TreUchafPrimary SchoolSCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLANA Summary
2008 – 2009 / 2009 - 2010 / 2010 - 2011 / 2011 - 2012- Full curriculum review
- Develop Thinking Skills and the TASC Wheel
- Develop Outdoor Learning
- Update Teaching and Learning Policy
- Improve Group Reading resources
- Improve assessment in the STFs
- RAISE Project – improving reading
- Review ICT training and provision
- Improvements in mathematics
- Develop Oracy
- Improvements across the range of Writing
- Work with partner schools to develop assessment
- Review PSE; diversity, global citizenship, sex education
- Become a DyslexiaFriendlySchool
- Focus on monitoring the curriculum
- Further improve planning in the Foundation phase
- Music resources
- Using ICT for peer assessment
- Update Teaching and Learning Policy
- Update ICT policy and resources
- Review Assessment policy
- Evaluate provision for Able and Talented children
- Develop Entrepreneurial Skills aspect of the curriculum
- Evaluate impact of implementation of Foundation Phase on standards at end of year 2
- Identify key curriculum areas for improvement
2008 – 2009 / 2009 – 2010 / 2010 – 2011 / 2011 – 2012- Re-establish the School Council
- Improve organisation of playground
- Review and update Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policies
- Induct new members of staff
- Revise School Aims and Vision – staff and governors
- Green Flag Stage 2
- Healthy Schools Award 2
- Improve the Peer Supporters Scheme
- Evaluate impact of School Council
- Healthy Schools Award 3
- Improve Attendance and Punctuality
- Introduce Philosophy for Children
- Develop the Curriculum Cwmreig
- Review and update Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policies
- Involve School Council in teaching and learning improvements
- Healthy Schools Award 4
- Green Flag stage 3
- Review Inclusion Policy
- Review the School Aims and Vision
- Further evaluate aim of School Council activity
2008 – 2009 / 2009 – 2010 / 2010 – 2011 / 2011 - 2012- Foundation Phase training
- Develop Curriculum
- Develop expertise in outdoor learning
- Implement Newly Qualified Teacher and Early Professional Development programmes
- Implement new staff structure
- Dyslexia training
- ICT training for all staff
- New Team Leaders to carry out Performance Management
- Training in Philosophy for Children
- Welsh training for all staff
- Speech and Language training
- Improve systems for disseminating training and for sharing expertise within school
- Increase use of school data for monitoring
- Strengthening links with other primary schools
- Review and update Monitoring and Performance Management policies
- Review training needs for the teaching of Reading and mathematics
- Develop staff expertise in teaching across the primary age range
- On-going use of SEF to evaluate and improve standards
- Establish links with a range of other schools to extend our learning community
2008 – 2009 / 2009 -2010 / 2010 – 2011 / 2011 - 2012- Further develop parental links, particularly for SEN children
- Transition Arts Project
- Using parental skills within the classroom
- Parents to observe pupils in learning situation
- Complete Disability Accessibility Scheme
- Develop website
- Develop relationships with local residents
- Increase business links, starting with local community
- Raise profile of school in local community
- Community members to talk to pupils about their jobs
- Create opportunities for parents to learn skills alongside their children
- Increase role played by parents in school
- Further develop website
- Develop opportunities for children to contribute to their local community
- Develop inter-generational links
- Develop gym area as a community resource/meeting place
- Create links with the wider community – possible link with school abroad
- Develop further links with business and industry
2008 – 2009 / 2009 – 2010 / 2010 – 2011 / 2011 - 2012- Shelter in junior yard
- Zoning of junior yard
- Infant transition/storage area
- Health and Safety alterations
- Carpet and school reception area and staffroom
- Improve woodland area
- Further improve woodland area
- Improve infant playground environment
- Carpet and paint infant corridors and entrances
- Improve external emergency lighting – health and safety
- Security fencing
- Barrier on car park
- Partition walls in gym to create storage and meeting room
- Carpet and paint infant classrooms
- Improve toilet areas
- Extend school office
- Further outdoor lighting
- Improvements to school field