IRIS 7.13-009 Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI)
IRIS 7.13-009 Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI)
Copyright notice
(c) Copyright Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions 2005. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of XGIS.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of XGIS. XGIS provides no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. XGIS shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any direct, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this material
Author : Neil Winter
Last Updated : 04th November 2005.
1. Amendment History
Reason / Date / New ReferenceVersion 1 / 06/04/2005 / Q:\IRIS GUI Installations\Installation 7.13 PTF007 \IRIS 7.13-007 Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI).01.doc
Version 2 / 04/11/2005 / Q:\IRIS GUI Installations\Installation 7.13 PTF009 \IRIS 7.13-009 Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI).01.doc
1. Amendment History 4
2. Installation Issues 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Contacts 9
2.3 PC Specification 10
2.4 AS/400 Issues 11
2.5 Data Sources 12
2.6 Installed Components 13
2.6.1 Data Access Components 13
2.6.2 Location of Applications 13
2.6.3 Help 13
2.6.4 EXE and DLL Registration 13
3. Installation Checklist 14
Server Checklist 14
Pre-Installation 14
Installation 14
Post-Installation 14
Client Checklist 15
Post Installation 15
Scheduler Checklist 15
Post Installation 15
Admin Checklist 15
4. Installation Procedure 16
4.1 Set-up Process 16
4.2 Server Set-up 16
4.2.1 Overview of Server Set-up 16
4.2.2 Running the Server Set-up 17
4.3 Client Set-up 29
4.3.1 Overview of Client Set-up 29
4.3.2 Running the Client Set-up 29
4.4 Scheduler Set-up 33
4.4.1 Overview of Scheduler Set-up 33
4.4.2 Running the Scheduler Set-up 33
4.5 Administration Set-up 35
4.5.1 Overview of the Administration Set-up 35
4.5.2 Running the Administration Set-up 35
5. Post Installation 37
5.1 Component Update 37
5.2 Review Security Settings (Server Upgrade) 38
5.3 System Administration (Server Not an Upgrade) 38
5.3.1 To Add Users: 39
5.3.2 To Add Roles: 41
5.3.3 To Add Environments: 43
5.4 Business Customisation Update (Server Upgrade) 50
5.5 LBRCUpdate (Server Upgrade) 51
5.6 Customer Configuration (Server Not an Upgrade) 52
5.7 Codes Transfer (Server Upgrade and New Installation) 53
5.8 Business Items (Server Upgrade) 54
5.8.1 Preview Each Business Item ( If Server Upgrade) 54
5.9 Product Codes (Server Not An Upgrade) 55
5.9.1 Policy Product Codes 55
5.9.2 Quotes/Promises/Memos/Declinatures Product Codes 56
5.9.3 Bureau Product Codes 57
5.10 Closings Input (Server Not an Upgrade) 58
5.11 Setting Up DecisionBase (Server or Client with no previous DecisionBase) 59
5.12 Setting up Scheduler and Bureau Message Receipt 61
6. Appendix 1: IBM Client Access ODBC Drivers 62
6.1.1 Setting up an ODBC Data Source to an AS/400 Database 62
Testing an ODBC Connection 66
Appendix 2: IRIS GUI 7.13-008 68
IRIS Components 68
Shared Components 70
Appendix 3: IRIS GUI 7.13 PTF009 Release Notes 74
Appendix 4 : NTFS 75
Appendix 5 : Client Access Issues 76
Client Access Express v4r4m0 76
Client Access Express v4r5m0 76
iSeries Access Express v5r1m0 76
iSeries Access Express v5r2m0 76
iSeries Access Express v5r3m0 77
Appendix 6 : OS/400 Issues 78
OS/400 V4R2M0 78
OS/400 V4R3M0 78
OS/400 V4R4M0 78
OS/400 V5R1M0 78
OS/400 V5R2M0 78
OS/400 V5R3M0 78
Appendix 7 : General Installation Issues 79
ODBC Library Locked 79
List of figures
Figure 1: Set-up Screen 18
Figure 2: Welcome Dialog 19
Figure 3: License agreement 19
Figure 4: User Information 20
Figure 5: Select set-up type 20
Figure 6: Enter Information 21
Figure 7: Server Location 22
Figure 8: Client Install location 23
Figure 9: Select Components 24
Figure 10: Application components 24
Figure 11: Select Program Folder 25
Figure 12: Start copying files 26
Figure 13: Environment Upgrade 28
Figure 14: Enter Server Location 30
Figure 15: Server location warning 30
Figure 16: Application choice 31
Figure 17: Application components 31
Figure 18: Enter Server Location 34
Figure 19: Server location warning 34
Figure 20: Select set-up type 35
Figure 21: Select Program Folder 36
2. Installation Issues
2.1 Introduction
This section of the document highlights the issues that are to be considered for an installation of IRIS GUI.
