Department of Housing & Consumer Economics 235 Idylwood Drive

College of Family & Consumer SciencesAthens, GA30605

224Dawson Hall, Athens, GA 30602-2622Ph: (706)546-0975

Ph: (706)542-4879 Fax: (706)542-4397



Ph.D.The University of Alabama, Business Administration

"A Multivariate Analysis of the Relationship Between Psychographic, Demographic, and Attitudinal Dimensions and Spatial and Temporal Distance Perception in an Urban Environment"

M.A. The University of Alabama, Home Economics Education

B.A.The University of Northern Iowa, Home Economics Education


The University of Georgia, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, Athens, Georgia

Interim Dean2010-present

Department of Housing and Consumer Economics

Department Head 2004-2010


Director of the Housing and DemographicsResearchCenter1995-present

Undergraduate Coordinator1997-2004

Interim Department Head1997-98

Associate Professor1988-95 Assistant Professor 1982-88 Temporary Assistant Professor (part-time) 1981-82

Thermador Waste King, Salinas, California

Home Economics Consultant1980

North CarolinaStateUniversity, Raleigh, North Carolina

North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service

Assistant Professor, Housing Specialist1977-78

The University of Alabama

Department of Consumer Sciences, School of Home Economics

Instructor 1970-74

Mason CityPublic Schools, Mason City, Iowa

Home Economics Teacher1965-69


Under Review:

Anglyn, A.L., Mimura, Y., Glass, A.P., & Sweaney, A.L. Changes in home modifications among older adults in the United States. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. Under first review.

Chapters in Books:

Sweaney, A.L. (2010). Chalk talk: It’s all in the cards! In Johnson, L. (Ed). Chalk talk: Teaching tips from the UGATeachingAcademy.

Sweaney, A.L., Roskey, C.M., Peek, G.G. (2008). Housing. In G.A. Gorham (Ed.), Encyclopedia of rural America: The land and people: Vol. 1(2nd ed.). (pp. 494-497). Millerton, NY: Grey House Publishing, Inc.

Carswell, A.T., & Sweaney, A.L. (2006). The housing industry. In J.L. Merrill, S.R. Crull, K. R. Tremblay, Jr., L.L. Tyler, & A.T. Carswell (Eds.), Introduction to housing (pp. 87-112). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Carswell, A.T., Merrill, J.L., Sweaney, A.L., & Temblay, Jr. K.R. (2006). Housing challenges for the twenty-first century. In J.L. Merrill (Ed.), Introduction to housing (pp. 327-335). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sweaney, A.L. (2004). Family and consumer sciences: Housing and human environments. In T. Vanderberg (Ed.), The College Board book of majors(1st ed., pp. 277-278). New York: The College Board.

Sweaney, A.L. (2001). Fostering critical thinking: Making learning fun. In F. Stephenson (Ed.), Extraordinary teachers (pp. 21-26). Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel Publishing.

Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1997). Housing. In G.A. Gorham (Ed.), Encyclopedia of rural America: The land and people: Vol. 1 (pp. 356 - 359). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.

Sweaney, A.L. (1992). Housing and human development. In The College Board Guide to 150 Popular College Majors.New York: College Entrance Examination Board.

Refereed Journal Articles:

Mimura, Y., Sweaney, A.L., Reeves, J.H., & Eaves, C.P. (2010). Consumer perception of manufactured homes: Does knowing they are manufactured homes matter? International Journal for Housing Science, 34(4), 275-286.

James, R.N., III. & Sweaney, A.L. (2010). Housing dissatisfaction and cognitive decline in older adults. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 24. 93-106.

James, R.N., Carswell, A.T., & Sweaney, A.L. (2009). Sources of disconnect: Residential satisfaction of tenants from an internet ratings site. Environment and Behavior, 41(1). 43-59.

Mimura, Y., Vanderford, S.E., George, L., & Sweaney, A.L. (2009). Are profiles of ‘mobile home’ residents in Georgia changing? Evidence from 1980, 1990, and 2000. Housing and Society, 36(1), 29-52.

