Directory of Best Practice
Angelou Centre
Diverse Women’s Network
Durham County Carers Support
Gateshead Housing Company
HAREF (Health and Race Equality Forum)
Healthwatch Darlington Ltd
livin Housing
North East Equalities Coalition
Northumbria Community Rehabilitation Company
Northumbria Police
Office of the Police Crime Commissioner, Cleveland
TWAFA (Tyne and Wear Anti-Fascist Association)
Aim of Organisation: / To promote the social and economic independence of Black and Minority women.
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / Training and employability
Accredited training courses: IT, ESOL, arts, health , early years and social care
Specialist Domestic and sexual violence advocacy- including FGM, forced marriage, honour based violence, trafficking and slavery
Specialist children and young people’s domestic violence advocacy
Black and Minority Women’s specialist domestic violence refuge
Counselling and therapeutic services for women and children and young people
Engagement, social and cultural activities
Strategic representation at local and national levels
Crèche and mobile crèche services
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / Black and Minority women
Have multi lingual staff: Urdu, Swahili, Punjabi, Hindi, Pidgen/Creole, Arabic, Bengali, Farsi,
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / Multi Agency partnerships with statutory and voluntary sector agencies
Work with regional black and minority women’s groups alongside charitable sector national organisations such as IMKAAN, Barnardos and Ashiana Sheffield
Contact details: / Postal Address:
The Angelou Centre, 17 Brighton Grove, Fenham, NE4 5NR / Email:
Tel No:0191 2260394
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / DIVERSE WOMEN’S NETWORK
Aim of Organisation: / (1) To address the social and cultural isolation of BME women
(2) To raise awareness of issues affecting BME women in County Durham in rural context both locally and regionally
(3) To influence policy makers to address effectively issues affecting BME women in County Durham and respond to their needs
(4) To promote inclusiveness, diversity and respect
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / Drop-in sessions
Networking events
Activities for women
Awareness raising
Partnership work with services and women’s organisations
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / BME, Refugee and Migrant women
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / Alington House Community Association / The Angelou Centre / North East Women’s Network
North East Rural Women’s Network
Contact details: / Postal Address:
C/O Alington House Community Association
4 North Bayley / Email:
Tel No:07449176180
Website address: / Closed Facebook group
Name of Organisation: / Durham County Carers Support
Aim of Organisation: / Durham County Carers Support aims to improve the health and wellbeing of Carers caring for someone in Co Durham by providing practical and emotional support, advice and information
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) /
- Specialist information and advice
- One to one support
- Practical help with completing forms, gaining benefits, grants and other funding
- A listening ear and telephone support
- Opportunity to meet other Carers
- Signposting to other services which may be of benefit
- Ensuring Carers have an opportunity to have their voices heard
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / Family Carers
Will access interpreters and translators as required
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / We are able to access Durham County Council for translation and interpreters. We work in partnership with specialist support services across Co Durham
Contact details: / Postal Address:
1 Hutton Close, south Church Enterprise Park, Bishop Auckland DL14 6XG / Email:
Tel No:0300 005 1213
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / The Gateshead Housing Company
Aim of Organisation: / We are a social housing provider which manages housing services on behalf of Gateshead Council. Our vision is to provide quality homes and customer focused services in Gateshead.
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / We provide a range of housing services to meet the needs of our tenants and leaseholders. They also have the opportunity to get involved and help to influence and shape the services they receive. Some of our involvement activities specifically relating to race equality include a BME housing forum, which meets every quarter to address housing issues faced by this community group. An Involvement and Diversity Officer also attends BME surgeries in the community where we can talk to BME residents about our services and helps with any queries customers may have relating to housing services. We have recently won a national TPAS award in Excellence in Equality and Diversity for a project we carried out about hate crime awareness that was produced by young people, for more information please visit
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / We aim to engage with all of our customers and ensure that our ‘involved customers’ are representative of our wider customer base. We have access to interpreting services such as Language Line Newcastle Interpreting Services where our customers may face language barriers when accessing our services.
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / We work in partnership with a diverse range of organisations to help us deliver effective services including Gateshead Council, Northumbria Police, GemArts, Gateshead Carers, Gateshead Clubhouse, LGBT Federation, The Gateshead Muslim Society and Newcastle Eagles Basketball. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
Contact details: / Postal Address:
The Gateshead Housing Company
Civic Centre
Regent Street
NE8 1JN / Email:
Tel No: 0191 433 5357
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / GemArts
Aim of Organisation: / GemArts is a dynamic arts development organisation - we profile and programme innovative and exciting culturally diverse arts, by creating and developing high quality concerts, events, festivals, workshops and commissions with regional, national and international artists across all art forms.
