SI 323


This Standard supersedes

Israel Standard SI 323 of June 1988



Descriptors: food products, dairy products, milk products, butter, edible fats, packaging, food testing

SI 323

This Standard was prepared and approved by the Technical Committee 503 - Butter and Its Products, comprising the following members:

Israel Consumers Association - Hava Elon

Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce - Ruth Shaham

Association of Marketing Networks - Yossi Nessing

Association of Religious Consumers - Yossi Berger

Israeli Consumer Council - Oded Gingis

Israeli Dairy Council - Shura Berman, Motti Segal, Zeev Pikovsky

Ministry of Health – Food Services - Zvi Sidelman

Ministry of Agriculture - Arthur Sheren (Chairman) ,
Ministry of Trade and Industry - Pinhas Kutsher

Manufacturers Association of Israel - Yossi Shahar, Dalit Tsur

Israel Defence Forces - Eena Averbach

Coordinator of the Committee – Naftali Pollak

Whether the document or parts of it are official should be checked.

An Official Standard / Amendment sheet (in whole or in part) takes effect 60 days following publication of the notice in the "Reshumot" (Official Gazette of the Israeli Government),

unless the notice states a later date to be the effective date.

Note: A document appearing in the "Reshumot" as an "Amendment sheet" may be a separate Amendment sheet, or an Amendment incorporated into the Standard.



1. Scope 1

1.2 References 1

1.3 Definitions 2

1.4 Classification and designation 2


2.1 Basic ingredients, processing aids for manufacturing and additives 3

2.2 Packaging and marketing 3

2.3 Marking 4

2.4 The product 5

2.5 Compliance of a unit package with the Standard 5


31. Content 6

3.2 Product temperature 6

3.3 Pasteurisation effectiveness 6

3.4 Composition 6

3.5 Properties of the fat 7

3.6 Microbiological requirements 7


4.1 Content check 7

4.2 Product temperature check 7

4.3 Test of the Pasteurisation effectiveness 7

4.4 Composition tests 8

4.5 Test of the fat properties 8

4.6 Microbiological tests 8

ANNEX A – Non-compliance of a product batch with the Standard 8ANNEX B – Methods of testing (translator: no such annex either in the Hebrew or in English text)

SI 323


1. Scope

This Standard applies to butter, produced from cream or sour cream, and to samna produced from milk fat alone (hereinafter called, "the product")

This Standard does not apply to semi-fat butter.

1.2 References

Standards and documents referenced in this Standard (with respect to undated standards and documents – the last edition thereof shall be decisive):

Israel Standards

SI 237 - Cream

SI 244 - Sour cream

SI 411 - Edible salt: Sodium chloride

SI 550 - Microbiological tests of milk and milk products: count of Coliform colonies

SI 563 - Tests of milk and milk products: Phosphatase test, (Schrarer rapid method)

SI 628 - Microbiological testing of milk and dairy products: Sampling and preparation of mixed samples for examination

SI 866 - Chemical test of milk and milk products: Soluble and insoluble volatile fatty acids (Reichert and Polenske values)

SI 1059 - Tolerances for weight and volume of pre-packaged food products

SI 1145 - Labelling of pre-packaged food

SI 1242 - Microbiological tests of milk and dairy products: Yeast and mould count

Israeli documents

Public Health Regulations (Food) (Colours in Food) – 1984, Kovetz Takanot [Collection of Regulations] no. 4593 of 1984-02-12

International Standards

ISO 1738 – 1980 - Butter – Determination of salt content (Reference method)

ISO 3727 – 1977 - Butter – Determination of water, solids-not-fat and fat contents on the same test portion (Reference method)

Foreign documents

IDF 12A – 1969 - Butter – Determination of salt content (Mohr method)

IDF 80 – 1977 - Butter – Determination of water, solids-non-fat and fat contents on the same test portion

FCC – Food Chemicals Codex, latest edition

CFR – Code of Federal Regulations, title 21 (FDA)

AOAC – Official Methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1984

1.3 Definitions

For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions shall apply:

1.3.1 Batch

All the packages including the content thereof, found together in one location, containing one type of product, having the same contents and manufactured by one manufacturer on one production day.