Nunn, T.L., Sweaney, A.L., Cude, B.J., & Hathcote, J.M. (2009). Consumer receptiveness to universal design features. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33(1),1-9.

Cude, B.J., Swagler, R.M., Sweaney, A.L. (2008). 2008 Distinguished ACCI Fellow: Julia Marlowe. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 42(1), 4-5. [Invited paper]

Tinsley, K., Cude, B., Rodgers, T. & Sweaney, A. L. (2008). Partnering with Local Employers to Meet Housing Needs. Journal of Extension. 46(6).Available at

Manley, K.S. & Sweaney, A.L. (2007). Cyber Community for Housing, Consumer Economics Created. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 99(1), 41-42.

Vanderford, S.E., Mimura, Y., Sweaney, A.L., & Carswell, A.T. (2007). An analysis of tenure and house structure type by household composition. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal 36(2), 93-109. [Reprinted in special online edition of FCSRJ on "Families and Housing" in November 2009; downloadable at ].

Opoku, A., Mauldin, T., Sweaney, A., Bachtel, D., Atiles, J., & Eaves, C. (2006). Predisposing, enabling, and need predictors of community versus institutional long term care. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 20(1/2), 133-154.

Sweaney, A.L., Mimura, Y., Vanderford, S.E., & Reeves, J. (2006). How proud would older persons be of living in manufactured housing? Assessing the pride of owned housing options among older individuals in Georgia. Housing and Society, 33(2), 33-41.

Syal, M., Hastak, M., Mullens, M., & Sweaney, A.L. (2006). U.S. - India collaborative research directions in urban housing and supporting infrastructure. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 12(4), 167-167.

Johnson, L.N., Carswell, A.T., Palmer, L., Sweaney, A.L., Mullis, R.M., Leonas, K.K., Moss, J.K., & Mauldin, T.A. (2005). Life skills literacy: Intervention model to alleviate family poverty. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 97(4), 73-76.

Vanderford, S.E., Mimura, Y., & Sweaney, A.L. (2005). A hedonic price comparison of manufactured and site-built homes in the non-MSA United States. Journal of Real Estate Research, 27, 83-104.

Sweaney, A.L., Manley, K.S., Atiles, J.H., Bachtel, D.C., Cude, B.J., Ragsdale, M.G., Rodgers, T.F., Tinsley, K.L., Valente, J.S., & Shelton, G.G. (2004). Rural workforce housing: Perceived barriers and incentives for development. Housing and Society, 31, 15-28.

Sweaney, A.L., Mimura, Y., & Meeks, C.B. (2004). Changes in perceived housing quality among elderly movers: Does neighborhood and tenure matter? Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 18(2), 3-16.

Sweaney, A.L. (2003). The challenge of crossing cultures in London. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 95(1), 65-67.

James, R.N., III, Carswell, A.T., & Sweaney, A.L. (2001). Sources of discontent: Residential satisfaction of tenants from an internet ratings site. Environment & Behavior, 41(1), 43-59.

Seo, J.I., Hathcote, J.M., & Sweaney, A.L. (2001). Casualwear shopping behaviour of

college men in Georgia, USA. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 5(3), 208-222.

Sweaney, A.L., Manley, K.S., Meeks, C.B., & Valente, J.S. (2001). Computer experience and skills of Family and Consumer Sciences undergraduates and professionals. Education, 121, 773-780.

Manley, K.S., Sweaney, A.L., & Valente, J.S. (2000). Internet usage among Family and Consumer Sciences education professionals. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, 18(2). Available at


Manley, K.S., Sweaney, A.L., & Valente, J.S. (2000, November). Promoting your department via a website. What’s New Magazine, 34, 20-21.

Mimura, Y., & Sweaney, A.L. (2000). Housing in Japan: Structure types, quality, and household composition. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, 24, 177-182.

Meeks, C.B., Nickols, S.Y., & Sweaney, A.L. (1999). Demographic comparisons of aging in five selected countries. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 20, 223-250.

Sweaney, A.L., Manley, K.S., & Meeks, C.B. (1999). Testing the efficacy of internet information delivery systems for students in the consumer sciences. Journal of Consumer Education, 17, 1-7.

