HGG Session 5: Transport, Draft 3
Areas to Cover
-Transport Choices
-Env role of Community Wardens
-Normal progress review.
- Changes and learning over the five months
-Activism after HGG
-Keeping in touch post HGG
-Attendees learn about the environmental impact of their transport choices
-Attendees challenge assumptions about consumerism and are inspired by hearing from someone who has made a lifestyle choice
-Attendees feedback on their 4 R’s pledges from Session 4
-As many attendees as possible are inspired to get involved with FOE and/or waste/plastic bag campaign
-Attendees are given clear opportunities and pathways to keep in touch with both organisers and each other post HGG
Resources required
- Projector
- Laptop
- Flipchart & Pens
- Post-it Notes
- Catering
- Extension lead x 1
- Ipod and Idock
- Camera
- Flowers for reception
- Evaluation Sheets
- Register
- Contact sheet for post HGG
- Prepared questions/comments to jog discussions along
- Gifts (battery charger, DM’s book, torches and radio)
- Stickers to go on gifts with our contact details
- Activism action plans
- FOE booklets and leaflets
- Sign for evaluation box
Stage / Est. time / Description / Notes / Tasks
Signing in / (1.45 to 2pm) / Set up room from 1.15pm
Need to be prompt starting / Registrations Sandra (Nicole’s friend)
1. / Introduction / 5mins
(2 to 2.05 pm) / -Introduce today’s session and outline structure Jim / Need PowerPoint slide of structure and freebies? / Jo to operate computer
2. / Presentation 1
and questions / 10 mins
(2.05 to 2.15pm) / -The future of transport, Jim / PowerPoint 5 mins presenting and 5 minutes to discuss / Jo to operate computer
3. / Presentation 2 and questions / 15 mins
(2.15 to 2.30) / -Electric car and bio-diesel and Jo / Power point mixture of presenting and discussion / Ibi to operate computer
4. / Presentation 3 / 10 mins
(2.30 to 2.40pm) / - ‘The man in seat 61’ run through with Ibi / Powerpoint / Ibi running through powerpoint and talking at the same time or Jo on computer
5. / Presentation 4 / 10mins
(2.40 to 2.50) / -Community Wardens (Neville) share with group their role in protecting the local environment/plans for mini HGG to TRA’s and answer questions local people have / Will have a stall during lunch / No slides, just talking
6. / Floating time / 5 mins
(2.50 to 2.55) / Note start lunch 5 mins early to give 5 minutes floating time in second half
7. / Lunch / 20mins (2.55 to 3.15pm)
8. / Presentation 5 and discussion / 15 (3.15 – 3.30) / Emma the ‘Compacter’ shares her experience - / No powerpoint, telling her story and then half the time for questions
9. / Pledges and activism feedback / 15 mins
(3.30 – 3.45) / - Ibi get people feeding back on pledges
- Jo to feedback on Veolia visit mentioning Lesley and Jennifer
- Julian 1 min on estate planting
- Liliana 1 min of freecycle event
- Stella feeding back on plastic bag project 2mins / Nicole record changes on flip chart
Jo are you talking and operating computer at the same time or Jim to do?
10 / Visual review / 10 mins
(3.45 – 3.55) / Nicole giving commentary to slide show reflecting on the people, learning and lifestyle changes that have made up the last five months, estimate 3.5 mins for actual slides. 6 mins for discussion around slide show / Ipod track is Afro funk instrumental called ‘Malik by the Lafayette Afro Funk Band, 5 min’s long so won’t run out. NB bring idoc and ipod / Jo operate computer
10. / Moving on from HGG / 15 mins
(3.55 – 4.10) / PWP and discussion Nicole Involvement with Southwark Friends of the Earth via sub groups on food and waste and mini HGG’s / half a dozen PWP slides
Jim and Ibi to write down the names of people wanting to get involved – v. important! / Jo on computer
11. / Keeping in touch / 5 mins
(4.10 – 4.15) / Nicole PWP 1 slide, party, newsletter, asking others to not use participant e-list. Nicole only contact all very occasionally, ie party invite, newsletter / Jo on computer
12 / Evaluating HGG / 10 mins
(4.15 – 4.25) / Evaluation forms to reflect on whole HGG experience. / Box for these and 3 designated people collecting them Sandra, Ibi and Jim
13. / Floating / 5 mins / Nice goodbyes
Outstanding points -
-Drawing attention to the gifts – Jim to do this at the beginning – problems is that there is a choice so do we need to let people look as they come in? Need to agree what to do with gifts!
-All note where there name is in bold and think about any resources you might need and how you are going to segway into/from the neighbouring piece.