Our Vision: We believe the arts enrich the lives of individuals and communities through celebrating our shared cultural diversity – Raising aspirations, building stronger communities and breaking down barriers.
Our Mission: To increase equality of opportunity for everyone to engage with culturally diverse arts - as producers, participants and audiences.
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / GemArts is a National Portfolio Organisation funded by the Arts Council England, and is a nationally recognised leader in the diversity arts sector. GemArts is committed to delivering an ambitious and culturally eclectic programme of work, and constantly strive to produce work of the highest artistic quality, including providing a platform for artists of international significance, from the UK and abroad, to present their work to audiences in our region and beyond; GemArts is also committed to excellence in our participatory arts practice, particularly supporting artists working in the diversity sector, and we specialise in delivering high quality arts based projects with schools and community groups across all age ranges, to provide creative, educational and enjoyable learning experiences, and to promote a greater understanding of people and their respective cultures.
At the core of our organisation’s belief is ‘to increase equality of opportunity for everyone to engage with culturally diverse arts’. GemArts have a track record of successfully delivering in partnership with public and voluntary sector organisations high quality arts based projects in estates and communities where there is minimal or no cultural provision, targeting socially excluded people from BME, asylum seeker, refugee and wider communities across the North East, and through experience, knowledge and robust evaluation we have developed an understanding of their specific needs, and realised ways in which these can be met through participatory arts-based projects.
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / The arts activities which GemArts provide enable participants to explore issues in a safe and supported environment.The work we have delivered over the years, specifically with those who are least engaged, includes participant focused arts projects which have addressed issues around racism and discrimination, Community Cohesion, Health & Wellbeing, Anti SocialBehaviour, and Prevent, and we have worked with people living in depravation, children at risk of offending, in Pupil Referral Units, NEETs, young carers, older people in day care centers, people with mental health issues, and people with disabilities.
Taking a creative approach to addressing issues helps to overcome the stigma and fear that people can feel when certain subjects are raised directly. Our projects enable participants to overcome barriers to talking about issues and consequently empower them to take control of their lives and plan for a more fulfilling future.
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / GemArts is adaptable, and demonstrates resilience and innovation in working and meeting local, regional and national policy agendas. Our work with local authorities, Police, educational institutions, children’s services, cultural, voluntary and public sector organisations, continues to strengthen the reach and long term impact of our work
An example of this is GemArts National award winning project ‘We Stand Together’
Contact details: / Postal Address: GemArts, Old Town Hall, West Street, Gateshead, NE8 1HE
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / HAREF: Health and Race Equality Forum
Aim of Organisation: / HAREF, short for Health and Race Equality Forum, exists for two main reasons:
- to support Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities and groups to identify health issues that particularly affect them
- to work with BME communities, the National Health Service (NHS) and other services to address these health issues
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) /
- Engagement work with Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) community groups and organisations
- Facilitation of the HAREF Network, which is a bringing together of BME groups / organisations and a range of health services to identify and work on issues of health inequalities
- Facilitation of various consultations and a group called the Community Forum, which enables the local Clinical Commissioning Group to link in with diverse community groups and services, when taking forward developments.
- Undertaking research on health inequalities
- Delivering training that promotes equality and diversity
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / We carry out engagement work with as many Black and Minority Ethnic Community Groups as possible in Newcastle (as per our contract) and surrounding areas (as per opportunities that arise). Language interpretation is often provided by contact people / facilitators in the groups with whom we engage.
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / The whole work of the organisation is dependent on the network of groups, organisations and individuals that feed into it. We have a mailing list of almost 500.
Contact details: / Postal Address: HAREF, Carnegie Building, Atkinson Road, Newcastle NE4 8XS
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / Healthwatch Darlington Ltd
Aim of Organisation: / To enable all local people in Darlington to access the health and social care services they need and to support the Patient Voice.
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / In relation to promoting Race Equality, the organisation runs a BME Project with volunteer Health Connectors recruited to support BME residents to access services and information.
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / Target groups include Black Minority Ethnic communities
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / We work collaboratively with the VCS service providers, statutory agencies, Public Sector providers and commissioners of services.