Sweaney, A.L., Meeks, C.B., & Manley, K.S. (1999). The impact of mobility on the quality and affordability of housing of the elderly. Hallym International Journal of Aging,

1, 82-93.

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Brown, B.B., Burton, J.R., & Sweaney, A.L. (1998). Neighbors, households and front porches: New urbanist's community tool or mere nostalgia? Environment & Behavior, 29, 579-600.

Meeks, C.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1998). The influence of residential mobility of elderly households on housing costs. Housing and Society, 25(1&2), 39-52.

Meeks, C.B., Sweaney, A.L., & Nickols, S.Y. (1997, October). College experiences and career success: A comparison by major and race. Kappa Omicron Nu Dialogue, 7(4), 1-2.

Poynter, J.T., & Sweaney, A.L. (1997). Using bed and breakfast operations to preserve the housing stock. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, 21, 123-130.

Nickols, S.Y., Meeks, C.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1996). Contribution of college experiences to African American and White graduates' careers. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 88(4), 25-30, 40.

Meeks, C.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1994). Assessing housing affordability in rural Georgia. Southern Journal of Rural Sociology, 10(1), 91-113.

Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1994). The impact of an energy education program. Building Research Journal, 3(2), 103-111.

Thompson, H., & Sweaney, A.L. (1994). The differences in microwave oven ownership and use in London, U.K. and Atlanta, Georgia. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 18, 123-134.

Meeks, C.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1993). Factors influencing the ownership and use of microwave ovens and video cassette recorders. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 17, 105-115.

Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1993). Nuisance contaminants from private wells: What

action can builders take? Building Research Journal, 2(20), 45-51.

Meeks, C.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1992). Consumer's willingness to innovate: Ownership ofmicrowaves, computers and entertainment products. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 16, 77-78.

Meeks, C.B., Sweaney, A.L., & Swagler, R.M. (1992). Adopting new technology: The case of electrical plugs and receptacles. Home Economics Research Journal, 20(4), 264-274.

Poon, L.W., Clayton, G.M., Martin, P., Johnson, M.A., Courtenay, B.C., Sweaney, A.L., Merriam, S.B., Pless, B.S., & Thielman, S.B. (1992). The Georgia centenarian study. A Special Issue of The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1-17.

Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1992, printed in 1994). A discussion of private housing

market issues. Housing and Society, 19(3), 75-87.

Sweaney, A.L., Meeks, C.B., & Swagler, R.M. (1992). Building professionals' views on adopting new technology: The case of electrical plugs and receptacles. Building Research Journal, 1(2), 49-56.

Swagler, R.M., Sweaney, A.L., & Marlowe, J. (1989). Children's participation in household tasks as portrayed by national television commercials in the U.S.A.Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 13, 271-283.

Meeks, C.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1987). Studying planned communities through site visits. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, 11, 201-211.

Tremblay, K.R., Jr., Beamish, J.O., & Sweaney, A.L. (1987). Identifying non-metropolitan communities with innovative housing. Housing and Society, 14, 70-74.

Wallinga, C.R., Sweaney, A.L., & Walters, J. (1987). The development of responsibility in young children: A 25-year view. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2, 119-131.

Beamish, J.O., Sweaney, A.L., Tremblay, K.R., Jr., & Bugg, C. (1986). Perceptions of energy efficient housing alternatives among southern households. Housing and Society, 14, 6-19.

Sweaney, A.L., Inman, M.I., Wallinga, C.R., & Dias, S. (1986, Winter). Preschool children’s perceptions of their residential environment: Does crowding affect quality of life? Children’s Environments Quarterly, 3(4), 10-15.

Tremblay, K.R., Jr., & Sweaney, A.L. (1986, Jan./Feb.). Improving rural housing quality through alternative housing forms. SmallTown, 34-38.

Tremblay, K.R., Jr., Sweaney, A.L., & Beamish, J.O. (1986). Features liked and disliked about alternative housing types. International Journal for Housing Science, 10(2), 131-138.

