RE 5730 Cathy Marlow
Princess Furballby Charlotte Huck. Illustrated by Anita Lobel, 1989,Greenwillow Books, An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers.
Questions for Beginning:
What can you tell me about Cinderella?
We would discuss how this story might be similar to the Cinderella tale.
I would read the title and ask, What is a furball?
(Using this book with 1st graders, I would stop after I read every full page to show the pictures. While I am showing the pictures, I would ask questions and make sure they were comprehending the story.
Stop #1: …..besides being beautiful.
What can you tell me about this princess?
What kept her from being lonely?
How was she taught to be a princess?
Stop#2: … meet these demands.
What is an Ogre?
Why did her dad want her to marry the ogre?
What were the three bridal gifts she asked for? Why do you think she asked for those things?
Do you think her father will be able to get those things for her?
Stop #3: …..(Before the last sentence) Tomorrow your marriage will take place.
What do you think the princess will do?
(Then read last sentence.)
Stop #4: ….. She walked all night.
What things did she take with her?
Stop #5: ….. what is hiding in that tree.
Why did she sleep until noon?
What are hounds? Why were they barking excitedly?
Stop #6: ….. up the ashes for him.
Why did they call her furball?
Where were they going to take her?
What do you think will happen to her now?
Stop #7: ….. would ever change.
How has her life changed? Is it different than her life at her castle?
Stop #8: …..out to dance.
What did she tell the cook was the reason she wanted to leave the kitchen?
What did she really do?
Why do you think she got dressed up and went to the ball?
What do you think will happen now?
Stop #9: ….. into the bowl.
Were you right about what would happen next?
What did she put in the soup? Why do you think she put the gold ring in the soup?
Stop #10: ….. commanded the King.
Why do you think the soup was the best he had ever tasted in his life?
Why would the king order the Cook to appear before him?
How did the king know that the Cook was not telling the truth and that he did not make the soup?
What do you think Furball will do when she sees the King?
Stop #11: ….. he sent Furball away.
Were you right? What did Furball do when the King spoke to her?
Stop #12: ….. as quickly as she had before.
How do you know the King was glad to see her?
Stop #13: …..and would not say a word.
What did Furball put in the soup this time?
Why do you think she won’t talk to the King?
Stop #14: ….. and was gone like a shooting star.
What happened at the dance this time?
How did the King get her to stay longer this time?
Stop #15: ….. had not had the time to take off.
What did the King notice when Furball entered the room?
What do you think will happen next?
Stop #16: ….. and I cannot live without you.
What did the King say that let you know he liked her?
Why did he call Furball clever?
Culminating Questions:
In what ways is this story similar to the Cinderella story we know?
In what ways is this story different?
Which story do you like the better? Why?