1.3.2 Sample

All the specimens randomly taken from one batch for the purpose of determining non-compliance with the Standard.

1.3.3 Specimen

A quantity representative of the product, taken from a packaging unit for testing or a packaging unit with its contents taken for testing.

1.3.4 Marketing

All the stages of handling and storage of the product from when it leaves the possession of the manufacturer until its receipt by the consumer.

1.3.5 Pasteurisation

Extermination of microorganisms causing illnesses that may be found in the product, in the continuous process conducted at a temperature below 100 oC in a closed system and under suitable conditions.

1.3.6 Absolute requirement

If a requirement is not complied with, even in respect of only one specimen, this means that the whole batch does not comply with the Standard.

1.4 Classification and designation[(1)]

The product shall be classified and designated as follows:

1.4.1 "Butter";

1.4.2 "Salted butter";

1.4.3 "Samna".


2.1 Basic ingredients, processing aids for manufacturing and additives

2.1.1 Basic ingredients

The basic ingredients for the manufacture of the product shall be as specified below:

- Whipping Cream, produced form milk of cattle and its products which complies with the requirement for Pasteurisation effectiveness, specified in Israel Standard SI 237.

- Sour cream, produced from milk of cattle and its products which complies with the requirement for Pasteurisation effectiveness specified in Israel Standard SI 244.

2.1.2 Manufacturing aids

Lactic bacteria cultures.

2.1.3 Additives

The following materials may be added to the product: Natural colours[(2)]

A. Natural colour no. 5 – Carotene (E-160a) at a concentration not greater than 10 mg/kg;

B. Natural colour no. 6 – Annato (E-160b). Salt for food

Salt that complies with "Superior table salt" in accordance with Israel Standard SI 411 and the requirements specified in Clause 3.4 of this Standard. Prohibited additives

No foreign fat or other additive not mentioned above shall be added to the product.

The basic ingredients, processing aids for manufacturing and additives shall be of a quality suitable for use in food. They shall be clean and not harmful to health, they shall show neither signs of deterioration nor signs of foreign materials. They shall comply with the requirements of the current Israel Standards and Regulations, and in their absence, with the requirements in the latest revision of the Food Chemicals Codex of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States (FCC).

2.2 Packaging and marketing

The product shall be packaged in a package that is impermeable to water and fat, is not absorbable and is not detrimental to the composition of the product, its properties and its appearance. The colour of the printing on the package must not be able to permeate into the product. The package shall maintain the organoleptic and quality characteristics of the product and shall protect it from penetration of any contamination whatsoever. The packing materials shall comply with the Standards and Regulations valid in Israel, and in their absence the packaging materials shall comply with the requirements for packaging materials for food products of the Federal Food and Drug Administration of the United States (CFR).

2.3 Marking

The marking requirements in Israel Standard SI 1145 apply to the product with the following changes and additions.

2.3.1 The marking of the product name alone in a foreign language does not necessitate all the marking details required by the Standard to be marked in that foreign language.

2.3.2 The product name (see the Clause that deals with the name of the food in SI 1145) shall be marked according to its class as specified in Clause 1.4 of this Standard.

2.3.3 The word, "חמאה" (meaning "butter") shall not be included in the name of a product for which this Standard does not apply.

Notwithstanding the aforesaid , the word, "חמאה" (meaning "butter) may be included in the name of a product that contains milk fat and to which another Israel Standard applies that permits the inclusion of this word by its name. This prohibition does not apply to the marking of a product that contains at least 40% (by weight) of milk fat and that does not contain fat from a non-dairy source and is designated as "semi-fat butter". Furthermore, this prohibition does not apply to the marking of products designated as "חמאה קקאו" (meaning "cocoa butter") or "חמאה בוטנים" (meaning "peanut butter").

2.3.4 Content (see the Clause that deals with the content in SI 1145)

The content shall be marked in units of weight.

2.3.5 Ingredients

The additives (Clause 2.1.3), if added, shall be marked. Also, one of the two following designations, shall (as appropriate) be marked as a secondary designation to the product name and close to it:

- "משמנת מפוסטרת" (meaning "from pasteurised cream");

- "משמנת מפוסטרת מוחמצת" (meaning "from soured pasteurised cream").

