The Return of Jesus Christ
Many Bible Scholars, across denominational lines, believe that the return of Jesus Christ is very close, if not imminent. The re-establishment of Israel as a nation in May 1948, after nearly 2000 years of dispersement, is considered a major prophetic sign, among many other signs. The leaders of Israel, in the time of Christ, failed to recognize the signs and fulfillment of His first coming, resulting in their rejection of Him as their promised Messiah. Let us not be guilty of the same concerning His return. In the gospels, Jesus admonishes us over and over to be watching for His return (three times, for example, in Mark 13:33-37). He gave us signs of His return that we can easily recognize (see Matt 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21). Pray that we will not be like the unwise virgins Jesus described in Matthew 25:1-13. They knew the bridegroom was coming but they did not make adequate preparations and were shut out. Let’s not be half hearted and caught up with the cares of this life as we look for His return.
There are two aspects of the return of Christ that often confuse people. The first is that Christ will return in the clouds to catch away the saints to spare them the judgment of tribulation that will afterward come upon the world of the ungodly. At that time,all the deceased righteous will be instantly resurrected and the living righteous will immediately join them in being caught up to heaven. They will also besuddenly changed into new, incorruptible bodies. This event is often referred to as the rapture of the saints. At that time Jesus does not return all the way to the surface of the earth.
The second aspect is the literal Second Coming, or Second Advent, of Christ when He returns to smite the antichrist (the “beast” in Revelation)and the nations which have come to battle against Jerusalem. This is when the battle of Armageddon occurs. The saints in heaven will return with Christ who will then set up His throne in Jerusalem to rule over all the earth for a thousand years. The saints will rule and reign with Him. There will be real peace on earth, even within the animal kingdom where the wolfand the lamb will feed together and the lion will eat straw like the bullock (Isaiah 65:25).
Below are a few of the scripture references to these two aspects of the return of Christ. The Bible says more about the return of Christ than about His first coming. It is most important that you receive Christ as your savior before His return (John 1:12, 3:3, 3:16; Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:13; Revelation 3:20). Receive Him as your Lord and savior.
The Rapture of the saints (Christ returns forthe saints, His Bride, to save them from world tribulation which is about to occur)
- John 14:1-3
- I Thessalonians 4: 13-18
- I Corinthians 15:51-57
The Second Coming, or Second Advent, of Christ: (Christ returns withthe saints, His Bride, to destroy His enemies and to establish His millennial reign over the Earth)
- Revelation 19:11-16
- Jude 14-15
- II Thessalonians 1:6-10
- Matthew 24:29-30
- Mark 13:26
- Luke 21:27
- Zechariah 14:1-9 (read all of chapter 14) Noel Caldwell, 1-17-2011