • Daily life in the Inca empire
  • History, technology and social structure of the Incas
  • Basic overview of the Incas
  • History, society, technology and religion of the Incas
  • The Inca culture
  • National Geographic: Inca Mummies: Secrets of a Lost World [Go toPhoto Galleriesfor Inca Culture, Machu Picchu, and Peru Today; also go toNews and Exhibitionsfor other useful information]