Cardiff School District





Due by 12:00 p.m., June 29, 2017

- 1 -Notice Requesting

Prequalification of Bidders




Notice is hereby given that the CARDIFFSCHOOL DISTRICT (the “District”), in accordance with Education Code section 17406 and Public Contract Code section 20111.6, has determined that General Contractors and certain mechanical, electrical, and plumbing subcontractors bidding District projects involving expenditures of more than $1 Million for which the District will seek state funding (collectively the “Project”) must be pre-qualified. Pursuant Public Contract Code Section 20111.6, all General Contractors possessing “A” or “B” licenses, and all mechanical, electrical and plumbing subcontractors with any of the following license classifications: C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 and C-46 must be prequalified.

Except as otherwise noted herein, all Contractors seeking prequalification should fully complete the pre-qualification package (“Pre-qualification Package”), including but not limited to the Statement of Qualifications questionnaire, provide all materials requested in the Prequalification Package, and be pre-qualified by the District to be on the final qualified bidders/subcontractors list. No bid will be accepted from a Contractor that is not on the District’s final qualified bidders list and no mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor with the license classifications stated above may be listed in a bid if such subcontractor has not been prequalified.

A copy of the Pre-qualification Package is also available at the following location on the District’s website:

One (1) original and three (3) copies of the completed Pre-qualification Package must be delivered to and received by the District, no later than 12:00 p.m. onJune 29, 2017, as further described in the District’s Request for Proposals/Qualifications for Lease Leaseback Construction Services. The original and each copy shall be organized (including section headings as indicated in the Pre-qualification document) and submitted in a 3-ring loose-leaf binder with the binder’s spine clearly labeled, “[Company Name] Prequalification Package.” Pre-qualification Packages must be submitted in sealed envelopes marked with the Company’s name/Contract No. and “Confidential –______Pre-qualification Package.”

The District reserves the right to cancel this Notice or to reject any and all responses and Pre-qualification Packages, if it determines, in its sole discretion, that such cancellation or rejection is in the best interest of the District.

Answers to questions contained in the Pre-qualification Package, information about current bonding capacity, notarized statement from surety, and the most recent reviewed or audited financial statements, with accompanying notes and supplemental information, will be used by the District in order to rate Contractors as “Pre-qualified” or “Not Pre-qualified” for the Project in question. The District reserves the right to check other sources available. The District’s decision will be based on objective evaluation criteria.

The Pre-qualification Packages submitted by Contractors are not public records and are not open to public inspection. All information provided will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law. However, the contents may be disclosed to third parties for purpose of verification, or investigation of substantial allegations, or in the appeal hearing. State law requires that the names of contractors applying for pre-qualification status shall be public records subject to disclosure, and the first page of the questionnaire will be used for that purpose.

The Contractor shall provide only complete and accurate information. The Contractor acknowledges that the District is relying on the truth and accuracy of the responses contained herein. Each questionnaire must be signed under penalty of perjury in the manner designated at the end of the form, by an individual who has the legal authority to bind the Contractor on whose behalf that person is signing. If any information provided by a Contractor becomes inaccurate, the Contractor must immediately notify the District and provide updated accurate information in writing, under penalty of perjury. Should a Contractor omit requested information or falsify information, the District may determine that Contractor to not be pre-qualified on that basis alone.

The District reserves the right to waive minor irregularities and omissions in the information contained in the pre-qualification application submitted and to make all final determinations. The District may refuse to grant pre-qualification where the requested information and materials are not provided. There is no appeal from the District’s decision not to pre-qualify a Contractor due to an incomplete or late application.

Where a timely and completed application results in a rating below that necessary to pre-qualify, an appeal can be made. An appeal is begun by the Contractor delivering notice to the District’s Superintendent of its appeal of the decision with respect to its pre-qualification rating, no later than five (5) calendar days after District staff issues its determination. Without a timely appeal, the Contractor waives any and all rights to challenge the decision of the District, whether by administrative process, judicial process or any other legal process or proceeding.

If the Contractor gives the required notice of appeal and requests a hearing, the hearing shall be conducted so that it is concluded no later than ten (10) business days after the District’s receipt of the notice of appeal. The hearing shall be an informal process conducted by a panel (the “Appeals Panel”). At or prior to the hearing, the Contractor will be advised, in writing, of the basis for the District’s pre-qualification determination. The Contractor will be given the opportunity to present information and present reasons in opposition to the rating. Within two (2) business days after the conclusion of the hearing, the District shall give the Contractor written notice of the outcome of the Appeals Panel decision which will be final and binding. It is the intention of the District that the date for the submission and opening of bids will not be delayed or postponed to allow for completion of an appeal process.

