Algebra BMr. Albright(Room #121)
I.Course Description
In this course, the student will analyze problems from a variety of areas. These include business, banking, manufacturing, and commerce as well as travel, hobbies, sports, and entertainment. Students, using mathematics to make sense of the situation, will make decisions, recommendations, and pose further questions in search of solutions.
This course uses state-of-the-art computer software called a Cognitive Tutor to help the student learn. It is designed to help the student become a self-sufficient learner, to allow the student to progress at his/her own pace, to provide immediate and individual feedback, and to individually tailor instruction.
The teacher will be a facilitator and guide, supporting the student’s learning.
Text: Cognitive Tutor – ALGEBRA I
II.Course Outline
* Systems of Equations and Inequalities
* Quadratic Functions
* Properties of Exponents
* Polynomial Functions and Rational Expressions
* Probability and Statistical Analysis
* Quadratic and Exponential Functions and Logic
III.General Class Information—Algebra B
- Pacing: Generally, class will be divided into the following segments: teacher presentation/discussion, group work time, and computer lab work time.
- Homework: Homework will be assigned at the competition of each section. Failure to attempt assignments may result in the loss of points (see #5). From time to time, homework will be grade for the appropriate values.
- Tests and Quizzes: Tests are announced in advance (usually worth 100 points). Most units include one or two 50 point quizzes. "Quick quizzes" worth fewer points may be administered without warning. Some evaluations will be completed individually while others are completed within a small group.
- Folder/Notebooks: Folders will be used to assist in organization of each chapter. Notebooks are for mathematical vocabulary, taking notes on procedure and to complete guided practice or independent problems. Notebooks are to be brought to class daily. Forgetting to bring the math notebook to class may result in the loss of points (See #5). Folders will be checked for completion of problems from the student text.
- 25 Prepare Points:Each student will be given 25 points at the beginning of each marking period for being prepared. In order to maintain these points, students are to bring a pencil to class, be on time, have their notebook with them, attempt every homework assignment, use work time wisely, etc. Each infraction may result in the deduction of one point. Students may accumulate negative prepare points.
- Attendance: Class attendance and participation is critical to success in education. Students MUST make up missed computer time (either during study hall time if available or during activity period). Those students missing numerous days may be required to attend additional help sessions. Students are usually excused for school-sponsored activities. It is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor prior to these absences and to make the necessary arrangements for missed assignments. Consistent with school policy, credit may NOT be given for the course if too many days are missed.
- Calculators: Each student should have a calculator with at least the following keys:
yx or xy, x, x!, or +/-, , and 1/x.
- Make Up Work
It is the student's responsibility to determine and complete work missed due to any absence from class. This includes computer time as well. Missed work will be made up as directed by the teacher. Those who fail to do so will earn a "0" grade. Students will need to make arrangements to so.
Students who miss only the day of an announced evaluation will normally be expected to complete it upon the day of their return. Generally make up work must be completed within 5 days.
The teacher may give an alternate form for make up. There may be no make up on certain assignments.
Students needing remediation or to work on the computer program are reminded that study hall and after school activity’s period are the only times available. See Mr. Albright to make future accommodations.
V.Grading Procedure
A student’s marking period grade will be determined by the following guidelines
Group Presentations/Homework
Cognitive Tutor
Prepare Points
During computer work time, students are expected to be working on the Cognitive Tutor program; failure to do so will result in the loss of 2 points per infraction from their Cognitive Tutor grade. The final grade for the course will be determined by averaging the four marking period grades together.
VI.Classroom Expectations
Students will treat Mr. Albright and peers with respect
Students will act in a mature and responsible manner.
Students will come prepared and on time.
Students will possess a hall pass (planner) if for any reason they must leave the classroom
Students will be honest.
Students will follow directions the first time asked.
Students will use their computer work time efficiently.
Students will work cooperatively in groups and participate in group presentations.
Students will move quietly to the computer lab.
Students are expected to exercise good judgment and common sense when working. Infractions of the above expectations will lead to the following consequences:
- Warning
- Student/Teacher conference after class
- Classroom detention
- Parent/Teacher contact
- School detention
Occasionally a classroom violation will necessitate an immediate school detention based on the classroom teacher’s professional discretion.
No grooming in class. No writing notes. Ask permission to sign out during work time. Papers are to be stored in your notebook, NOT your textbook. Those in your textbook on a DUMP DAY will end up in the garbage can, thus possibly resulting in the loss of points.
NO food or drink in class.
Mr. Albright
Work Phone: 793-2111
Prep Period – 8:35 to 9:17 pm
All of the above is subject to revision;
Ample notification will be given.
(revised 4/08)
Name ______Period _____Course ______
I, ______, have read and understand the
contents of this syllabus and agree to abide by its guidelines. DATE: ______
I, ______, have read and understand the
contents of this syllabus and agree to support its implementation. DATE: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Email Address:______(optional)
Additional comments or concerns for Mr. Albright:
Return this page, SIGNED, to Mr.Albright A.S.A.P.