Tremblay, K.R., Jr., Sweaney, A.L., & Walls, E. (1986). Targeting housing information programs. Journal of Extension, 24, 26-27.

Sweaney, A.L., Pittman, J.F., Jr., & Montgomery, J.E. (1985). The influence of marital status and age on the housing behavior of older southern women. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 2(3), 25-36.

Tremblay, K.R., Jr., & Sweaney, A.L. (1985). Solar homes: An alternative source of energy. Arkansas Engineer, 8-9.

Tremblay, K.R., Jr., Sweaney, A.L., & Walls, E. (1985). Assessing family needs for housing information. Housing and Society, 12.

Wallinga, C.R., & Sweaney, A.L. (1985). A sense of real accomplishment: Young children as productive family members. Young Children, 41(1), 3-8. Reprinted as Wallinga, C.R., & Sweaney, A.L. (1986). A sense of real accomplishment: Young children as productive family members. In J.B. McCracken (Ed.), Reducing Stress in Young Children’s Lives (pp. 11-53). Washington, D.C.: NAYC.

Mize, J.J., Rhoden, J.O., & Sweaney, A.L. (1983). Home economics in the University of Georgia, the first state chartered university. Journal of Home Economics, 75(3), 32-35.

Bulletins and Reports:

Sweaney, A.L, Dorfman. J., Atiles, J., Kriesel, W., Rodgers, T.R, Tinsley, K.L. (2006). The Economic Impact of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in Georgia. Report submitted to the Georgia Affordable Housing Coalition.

University of Georgia Housing and DemographicsResearchCenter. (2004, August).

Affordable housing development by nonprofit organizations in Georgia: The results of a G-STAND survey. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Department of Housing and

Consumer Economics.

Tinsley, K., & Sweaney, A.L. (2004, June). Elderly housing market analysis and needsassessment for Calhoun, Clay, Quitman, Randolph and StewartCounties in Georgia.Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Department of Housing and Consumer Economics.

University of Georgia Housing and DemographicsResearchCenter. (2001, September). Workforce housing in Georgia. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Department of Housing and Consumer Economics.

Sweaney, A.L., Brock, S., Meier, J.D., & Manley, K.S. (2001). The development of a housing innovations consumer survey. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Department of Housing and Consumer Economics.

Callaway, S., Conley, R., Defenbaugh, J., Steeves, J., & Sweaney, A.L. (1999). Athens area guide to housing options for the elderly. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Department of Housing and Consumer Economics.

Sweaney, A.L., Meeks, C.B., & Manley, K.S. (1998). Navigating cyberspace for policy analysis in family and consumer sciences (Monograph for USDA Grant #95-384112502). Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Department of Housing and Consumer Economics.

Nickols, S.Y., Meeks, C.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1996). College experiences and career success: A comparison by major and race. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Department of Housing and Consumer Economics.

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Sweaney, A.L., & Shelton, G.G. (1993, December). 1994 Athens-Clarke CountyCHAS and Updated Five Year Strategy and the 1993 Athens-ClarkeCounty Annual Performance Report. Athens, GA.

Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1993). An assessment of changes in energy behavior. Prepared for Governor's Office of Energy Resources.

Beamish, J.O., & Sweaney, A.L. (1992, September) Housing stock: Quality component. In J.W. McCray & G.G. Shelton (Eds.), Affordable Housing in the Rural South: A Causal Model of Barriers and Incentives, pp. 13-16. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin 371, Southern Regional Project S-194, Fayetteville, AR: Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.

Sweaney, A.L. (1991, October). Collaborating with related agencies and organizations, Community Leadership and Affordable Housing in the Rural South, sponsored by the Southern Rural Development Center, Atlanta, GA.

Beamish, J.O., Sweaney, A.L., & Brewer, G.J. (1991, November). Case Study Documentation. In D.B. Hanna, B.R. McManus, J.O. Beamish, & R.C. Goss (Eds.), Affordable Housing in the Rural South: Methodological Issues. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin, 366.

