Week @ a Glance
Celebrations & Happenings
26th / Sunday Evening Service @ 4 pm.Jaikayo Brown’s b-day
27th / Josh Watkins’ b-day
28th / Helen Aston’s b-day
29th / Ladies Bible Class @10 a.m.
Wednesday Night Recharge @5:30 p.m.
30th / Whashin Lee’s b-day
NMCCH will be by here on their Christmas run.
2nd / Delbert Nelson’s b-day
Pantry Items Needed: Jelly, cereal, (eating) soup, instant potatoes, canned meat (spam, chicken)
Daily Bible Reading
God speaks to us through His Word, so take some time each day to write down the following scriptures, reflect on its words and pray!
Nov. 26 / Psalm 118:8-14Nov. 27 / Psalm 118:15-21
Nov. 28 / Psalm 118:25-29
Nov. 29 / Psalm 105:1-7
Nov. 30 / Choose your own verse
Worship Order
For November 26, 2017
Welcome: Brandon Cometti
Song Leader: Wayne Fenter
Songs: 707 – On Bended Knee
639 – How Sweet, How Heavenly
983 – Heavenly Love
Communion Song: 340 – If That Isn’t Love
Communion Thought/Prayers: Mike Joy
Communion/Offering: Dale Rogers, Mac Rogers, Matt Rogers, Landon Bennett, Phil Vanderwege, Brandon Reynolds, Brandon Cometti, Davis Bennett, Joseph Holmes, Chet Wilkinson
Song: 404 – Remind me, Dear Lord
Sermon: Doug Austin –“What Are You Thankful For?”
Song of Encouragement: 854 – What a Day That Will Be
Closing Song: 596 – I Love You With the Love of the Lord
Closing Prayer: Kyler Burd
Sunday Evening Worship @ 4 pm.
Sunday Evening Speaker: Doug Austin
Prayer Requests
-Gail Wright recently took a fall while at home and broke a rib. She's dealing with quite a bit of discomfort.
-Rosa De Lara continues to recuperate following her latest round of radiation treatments. Please continue to keep Rosa in prayer.
Continue in Prayer
Glenn & Rosemary O’Neal, Oatherine Woods, Harold O’Neil,
Geraldine Willoughby, Sam & Pat Gentry, Bill Linder, Rosa De Lara, Sharon & Wilburn Johnson, James Bradley, Vince & Diana Bergman, Jackie Witt, Janice Bennett, Delma Castillo, Lucas Williams
o November 19th marked the last Life Group meetings for the year. Life Groups will be taking a winter break for a brief period of time. However, please join us for Sunday Evening Worship @4:00 p.m. for a time of worship and fellowship.
o Wednesday Evening Recharge and meal will resume on November 29th.
o Ladies Bible Class resumes on November 29th @10 a.m.
o The NMCCH will be here on Thursday, Nov. 30th for their Christmas gift run to pick up items or donations for the two children we sponsor. Any & all donations are appreciated! Don’t forget to return those change cans, as well!
Joyce Gaylah Tyrone Geezay
What Are You Thankful For?
What a day!
I. Answered Prayer
- Hannah and Samuel (1 Sam. 1)
- Hannah’s first prayer.
- God’s answer.
- Hannah’s second prayer. (1 Sam. 2:1.)
II. The Psalmist
- Ps. 66:1-5.
III. A Savior
- Simeon
- Luke 2:29-30.
- Anna’s story. Luke 2:36-38.
IV. How do you respond?
- Jesus and the 10 Lepers. Luke 17:11-19.
- How have you been blessed?
- Are you grateful?
- How do you show it?