M.B.B.S., D.R.C.O.G., M.R.C.G.P.
DR CATHERINE CAUSER / Telephone (023) 9273 1358
M.B.B.S., D.R.C.O.G, M.R.C.G.P.,D.F.F.P / Fax (023) 9275 0091
Dear Patients
Welcome to our third annual report from the Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG)
This is our third year of engagement with our PPG which has seen us work collectively to improve and enhance the service the Practice delivers to all of our patients.
The last twelve months has seen us successfully implement an action from last years plan. This saw us ‘tweak’ our appointment system and we opened up a selection of appointments that became available to book one day in advance.
This has proved to be very popular with our patients and has been a direct result of our PPG and their input.
The Devonshire Practice is very committed to maintaining and developing the relationship with our PPG and we were keen to start a new journey with the PPG in April 2013
Primary Care is constantly changing and managing the changes can prove to be challenging but working in partnership with our PPG we hope the journey will prove to be successful and productive
We looked at the our Practice population and wanted to ensure that our PPG was a good representation of our Practice population
The Devonshire Practice has approximately 5700 patients that are broken down in to 51% male patients and 49% female patients.
We also looked at our ethnicity statistics which show that 90% of our patients are within the ‘White British Group’ with the remaining being made up of White Irish, White & black Caribbean, white and black African, white Asian, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, unfortunately we do not have every patients ethnicity recorded for various different reasons so this will remain as ‘work in progress and we continue to actively document this information, however we do have many patients who do not wish us to inform us of their ethnicity so our figures can never be completely accurate.
Practice population profile / PRG profileAge
% Under 16 / 15.75% / % Under 16 / 4%
% 17 - 24 / 10.26% / % 17 - 24 / 9%
% 25 - 34 / 14.21% / % 25 - 34 / 29%
% 35 - 44 / 14.54% / % 35 - 44 / 19%
% 45 - 54 / 15.24% / % 45 - 54 / 8%
% 55 - 64 / 11.55% / % 55 - 64 / 16%
% 65 - 74 / 9.93% / % 65 - 74 / 8%
% 75 - 85 / 6.50% / % 75 - 85 / 4%
% Over 85 / 2.03% / % Over 85 / 3%
White / White
% British Group / 90% / % British Group / 88%
% Irish / 0.50% / % Irish / 0%
Mixed / Mixed
% White & Black Caribbean / 0.05% / % White & Black Caribbean / 0.00%
% White & Black African / 0.05% / % White & Black African / 0.01%
% White & Asian / 1.00% / % White & Asian / 0.02%
Asian or Asian British / Asian or Asian British
% Indian / 2% / % Indian / 0.01%
% Pakistani / 0.50% / % Pakistani / 0.03%
% Nepalese / % Nepalese / 0%
% Bangladeshi / 0.50% / % Bangladeshi / 0.01%
Black or Black British / Black or Black British
% Caribbean / 0.50% / % Caribbean
% African / 3% / % African
Chinese or other ethnic group / Chinese or other ethnic group
% Chinese / 1% / % Chinese / 0.01%
% Any Other / % Any Other / 2%
% Male / 0.51% / % Male / 52%
% Female / 0.49% / % Female / 48%
With the statistics in mind we continued to actively work towards encouraging a diverse population of our patients to join our PPG
We start by asking all patients visiting the Practice if they would like to register an interest in joining our group, we advertised on our web site and displayed posters
The Doctors also actively discuss with various patients the benefits of being a member of our PPG and the differences that are made as a result of our PPG.
The current break down of our PPG is as follows
Our final break down of our group was made up as follows
See details for the profile of our 130 members
Our group was split of 52% Male & 48% female
< 16 = 7 patients
17-24 = 11 patients
25- 34 = 28 patients
35- 44 = 22 patients
45- 54 = 14 patients
55-64 = 25 patients
65-74 = 17 patients
75- 84 = 7 patients
84+ = 6 patients
Indian / 2
Pakistani / 5
White & Black Asian / 2
Bangladeshi / 2
Black Caribbean / 1
Chinese / 1
Other / 3
Our PPG figures reflect a fair comparison to our Practice Population
88% represent the White British Group and the remaining 12% are made up of the above ethnicities
We set an open invitation for the 14th August 2013 for patients to come and find out about the Practice and our PPG and we advertised the event on the Practice web site and individual invitations were attached to all repeat prescription counterfoils and we displayed posters in our waiting area.
We also posted invites to some of our patients who were not frequent attendees at the Practice; we also e-mailed invitations to all our members of the PPG who had an e-mail address documented.
At the meeting the group were asked to consider what topics they would like the Practice to be looking at with regard to publishing a more in depth survey
We also e-mailed the members of our PPG group asking for their input on choices of topics
The suggestions put forward were as follows
· Clinical Care
· Getting an appointment
· Opening Times
· Getting through on the phone
· Waiting Times
As a result of this we produced a small survey asking patients to vote on the topic they felt was the most important to them
We run this survey through out September 2013
The results were as follows
· Clinical Care = 29%
· Getting an appointment = 92%
· Opening Times = 7%
· Getting through on the phone = 43%
· Waiting Times =13%
Once we had the results of the survey we had a meeting with a selection of volunteers from our PPG on 1st October 2013
At this meeting the group discussed and agreed questions to base our new survey on
The suggested questions were then e-mailed and given to other members of the PPG for approval and /or the opportunity to make any amendments
Once the survey questions had been agreed we started the process of disseminating the survey questionnaires to our Practice population and PPG members
We did this by a range of methods, e-mail, and post and to every patient who visited the Practice, we wanted to reach out to as many patients as we possibly could
We issued 300 surveys but to our disappointment we had a very poor response, despite our best efforts we only received 75 surveys back
The survey was run between October 2013 and January 2014
Top of Form
Q1: How easy was it to get an appointment for the time you wanted?