2.3.6 Date

The date shall be marked as specified in the Clause that deals with the date in SI 1145 with the following changes and additions: Date of the packaging shall be marked in code. The last date for use with the words "לשימוש עד (meaning, "for use by") with the addition of the date itself, or alternatively, indicating the location on the package where the date is marked.

The marking of the date shall also include the year. The last date for use shall be calculated as follows:

Last date for use = date of manufacture + 365 days, at most. The size of the numerals and letters in the date marking shall be as specified in Table 1 of SI 1145 provided that it is not smaller than 3.0 mm.

2.3.7 Storage Instructions (see the Clause that deals with instructions for storage, handling and use in SI 1145)

The words, "לשמור במקרר" (meaning, "keep in the refrigerator") and

"מומלץ לשמור בהקפאה עד השימוש" (meaning, "it is recommended to keep frozen until use") shall be marked.

A recommended storage temperature may also be noted.

The minimum size of the letters in the marking according to this Clause shall be as specified in SI 1145 relating to marking of the name of the product.

2.3.8 Packaging units whose net weight of the product contained therein is 10 g or 15 g shall be marked as follows:

- Each packaging unit shall be marked with the following details: Product name, manufacturer's name and the content;

- The remaining marking details shall be marked on the whole package (see also SI 1145).

2.4 The product

The product shall have its characteristic flavour and texture. It shall not have any putrid or bitter taste or smell or any unpleasant taste or smell.

The colour of the product shall be uniform, natural, clear and white to golden-yellow.

There shall be no stains, faded colour stripes or dark stripes in the product.

The product shall be free of visible mould signs and of any foreign material.

2.5 Compliance of a unit package with the Standard

In order to determine whether one unit package of a product complies with the Standard, its compliance with all the requirements of the Standard[(3)] shall be checked. The unit package complies with the Standard if it complies with all its requirements. The unit package does not comply with the Standard if it does not comply with any one of its requirements.

The manner of sampling of a unit package shall be as specified in Clause A-1 in Annex A of this Standard.



The declared content of the product shall be one of the following: 10 g, 15 g, 20 g, 100 g, 200 g, 500 g, 1 kg and multiples thereof.

The net content of the product shall not deviate from the declared content by more than that required in Israel Standard SI 1059 for products that are difficult to fill (Group C).

3.2 Product temperature

The temperature of the product shall not be higher than the temperatures specified below:

- At the gate of the dairy: 7 oC;

- During marketing: 10 oC.

3.3 Pasteurisation effectiveness

The phenol content (in the phosphatase test) shall not be greater than 1 microgram per 1 g of product.

This requirement is an absolute requirement (see definition 1.3.6).

3.4 Composition

The product composition shall comply with the contents of Table 1.

Table 1


/ Content (% by weight)

Butter of Class

1.4.1 / 1.4.2 / 1.4.3
Milk fat, minimum / 80.0 / 80.0 / 99.0
Water, maximum / No requirement / 16.0 / 1.0
Salt (chlorides, expressed as sodium chloride) / 0.2 max. / 1.0 – 3.0 / No requirement

3.5 Properties of the fat

The product shall comply with the following:

3.5.1 In case of suspicion of the addition of fat from a non-milk source, the characteristic chemical properties of the product fat shall be as follows:

Reichert-Meissl number: 24 to 34;

Polenske number: 1.5 to 3.5.


The properties of fat are tested upon special request or in case of suspicion.

3.5.2 The peroxide value shall not exceed 1.0.

3.6 Microbiological requirements

3.6.1 Bacteria of the coliform group

A. Sample test – Separately test each of the five specimens of sample 3 (see Annex A).

The bacteria count of the coliform group shall not exceed 50/1 cm3 in more than 2 specimens and shall not exceed 250/1 cm3 in any of the specimens.

B. Test of a single specimen – Test one specimen.

The bacteria count of the coliform group shall not exceed 100/1 cm3

3.6.2 Yeast and mould

A. Sample test – Separately test each of the five specimens of sample 3 (see Annex A).

The yeast and mould count shall not exceed 50/1 cm3 in more than 2 specimens and shall not exceed 250/1 cm3 in any of the specimens.