Shelton, G.G., Sweaney, A.L., Day, S., Gruber, K., & Lentner, M. (1991, December). Surveying the intermediary. In D.B. Hanna, B.R. McManus, J.O. Beamish, & R.C. Goss (Eds.), Affordable Housing in the Rural South: Methodological Issues. S-194 Unpublished Monograph Series.

Meeks, C.B., Swagler, R.M., & Sweaney, A.L. (1990). A Survey of Housing Conditions in the Georgia Communities of: Clayton, Leslie and Desoto, Soperton and Walthourville. Reports prepared for the Georgia Housing Coalition.

Meeks, C.B., Swagler, R.M., & Sweaney, A.L. (1989). Plug/Receptacle Evaluation Project. Volumes I-III. Prepared for SMART HOUSE Limited Partnership.

Meeks, C.B., Swagler, R.M., & Sweaney, A.L. (1989, May). Final report of assessments of public & professional acceptance of alternative plug and receptacle designs, for the NAHB/SMART HOUSE.

Sweaney, A.L., & Swagler, R.M. (1988). Practical Examination of HouseholdRanges. Technical Report to Roper Appliance Corp.

Meeks, C.B., Swagler, R.M., & Sweaney, A.L. (1988). The market for multifamily housing in Auburn, Alabama. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Department of Housing and Consumer Economics.

Sweaney, A.L., Beamish, J.O., & Goss, R.C. (Eds.). (1987). Directory of housing related agencies in eight southern states, S-194: Barriers and Incentives for Innovative Housing, Regional Housing Research Project, College of Agricultural Experiment Station & Muscle Shoals, AL: Tennessee Valley Authority.

Shelton, G.G., & Sweaney, A.L. (Eds). S-141 Technical Committee (1983, September). Perceptions of alternative housing: A data book, University of Georgia: College of Agricultural Experiment Station, Southern Cooperative Series No. 298.

Sweaney, A.L., & Montgomery, J.E. (1982, November). Perceptions of alternative housing, Southern Regional Project No. 141, University of Georgia: College of Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Report No. 414.

Refereed Research Papers and Abstracts:

Sweaney, A.L., Dorfman, J., Atiles, J.H., Kriesel, W., Rodgers, T., & Tinsley, K. (2007, October 23-26). The economic impact of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in Georgia. [Poster Presentation]. Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association. Charlotte, NC.

Sweaney, A.L. (2005). Consumer demand for housing in the United States. In Eighth Convention on Construction: Vol. 5. Development of physical infrastructure–synergic approach (s.5, pp. 1-5). New Delhi, India: Construction Industry Development Council.

Sweaney, A.L., Vanderford, S.E., Mimura, Y., & Carswell, A.T. (2005). An analysis of homeownership and type of dwelling by household composition. In K.R. Tremblay, Jr., & L.F. Blaesi (Eds.), 2005 Annual Conference Proceedings: Healthy home environments (pp. 87-89). Denver, CO: Housing Education and Research Association.

Sweaney, A.L, Atiles, J.H., Bachtel, D.C., Cude, B.J., Manley, K.S., Ragsdale, M., Rodgers, T., Shelton, G.G., Tinsley, K., & Valente, J.S. (2003). Workforce housing: An expanding market. In M. Syal (Ed.), Profit and opportunity beyond traditional building practices (pp. 23-35).

Cude, B.J., Atiles, J.H., Bachtel, D.C., Manley, K.S., Ragsdale, M., Rodgers, T., Shelton, G.G., Sweaney, A.L., Tinsley, K., & Valente, J.S. (2003). The use of consumer surveys to shape Georgia housing policy: A case study. In J. Henzel (Ed.), Proceedingsof the Georgia Association of Economics and Finance (pp. 1-24).

Cude, B.J., Atiles, J.H., Bachtel, D.C., Manley, K.S., Ragsdale, M., Rodgers, T., Shelton, G.G., Sweaney, A.L., Tinsley, K., & Valente, J.S. (2002). Workforce housing and economicdevelopment in Georgia. In M.J. Alhabeeb (Ed.), Proceedings, Eastern Family Economics Resource Management Association Annual Conference (pp. 80-91).