Not very easy16%
Fairly easy50%
Very easy33%
Q2: Were you able to see the GP you wanted to see?
Did not want specific GP37%
Q3: How easy was it to get an appointment with the GP you wanted to see?
Not very easy12%
Fairly easy41%
Very easy33%
No response14%
Q4: How important is it to you that you see a specific GP when coming to this practice?
Prefer not to say1%
Not at all important22%
Fairly important53%
Very important22%
Q5: If you have had an appointment with a GP or Nurse within the last 6 months, were you able to get a 'non urgent' appointment within 2 weeks?
Not Applicable33%
No response7%
Q6: If you needed to see a GP urgently within the last 6 months were you able to get an appointment on the same day?
Not Applicable40%
Q7: Are you aware you can have a telephone consultation instead of a face to face appointment if you prefer?
No response2%
Q8: We often have 'missed' appointments by patients, how easy do you find it to contact the surgery to cancel an appointment?
Not very easy8%
Fairly easy41%
Very easy49%
No response2%
Q9: Would you like the opportunity to be able to book an appointment ' on line'
Q10: How easy do you find it to book an appointment with the Practice Nurse?
Not very easy2%
Fairly easy53%
Very easy40%
No response5%
Q11: In general, how satisfied are you with the care you receive from the Surgery?
Not satisfied1%
Very satisfied76%
Fairly satisfied20%
No response3%
Q12: Would you be happy to recommend the Practice to Family and Friends?
Q13: Have you needed to use the 111 Service
Q14: If yes, were you satisfied with the service?
No response78%
To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:
Are you male or female?
No response2%
What age are you?
Under 161%
17 - 248%
25 - 3414%
35 - 4413%
45 - 5420%
55 - 646%
65 - 7422%
75 - 845%
Over 846%
No response5%
What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?
White British76%
White Irish1%
Mixed White & Black Caribbean0%
Mixed White & Black African1%
Mixed White & Black Asian4%
Black Caribbean0%
Black African0%
No response5%
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?
Very Rarely18%
No response5%
Once we had collated the results from the survey we invited all our patients to a meeting held on the 26th February 2014 at the Practice.
We sent invites to all of our PPG with e-mail addresses and stapled invites to all our repeat prescription counterfoils, we displayed a poster in the waiting room and an open invitation was displayed on our website in the hope we would attract as many of our Practice population as possible.
We issued in the region of 200 invitations
The meeting started with a summary of the minutes from our meeting on the 14th August 2013 and for new members of the PPG we explained the time line of events and how the topics for our initial survey was agreed and the how our main patient survey was agreed and produced
The results were discussed ideas were shared and debated and after a lively animated discussion the group felt that the Practice should concentrate on reducing the amount of ‘missed’ appointments.
The Practice statistics show that approximately 10% of our appointments are ‘missed’ by patients not turning up for them, the PPG felt that it was important to address this problem.
An action plan was discussed and agreed
Minutes of the Meeting were produced and distributed (28.02.14) we asked for any comments to be returned within one week
No comments or amendments were requested so the action plan agreed at the meeting remained as discussed and agreed
· The Practice will display a poster on the Practice Notice Boards with the weekly numbers of missed appointments designed by a member of our Patient Group
· The Practice will start to write to patients who miss 3 appointments explaining the need for them to attend or to cancel the appointment in good time so another patient can make use of the appointment
· To review the Practice Notice boards and to consider reducing the amount of information displayed as it was felt the information was easily lost when they was an abundance of information
· Consider relocating the Notice Boards to locations where patients will be better placed to be able read the information.
Review of the 2012 Action Plan
The last twelve months has seen us successfully implement our action plan from last year
· We started by opening up a selection of appointments one day in advance which due to the positive feed back we have been able to increase the number of these appointments
· We also produced and displayed posters in the waiting room which explained that a delay in being seen may be due to the Doctor conducting a telephone appointment
This too has proved to be popular with the patients and we have received positive remarks regarding the poster
· We did investigate text messaging software that could remind patients of their booked appointments, however we did have a limited choice of software that was compatible with our Practice software and we also had concerns with regard to the security of the product so decided to postpone this course of action until such time we either change our clinical software provider or a more compatible product is available
We open the surgery door between 8:30am and 6pm Monday to Friday
Dr O’Donovan, Dr Caiger & Dr Caiger offer pre-booked late evening appointments on Mondays and Tuesdays between 6.30 pm & 8pm
We do not close during these times (unless we are closed for the Target Training Sessions held on a Wednesday afternoon once a month except during August & December)
Please ask at Reception if you have any queries or take one of our Practice Leaflets displayed in Reception
Alternatively you can find details of our opening times and services on our NHS Choices website or our own Practice website www.thedevonshirepractice.co.uk