The Pre-qualification Package, its completion and submission by the Contractor, and its use by the District, shall not give rise to any liability on the part of the District to the Contractor or any third party or person. This is not a solicitation for bid. No guarantees are made or implied that the project will be constructed, either in part or whole. The Contractor accepts all risk and cost associated with the completion of the Pre-qualification Package without financial guarantee.

- 1 -Notice Requesting

Prequalification of Bidders







Each Pre-qualification Package must be completed with all information requested and be signed under penalty of perjury by an individual who has the legal authority to bind the Contractor on whose behalf that person is signing. The Cardiff School District (“District”) must receiveall Pre-qualification Packages and materials requested therein by the date and time stated in the Notice Requesting Pre-qualification of Contractors (“Notice”). Pre-qualification Packages received after that time will be returned unopened, and the Contractor will not be eligible to participate in the contract for construction of the Project. Incomplete or unsigned Pre-qualification Packages will be returned without review and the Contractor will not be eligible to potentially contract to construct the Project.

The pre-qualification of prospective contractors will be determined by evaluation of the information submitted by prospective contractors. The District may verify any or all information provided in completed Pre-qualification Package, consider information provided by sources other than the prospective bidder, and conduct such investigations as the District deems appropriate to assist in the evaluation of contractor's responsibility, qualifications and financial capacity.

If the Contractor seeking pre-qualification has not been in business for the time period for which information is requested, it shall submit information on predecessor entities covering that time period.

The District will evaluate all completed Pre-qualification Packages on a Pass/Fail basis as well as a points-based rating system. In order to pre-qualify for this Project, Contractor must obtain a “Pass” rating on all of the criteria set forth in Part I and meet the minimum rating requirements of the District for Part II. Those Contractors who do not obtain a “Pass” rating for all of the criteria in Part I will not be pre-qualified to participate in bidding for the contract to construct the Project regardless of the score obtained in Part II.

The District reserves the right to reject any or all Pre-qualification Packages and to waive any irregularities in any Pre-qualification Package submittal. The District reserves the right to determine that any Contractor is not qualified at any time before or after the Pre-qualification Packages are received and evaluated if it finds that information provided in the response to the Notice is materially inaccurate or false, or upon evidence of collusion or other illegal practices on the part of a contractor. The District, in its sole discretion, expressly reserves the right to cancel the Prequalification process at any time, including but not limited to, after the deadline for the receipt of Prequalification Packages, reject any Prequalification Packages received by the District.

If any information provided by a prospective Contractor becomes inaccurate, the party who provided the information must immediately notify the District and provide updated accurate information in writing and under penalty of perjury.

The District will notify prospective Contractors of the result of the pre-qualification process in writing.

Any objection to the pre-qualification materials, or explanation desired by a prospective Contractor regarding the meaning or interpretation of the Pre-qualification Package and related materials, must be received in writing by first-class mail, e-mail or facsimile, before 3:00 p.m., June 27, 2017. Oral explanations or instructions will not be binding unless issued as a formal addendum to the Pre-qualification Package. Any information provided to any prospective Contractor concerning a solicitation will be furnished to all prospective contractors who requested a Pre-qualification Package. By submitting a completed Pre-qualification Package, the prospective Contractor waives any and all objections to the form and content of the Pre-qualification Package.

Contractors should submit questions in writing regarding the Pre-qualification Package to:

Randy Peterson

(760) 632-5890

By my signature below, I acknowledge receipt of this document and agree to be bound by its terms including those outlined in the Notice Requesting Prequalification of Bidders and agree to submit it as part of the Pre-qualification Package.


Name of contractor on whose behalf this document is signed:


Questions submitted other than in writing will not be reviewed. All questions must be submitted to the email address listed above.





Full Name of Contractor (as it appears on license):
Type of Organization (Corporation, Partnership, Contractor License #______, Sole Proprietor, etc.):
Corporate Tax ID No.:
Is the corporation currently registered and in good standing with the State of California Secretary of State?
Street Address of Contractor:
City: / State: / Zip:
Contractor’s Contact Person:
Phone: / Cell Phone: / Fax:
Email Address:


An answer of “no” to any of the Questions 1 through 4 for General Contractors, below will be rated a “Fail” and the Contractor will be disqualified. An answer of “yes” to any of the Questions 7 through 12 below will be rated a “Fail” and the Contractor will be disqualified.