Cude, B.J., Atiles, J.H., Bachtel, D.C., Manley, K.S., Ragsdale, M., Rodgers, T., Shelton, G.G., Sweaney, A.L., Tinsley, K., & Valente, J.S. (2002). Employee perceptions of workforcehousing in Georgia. In P. Bonner (Ed.), Consumer Interests Annual, 48.Available at

Manley, K.S., Sweaney, A.L., Valente, J.S., & Black, A.F. (2001). A cyber-community for consumer educators. Consumer Interests Annual, 47. Available at


Sweaney, A.L., Meeks, C.B., & Manley, K.S. (1998). PolicyWeb: A tool for policy analysis [CD-ROM]. Proceedings of the CUMREC98 Conference. GeorgiaStateUniversity: Information Systems and Technology.

Manley, K.S., Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1998). PolicyWeb: Using the Internet for policy research in the consumer sciences. Consumer Interests Annual, 44, 157.

Meeks, C.B., Sweaney, A.L., & Hazen, F.M. (1997). A search engine for locating appliance information in cyberspace. Proceedings of the 48th International Appliance Technical Conference. Columbus, Ohio.

Burton, J.R., Brown, B.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1997). Porch ponderings or what did they do there anyway? Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics Resource Management Association (pp.79-91). Athens, GA.

Abdel-Ghany, M., Bachtel, D.C., & Sweaney, A.L. (1997). Indicators of quality of life for Georgia counties. Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics Resource Management Association(pp.98-112). Athens, GA.

Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1997, June). A comparison of elderly movers and stayers. American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences. Washington, D.C.

Sweaney, A.L., Nickols, S.Y., & Meeks, C.B. (1996). Global perspectives on the ecology of aging: Trends and responses. Third Beatrice Paolucci Symposium: Visioning Human Ecology for the 21st Century (pp. 129-130). East Lansing, Michigan.

Meeks, C.B., Sweaney, A.L., & Nickols, S.Y. (1996). Economic and social support received by undergraduate students: A comparison by major and race. In Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association Conference Proceedings (pp. 99-107).Tuscaloosa, AL.

Nickols, S.Y., Meeks, C.B., Oberoi, K., Sweaney, A.L., & Vaswani, T. (1995). Intergenerational interdependence: The case of India and the United States. Family Economics and Resource Management Biennial, 1, 205-208.

Meeks, C.B., & Sweaney, A.L. (1995) Adoption of energy conservation behaviors at various cost levels. Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Building VI ASHRAE Conference.

Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1995) India: An exploding market for the appliance industry. Proceedings 46th International Appliance Technical Conference. Urbana, IL.

Meeks, C.B., Sweaney, A.L., & Zhu, L.Y. (1994). Assessing energy conservation behavior. Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Energy-Efficient Buildings.Beijing, China.

Thompson, H., & Sweaney, A.L. (1994). A cross-cultural study of microwave oven ownership and use. Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Appliance Technical Conference (pp. 517-528).Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1993). Water quality in private wells. Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Appliance Technical Conference(pp.80-88). Columbus, Ohio: The OhioStateUniversity.

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Sweaney, A.L., & Meeks, C.B. (1992, September). An assessment of building professionals’ attitudes toward adopting SMART HOUSE technology, 20thInternational Association of Housing Science World Congress on Housing.Birmingham, England.

Inman, M.A., & Sweaney, A.L. (1991, October) Perceptions of preschool children concerning parental affiliations in the residential environment. In K.J.A. Johnson-Carroll (Ed.), Refereed papers of the American Association of Housing Educators 1991 Annual Conference.Durham, NH.

Sweaney, A.L., Meeks, C.B., & Swagler, R. (1990, May). A methodology for assessing public acceptance of alternative plug/receptacle designs for SMART HOUSE. 41st Annual International Appliance Technical Conference (pp. 426-437).Columbus, OH.

Sweaney, A.L., McManus, B., Day, S., Hanna, S., & Goss, R.C. (1988). Community documentation: Obtaining data from secondary sources, part of symposium (S-194) issues in community housing research.American Association of Housing Educators Annual Conference. Corvallis, OR.