Executive Branch
Parent Policy
This policy does not have a parent policy.
The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is bound by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 as well as other laws that impose specific obligations in regard to handling personal and health information that directly or indirectly identifies a person. This Policy is in accordance with these laws.
This Policyoutlines the management of personal information, by the VEC, in the course of carrying out its functions.The policy supports the VEC’s need to collect information and the right of the individual to privacy. It ensures that the VEC can collect personal and health information necessary for its services and functions, while recognising the right of individuals to have their information handled in ways that they would reasonably expect and in ways that protect the privacy of their personal and health information.
This Policy applies to all personal information collected, received and/or stored by the VEC with no exclusions. The VEC Privacy Information and Guidelines provide detailed information that supports this policy. This policy can be updated and amended from time to time by the VEC at its absolute discretion. Employees will be notified of any changes.
3Policy Statement
The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is committed to safeguarding and preserving the privacy of all personal information it receives, collects and stores. All personal information collected, received and stored by the VEC will be handled in accordance with this Policy and relevant legislation (see list over page).
3.1Collection of personal information
The VEC will only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary for the performance of its functions as detailed in the Electoral Act 2002.TheVEC will obtain this information will be through lawful, fair and not unreasonably intrusive means.
3.2Use and disclosure
Unless authorised by the person, or by legislation, the VEC will use and disclose personal information only for the primary purpose for which it was collected, or a directly related purpose, or for anotherpurpose with the person’s consent (unless otherwise required, permitted or authorisedby law).
Notification of authorised use and disclosure and of disclosure for a secondary purpose will be provided by noticedirectly (if reasonably practicable), on the VEC website, in the VEC Annual Report and in the Privacy Policy Framework and Guidelines associated with this policy.
3.3Quality, access and correction
The VEC will make every reasonable effort to ensure that personal information it collects and/or stores is accurate, complete and up to date. With a small number of exceptions (included in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014and with reference to the Freedom of information Act 1982)any person has the right to receive reasonable access to their own personal information held by the VEC and to seek corrections. All reasonable steps will be taken to correct information so that it is accurate, complete and up to date.
3.4Security of personal information
The VEC will make every reasonable effort to protect personal information from misuse, lossand unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
4Rolesand Responsibilities
Electoral Commissioner responsibilities
The Electoral Commissioner is responsible for ensuring the implementation of, and compliance withthis Policy.Queries relating to privacy of personal information at the VEC should be directed to the privacy officer at or 03 8620 1100.
Employee responsibilities
It is the responsibility of all staff to comply with this Policy and the associated Information Privacy Guidelines. Wrongful, unauthorised or accidental access, use or disclosure of personal information that constitutes a breach of privacy may result in disciplinary action.
Policy Endorsement
Date approved: / June 2013 / Date Policy will take effect: / Existing / Date of Next Review: / June 2017Approved by: / Management Group / Doc Ref: / D13/3110[V2]
Custodian title: / VEC’sInformation Privacy Officer
Author: / VEC’sInformation Privacy Officer
Responsible branch / Electoral Enrolment Branch
Supporting documents, procedures & forms of this Policy: / Records Management Policy
Information Privacy Guidelines
Inappropriate access to personal information - reporting procedures
Information Systems Security Policy
References & Legislation: / Electoral Act 2002
Information Privacy Principles
Freedom of Information Act 1982
Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
Public Records Act 1973
Audience: / All VEC employees, appointees and contractors.
Version control and change history
Version Control / Date Effective / Approved By / Amendment1 / 2013 / (Acting) Commissioner / Redeveloped policy
2 / June 2015 / Privacy Officer / Updated to reflect Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 plus minor text amendments
2.1 / April 2017 / HR / Amending of links to legislation and internal links to other VEC policies.
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