Les devoirs: la semaine du 21novembre
La classe de Madame Michaud
- Your child is now bringing 3-4 French books to read at home each week. (Please keep the books in their communication bag as your child will also be reading them in the classroom.)We will begin reading with the students in small groups at their own level. This book may come home more than once it is important that your child reads it and rereads it more than one night. With continued practice in the classroom and at home, your child will improve his/her reading in French. Your child also needs to retell the story in French.
- Math: Please practice Addition Math Facts up to 20 and counting to 300 as well as identifying numbers from 40 to 100 in French.
- Your child needs to read in English for at least 20 minutes each night.
Important Dates and Information
-Report cards went home on November 21st.
-Please fill in the interview form and return to school as soon as possible.
-Parent-teacher Interviews will be held on November 24th 4:30-7:30pm
-No school on Friday, November 25th (parent-teacher interviews in the morning and Professional Development for teachers in the afternoon.)
-Christmas concert will be held on Thursday, December 15 (snow date on December 19)
This week in language arts we will continue to learn the vocabulary related to living close or far from the school and our neighborhood. The students have also learned about the different rooms throughout the house, our favorite places/services in Fredericton. Où vas-tu avec ta famille? Je vais au magasin avec ma maman. Il y a un salon dans ma maison. Dans le salon, il y a un sofa, une lampe et une table.Quel est ton adresse? Mon adresse est 39 Carman Avenue. Ma maison est loin de l’école.
The sight words this weekare: beaucoup, je vais, très, ici plus, moins. Your child should be able to respond to basic routine questions as well as questions about the themes learned thus far. Your child will learn to identify the sounds learned and read words from our theme as well as to write sentences following a model.
In math we will be working on data management (collecting data and making bar graphs, pictographs and linear graphs), number recognition up to 200, skip counting by 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 10 and 25 from a given number, rounding off to the nearest tenth, counting money as well as place value.