Crickhowell Town Council
The following is the report of the Planning meeting that was held on Tuesday, 19th April 2016, in the Crickhowell Resource and information Centre, Crickhowell, commencing at 7:00pm.
Present: Cllr V P Games, Cllr P Williams, Cllr I Kovaleva, Cllr A Hughes, Deputy Mayor David Williams, Cllr E Jones, Mayor A Jeremiah (Chair)
Apologies:Mayor Ann Jeremiah, Cllr A D'Anna and Cllr C Dietz
In attendance: County Councillor John Morris and M Britton (Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
No apology received from Cllr R Dykes
Declaration of interests in items on the agenda -none
Previous meeting Minutes:
Agreement of the minutes of the planning meeting held on 15th March 2016 was proposed by D Williams and seconded by P Williams all agreed.
Matters arising:
Planning applications:
16/13309/TRCA Crickhowell High School, New Road NP8 1AW
Maintenance of trees in car park
There were no adverse comments to this application and it was proposed by David Williams and seconded by P Williams that the meeting ratify this response. All agreed
16/13304/FUL 5 Dan y Grug, Crickhowell, NP8 1DD
Conservatory extension to the rear
It was reported that there was plenty of garden space, the render matched the existing building, there was little impact on the neighbouring properties and the application met with planning guidelines. There had been a drainage report. A response of no adverse comments was proposed by D Williams, seconded by E Jones and all were in agreement.
16/13299/LBC 1 High Street, Crickhowell
Application for adaptation of a wall separating rear yard of Ty Canol (No 2 High Street) - back of Webbs
It was reported that 23 organizations had been consulted, the wall was not old having been constructed in 1989. There would be no impact on the neighbouring properties. D Williams proposed a response of no adverse comments to this application this was seconded by a Hughes and all were in agreement.
6/13245/FUL 4 Dan Y Grug, Crickhowell, NP8 1DD
Revised drawings relating to application for extension to existing property (discussed in last month’s meeting)
The revised drawings showed only minor changes to the previous ones the same problems existed it was proposed by D Williams and seconded by E Jones to reiterate the previous report – all agreed.
16/13366/FUL 19 New Road, Crickhowell, NP8 1AY
Proposed front porch and rear extension
From the plans it appeared that there would be no problem with this application the extension over ½ of the extension was less intrusive than the previous application, a bat survey had been carried out and features had been built in. However on visiting the site the neighbour at No. 18 is at right angles to the extension and her kitchen window would be very near the pitched roof although it might not violate any planning rules the extension would be in what would be naturally her garden and her view would be blocked also the kitchen window is east facing. Although the requirements meet BBNPA the layout is a concern. The previous application for an extension had been larger and concerns had been raised about the lack of view.
D Williams proposed and E Jones seconded that a planning officer be asked to visit the site and a report be sent back to CTC. All agreed.
No decisions had been received however the Upper House Farm had had a decision, Llangenny Lane had had a decision but this was not on the website – the developers are now looking to sell
Items to action:
Any Other Business
It was noted that Deputy Mayor Williams had done all the planning visits alone despite the fact that the clerk and he had both attempted to contact Cllr Dykes who was with him on the rota. It was felt that enquiries should be made as to whether everything was alright with her.
The meeting closed at 7:15pm