Title V Operating Permit Application
Insignificant Activity Equipment Instructions
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The information in this form will identify and list all insignificant activity equipment / sources.
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Equipment ID: List the Equipment ID of the Insignificant Activity.
Insignificant Activity Description: List the number that corresponds to the item(s) listed on the Insignificant Activity, Section B List (if applicable) and provide a general description of the Insignificant Activity Equipment. For example; 2 million BTU/hr natural gas fired boiler (1b).
Construction Permit ID / Approval Date: Enter the existing SC Air Construction Permit Number. Or, enter the approval date if the equipment was exempted from the construction permit process. Some emission units may have not received a construction permit due to installation date prior to promulgation of SC Regulation 61-62. Enter the installation date (along with a comment explaining) in this case. Finally, if equipment was exempted during the renewal of an existing operating permit due to changes in regulations, enter the operating permit renewal date.
On SC Insignificant Activities List: Insignificant equipment is listed in the SC approved Insignificant Activities List or in SC regulation 62.70.5(c). Emissions from insignificant activity equipment are included when determining whether a facility is subject to an applicable air regulation (such as PSD, Title V, or MACT standards). The South Carolina approved Insignificant Activities List can be found at the following web address: http://www.scdhec.gov/environment/docs/air_Activities4SC.pdf, or contact BAQ at (803) 898-4123.
If equipment is on the SC Insignificant Activities List, Section B, then skip “Pollutant(s)” and “Emission Rate” and complete “de minimis Rate”; emissions do not have to be quantified. If the equipment is not on the “B” list, then complete “Pollutant(s),” “Emission Rate,” and “de minimis Rate” and include emissions in the Facility Wide Totals form.
· SC Insignificant Activities List (SC IA), Section A: do not include these sources in the Title V application. Emissions from these sources do not need to be quantified.
· SC IA, Section B: list these sources in the Insignificant Activity Equipment form. These emissions do not need to be quantified in the Facility Wide Totals form or the Insignificant Activity Equipment form.
· Insignificant Activities not on the SC IA List (Section A or B): these emissions must be less than 5 tons per year uncontrolled PTE for criteria pollutants or less than 1000 lb/yr of any pollutant listed in SC Regulation 61-62.5, Standard 8. Emissions from these sources need to be quantified in the Facility Wide Totals form and the Insignificant Activity Equipment form.
* Please note that all insignificant activities, including those from Section B, should be included in facility wide total emissions for determining major source status for Title V; major source status for Title III; and any other applicable regulation. However, only the emissions from equipment other than Section A or B needs to be included in the Facility Wide Total forms.
Pollutant(s): Specify all pollutants emitted from the source.
Emission Rate: Specify the uncontrolled maximum emission rate on a lb/hr basis or TPY depending on de minimus rate units.
de minimis Rate: State the de minimis rate listed in SC Regulation 61-62.70.5(c).
DHEC 2944 (11/2014)
/ Bureau of Air QualityTitle V Operating Permit Application
Insignificant Activity Equipment
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(Please ensure that the information list in this table is the same on all of the forms and required information submitted in the Title V application package.) /
Facility Name
(This should be the name used to identify the facility) / SC Air Permit Number (8-digits only)
(Leave blank if one has never been assigned)
- / Application Date
Insignificant Activity
Equipment ID: / Insignificant Activity Equipment Description / Construction Permit ID / Approval Date (if applicable) / On SC Insignificant Activity List / Pollutant(s) / Emission Rate / De Minimis Rate /
Yes / No /
DHEC 2944 (11/2014)