Contractor possesses the following valid and current California Contractor’s license for the work it intends to perform: ______/ Yes / No
Contractor has a liability insurance policy with a policy limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate.
NOTE: Contractor to provide a statement from its insurance broker(s) and/or carrier(s documenting insurance. Please note that these are preliminary insurance requirements that are subject to change. The contractor will be required to provide insurance as provided for in the Project bid documents. / Yes / No
Have you attached your latest copy of (1) a reviewed unaudited or audited financial statement with accompanying notes and supplemental information and (2) a Dunn and Bradstreet Risk Management Report for your company that is less than 30 days old?
NOTE: A financial statement that is not either reviewed or audited is not acceptable. A letter verifying availability of a line of credit may also be attached; however, it will be considered as supplemental information only, and is not a substitute for the required financial statement.
Failure to provide both the reviewed unaudited or audited financial statement with accompanying notes and supplemental information and a Dunn and Bradstreet Risk management report shall cause the answer for this question to be “No” and grounds for disqualification. / Yes / No
Have you attached a notarized statement from an admitted surety insurer (approved by the California Department of Insurance) and authorized to issue bonds in the State of California, which states: (a) that your current bonding capacity is sufficient for the Completed Volume, as defined above?
NOTE: Notarized statement must be from the surety company, not an agent or broker. / Yes / No
Has your contractor’s license been revoked at any time in the last five years? / Yes / No
Is your current company Experience Modification Rate (EMR) greater than 1.25?
Note: Documentation is required. If it is not attached, this question will be scored as if a “Yes” answer was given. Attach the documentation to question 32 under Part 3 Section G: Compliance with Occupation Safety and Health and with Other Labor Safety Legislation. / Yes / No
In the past five years, has CAL OSHA cited and assessed penalties against your firm for any of the following:
i.A “willful” violation; or
ii.More than five “serious” violations within a five year period; or
iii.More than two “repeat” violations. / Yes / No
Has a surety firm completed a contract on your behalf, or paid for completion because your firm was default terminated by the project owner within the last five (5) years? / Yes / No
At the time of submitting this prequalification form, is your firm ineligible to bid on or be awarded a public works contract, or perform as a subcontractor on a public works contract, pursuant to either Labor Code section 1777.1 or Labor Code section 1777.7?
If the answer is “Yes,” state the beginning and ending dates of the period of debarment: ______/ Yes / No
FOR GENERAL CONTRACTORS ONLY Has your firm completed at least two (2) California public school district construction projects - lease-leaseback construction projects of similar type and size? / Yes / No


A. Current Organization and Structure of the Business
For Firms That Are Corporations:
1a. / Date incorporated :
1b. / Under the laws of what state:
1c. / Provide all the following information for each person who is either (a) an officer of the corporation (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer), or (b) the owner of at least ten per cent of the corporation’s stock.
Name / Position / Years with Co. / Percent Ownership / Social Security #
1d. / Identify every construction firm that any person listed above has been associated with (as owner, general partner, limited partner or officer) at any time during the last five years.
NOTE: For this question, “owner” and “partner” refer to ownership of ten per cent or more of the business, or 10 per cent or more of its stock, if the business is a corporation.
Name / Construction Firm / Dates of Person’s Participation with Firm
For Firms That Are Partnerships:
1a. / Date of formation :
1b. / Under the laws of what state:
1c. / Provide all the following information for each partner who owns 10 per cent or more of the firm.
Name / Position / Years with Co. / Percent Ownership / Social Security #
1d. / Identify every construction company that any partner has been associated with (as owner, general partner, limited partner or officer) at any time during the last five years.
NOTE: For this question, “owner” and “partner” refer to ownership of ten per cent or more of the business, or ten per cent or more of its stock, if the business is a corporation.
Name / Construction Firm / Dates of Person’s Participation with Firm
For Firms That Are Sole Proprietorships:
1a. / Date of commencement of business :
1b. / Social security number of company owner:
1c. / Identify every construction firm that the business owner has been associated with (as owner, general partner, limited partner or officer) at any time during the last five years.
NOTE: For this question, “owner” and “partner” refer to ownership of ten per cent or more of the business, or ten per cent or more of its stock, if the business is a corporation.
Name / Construction Firm / Dates of Person’s Participation with Firm
B. History of the Business and Organizational Performance
2. / Has there been any change in ownership of the firm at any time during the last three years?
NOTE: A corporation whose shares are publicly traded is not required to answer this question.
If “yes,” explain on a separate signed page / Yes / No
3. / Is the firm a subsidiary, parent, holding company or affiliate of another construction firm?
NOTE: Include information about other firms if one firm owns 50 percent or more of another, or if an owner, partner, or officer of your firm holds a similar position in another firm.
If “yes,” explain on a separate signed page. / Yes / No
4. / Are any corporate officers, partners or owners connected to any other construction firms?
NOTE: Include information about other firms if an owner, partner, or officer of your firm holds a similar position in another firm.
If “yes,” explain on a separate signed page. / Yes / No
5. / State your firm’s gross revenues for each of the last three years (2014-2016): / 2014: ______