DAY ONE: Tuesday, August 4th
Time / Topic / Presented by:
8:00 a.m. / Registration: Coffee and Breakfast
8:30 a.m. / Welcome and Introductions / Will Mayo, Opening Prayer
Victor Joseph, President Tanana Chiefs Conference
Lisa Jaeger, Overview of the Conference
9:00 a.m. / Tribal court role in community wellness / Dave Raasch, Wisconsin Tribal Judge
Mike Williams, Akiak Alaska
10:20 a.m. / BREAK
10:45 a.m. / Alcohol and Drug Regulation: What can tribes do? / Andy Harrington, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Cesa Sam, Huslia
Lorraine Titus, Northway
1:30 p.m. / Working for Wellness through Tribal Court / Judge David Voluck, Tribal Court Judge
Brittany Smith, Tribal Court Clerk, Nulato
Donna Folger, Tanana
Curt Shuey, Kenaitze
2:45 p.m. / BREAK
3:00 p.m. / Self-Governance and Community Wellness Youth Restorative Justice / Jessica Black, Professor of Indigenous Studies, UAF
Kevin Illingworth, Associate Professor Tribal Management, UAF
4:00 p.m.
- 5:00 p.m. / Wellness Courts / Jerry Gardner, Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Pat Sekaquaptewa, University of Alaska Fairbanks
DAY TWO: Wednesday, August 5th
Time / Topic / Presented by:
8:00 a.m. / Coffee and Breakfast
8:30 a.m. / Recap from yesterday and participant comments
8:45 a.m. / Domestic Violence, Developing Issues, What can tribes do? / Natalie Landreth, Native American Rights Fund
Judge David Voluk, Tribal Court Judge
Paul Mountain, Tribal Administrator, Nulato
10:15 a.m. / BREAK
10:30 a.m. / Current Topics in Children’s Cases
- Tununak Fix
- BIA Regulations
- Registering Child Protection Orders
- Updates on Child Support Enforcement
Natasha Singh, Tanana Chiefs Conference
Nick Gasca, Tanana Chiefs Conference
Judge David Voluck
1:30 p.m. / Due Process, Appellate court, exhaustion of tribal remedies / Lisa Jaeger, Tanana Chiefs Conference
Kevin Illingworth, University of Alaska
Erin Dougherty, Native American Rights Fund
Thor Hoyte
3:15 p.m. / BREAK
3:30 p.m. / Judicial Perspectives on Maintaining Mental Health / Dave Raasch, Wisconsin Tribal Judge
Niesje Steinkruger, Alaska State Judge
DAY THREE:Thursday, August 6th
Time / Topic / Presented by:
8:00 a.m. / Registration: Coffee and Breakfast
8:30 a.m. / Recap from yesterday and participant comments
8: 45 a.m. / Building Tribal – State Relations / Will Mayo, Tanana Chiefs Conference
9:15 a.m. / Distinguished Speakers from the Alaska State Government
- Governor or Lieutenant Governor
- Alaska Supreme Court Chief Justice
- Alaska Attorney General, Craig Richards
- Gary Folger, Commissioner Public Safety
- Valerie Davidson, Commissioner Health and Social Services
- Tricia Tingle, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal Justice
- Alaska Delegation
10:30 a.m. / BREAK
10:45 a.m. / State Outreach to Alaska Tribes
1:30 p.m. / Working for Wellness through Tribal Court / Judge Eric Smith
Magistrate Judge Chris McLain
Rob Wood Division of Juvenile Justice
John Coghill, Alaska State Senator
Noon / CLOSING / Dave Rasch, Stockbridge Munsee