Contact details: / Postal Address: Healthwatch Darlington Limited; CVS Building, Church Row, Darlington, DL1 5QD / Email
Tel No: 01325 380145
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / livin Housing
Aim of Organisation: / Livin is a Social Housing Provider. The aims of our organisation are to:
Provide great homes by building and acquiring homes and improving existing homes
Sustaining strong communities by enabling sustainable tenure and socially and economically balanced communities
Build a successful business
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) /
- Provide well-maintained warm and efficient homes that are affordable to run
- Work within our communities
- Developing new low cost homes
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / Translation and interpreter services provided for our tenants as required
Recite facility available on website provides translation into all languages
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / Mears
Cornforth Partnership
Bishop Auckland College
Misty Blue Farm
Foundation of Light / Repairs & Maintenance
Grounds Maintenance
Destination employment Programme
Training programmes
Life skills/Employability
Family learning/Young Adults Programmes
Contact details:
Sylvia Dodsworth
Involvement & Inclusion Advisor / Postal Address: / Farrell House
Arlington Way
County Durham
DL16 6NL
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / North East Equalities Coalition
Aim of Organisation: / We are a small group committed to promoting a collective and user-led voice across all diversity groups. We do this through influencing work, supporting joint initiatives’
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / Conferences, events, training, networking opportunities, campaigning
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / The groups we support focus on ethnicity, religion or belief, gender, children & young people, older age, lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, and disability & deaf communities.
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / Partner organisations include LGBT Fed North East, North East Womens Network, Regional Refugee Forum, Youth Focus North East, Disability North, Becon.
Contact details: / Postal Address: 33, West Street Belford NE70 7QB / Email:
Tel No: 07775 817544
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / Northumbria Community Rehabilitation Company
Aim of Organisation: / Our vision is “communities in which people live free from crime and the fear of crime”.
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / We deliver services to adult offenders sentenced to community orders and terms of imprisonment, both before and after release.
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / As above. We have translation and interpreting services available to be commissioned on a case by case basis as necessary.
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / We commission services from a range of providers such as Shelter (for housing advice and support), NERAF (drug misuse) APM (employment and training), User Voice (service user engagement), Changing Lives (work with women offenders) Northern Learning Trust (work with ex-forces offenders) and NEPACS (family support)
Contact details: / Postal Address: / Northumbria CRC, The Lightbox, Quorum Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8EU
Tel No: 0345 608 0204
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / Northumbria Police
Aim of Organisation: / The Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner are Proud to Protect communities by tackling criminality, dealing with anti-social behaviour, being victim-focused, and delivering the highest quality of service
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / Hate Crime –
Investigation of Hate Crime
Support Victims of Hate Crime/target offenders through the criminal justice system.
Reduce repeat victimisation. Joint work with partners.
Target group(s):
Specify languages you use / The Police serve all of the community.
Links to other organisations:
(e.g., do you partner with organisations on particular aspects of work?) / We are able to access Durham County Council for translation and interpreters. We work in partnership with specialist support services across Co Durham
Contact details: / Postal Address: Middle Engine Lane Police Station, Wallsend, North TynesideNE28 9NT
Website address: /
Name of Organisation: / Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland
Aim of Organisation: / The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has strategic responsibility for policing across Cleveland. His Police and Crime Plan covers 5 key priority areas:
- Investing in Police
- A better deal for victims
- Tackling reoffending
- Working together to make Cleveland safer
- Securing the future of our communities
Types of work undertaken:
(please list in summary form) / The PCC has responsibility for victim referral services, and has commissioned the Victim Care and Advice Service to provide free, confidential support for victims of crime across Cleveland.
All victims of hate crime who report incidents to the Police are offered this support.
The PCC engages regularly with diverse communities, including BME groups to better understand the community safety issues they encounter.
Through the Community Safety Initiatives Fund the PCC regularly funds BME community events to promote tolerance and acceptance of diversity – this includes Middlesbrough Mela, Stockton EID Fusion, NagarKirtan parade.
The PCC supports and part funds the Everyone Matters programme within Cleveland Police which aims to equip officers and staff with the cultural knowledge to deal appropriately with diverse communities, and to promote tolerance and acceptance within the Force through training sessions covering unconscious bias, code of ethics and Equality Act.
The PCC sits on the Strategic Independent Advisory Group which is a group of diverse community representatives who act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Police and advise of community impact of police policy and procedures.
The PCC is funding a hate crime mobile phone app which will be available in a variety of languages to encourage reporting of hate crime by communities who may struggle to contact the Police directly.