Siemens Traffic Controls Ltd.

Technical services Dept.

Technical Bulletin No: / TB 41-0043
Issue Date / 22/2/01
Issued by / W Rogers
Approved by / R Bowen
Title: / Sietag Site Surveys
Introduction / It has been found necessary to formalise the procedures to be followed when carrying out Surveys for prospective Sietag Sites.
The following guidelines are intended to assist the surveyor in completion of the Sietag Site Survey Drawings. It is also important that the Customer provide a site drawing for information, showing any existing services or equipment locations, or any known planned installations. Details of this nature are important when siting Sietag loops, in order to avoid any potential sources of radio interference.
Scope / All future Sietag Installations.
Related Documents / These guidelines will appear in the next issue of 667/HB/24839/000 – the Sietag Installation and Commissioning Handbook.
Engineering Installation drawing TC-F-101
General Site Location Drawing TC-F-102

Pads containing these drawings are available from Poole.
Background / The guidelines below outline the procedures to be followed when carrying out future Sietag Site Surveys.


/ ·  Filling in the installation drawing TC-F-101 :-
(Note: There should be one Installation Drawing for each loop location)
This drawing has two main purposes:
1 - to act as a cutting and installation drawing
2 - As evidence of Customers acceptance of loop position design.

The sheet heading should be filled in as below: -

·  Contract - The works order or Customer order number
·  Location - The Country, County, Town and Junction.
·  Road Name - The name of the Road.
·  Date - the date of the survey
·  Ident - This should contain the drawing number of the Customer supplied Site Drawing including the issue.
Additional detail required: -
·  There are dimension arrows on the drawing. These should be marked up to show the carriageway width, and distance from kerb for the proposed loop.
·  The distance from the leading edge of the loop to the junction stop line is to be shown.
·  The drawing should be marked up with any relevant fact.
·  Loop size and type. The loop type e.g. cancelling, and the dimensions.
·  There is a position on the drawing to dimension the loop from a fixed location. This will usually be a street lighting column; Its Ident. number should be shown. Alternatively any “landmark” can be used but a clear description and drawing should be shown.
·  As a chamber will usually be used there is a position to identify this and all relevant details size or type etc should be shown.
Notes: -
The notes should contain information such as:
1.  Twin Axial, 8 core or two pair cable length to controller
2.  Location of reader
3.  Type and location of PSU
4.  Reader modes, Customer ID, timing and output settings.
5.  Any other relevant details, i.e. linking cable details.
Finally the Document should be signed and dated by the Surveyor and the Customer representative.
·  Filling in the General site location TC-F-102 :-
This document is to enable the position of the loop to be shown together with the location of the controller or power source and or O.T.U.
The Sheet heading should be filled in as follows: -
·  Contract - The works order or Customer order number
·  Location - The Country, County, Town and Junction.
·  Road Name - The name of the Road.
·  Date - the date of the survey
·  Customer Drawing No. - This should contain the drawing number of the Customer supplied Site Drawing
·  Issue – this should identify the issue number (or if no issue number, the date) of the customer drawing
Additional details required: -
The following data can be shown on the drawing, or identified as notes: -
·  Controller /O.T.U. location as applicable.
·  Existing Ducting
·  New Ducting
·  Mechanical interference ( manholes Chambers bridges road surface damage etc)
·  Possible Electrical interference (Power Substations, Other types of loops, Engineering works factories etc)
·  Site details that may affect installation
·  The Drawing maybe marked up freely to obtain a resemblance to the location being shown
Finally the Document should be signed and dated by the Surveyor and the Customer representative.