In order to be able to run the IRIS GUI, the following conditions must be satisfied (N.B. these are given in the order that they should generally be performed):
1. Check for known issues with the version of Client Access Express being run (see page 76) and also for known issues on the version of OS/400 being run (see page 78)
2. The IRIS AS/400 software should be installed (see the “IRIS 7.13 PTF009 Installation Instructions Part 1 (AS400).01.doc” also included on the CD for instructions for doing this).The AS/400 must be configured correctly. See AS/400 Issues on page 11.
3. PCs should meet the minimum recommended specifications. See PC Specification on page 10.
4. The Administrator must run the ‘Server’ installation from the CD (from a client PC), installing to a shared network drive. See Server Set-up on page 16.
5. Having installed the GUI onto the server, the next step that must be performed is to ensure the security, product codes etc are all set up as required. See Post Installation on page 38
6. For each new PC, the Set up program (Setup.exe) from the ‘Client’ folder contained within the location on the server to which the GUI was installed must be run. See Client Set-up on page 28
This document covers each step of the installation process in detail.
For a summarised list of all the steps in the process, there is an ‘Installation Checklist’ in section 3 on page 14. It is highly recommended that the person performing the installation uses this to ensure that they don’t miss any steps.
If performing an upgrade from a previous version of the IRIS GUI it is also highly recommended that you review the Release notes in Appendix 3: IRIS GUI 7.13 PTF009 on page 74.
The appendices contained within this document are as follows:
Information / PageIBM Client Access ODBC Drivers / 62
Installed Components / 68
Release Notes / 74
NTFS Issues / 75
Client Access Issues / 76
OS/400 Issues / 78
2.2 Contacts
If you require any help during the Installation process, please contact the IRIS Helpdesk on either:
· Telephone 020 7780 5373
2.3 PC Specification
The minimum recommended specification for PC’s on which the GUI is to be installed is as follows:
· Pentium III 1GHz
· 128MB RAM (256MB if running Windows XP)
· 50MB of free hard drive space plus approximately an additional 15 MB per environment
· Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/WindowsXP
· 16 bit colour
· Minimum resolution 1024 x 768
· 32 bit ODBC connection to AS/400 (Client Access) *
· Internet Explorer 6 SP1
N.B. The IRIS GUI will run on lower specified PCs than indicated above but there will be a noticeable drop in performance.
It is recommended that there is approximately 70MB plus an additional 15 MB per environment of free space on the server.
* For information on known issues in specific versions of Client Access see the appendix on page76.
Similarly information on known issues in specific versions of OS/400 can be found in the appendix on page 78
2.4 AS/400 Issues
The following are issues that need to be addressed to ensure that IRIS GUI is installed and operated effectively:
- The Data Library and System Library for all environments need to be established. For example, for a LIVE environment of IRIS these may be XUNMDTA and XUNMSYS respectively.
- All commands in this document that refer to Data Library must be executed over all required environments.
- Ensure that the database parameter for each GUI Environment is configured to the correct AS/400 IRIS data library and system library.
- Ensure that the SQL packages in Library QGPL are deleted. Ensure everyone is logged off every environment when the following command is run: DLTSQLPKG QGPL/IRIS*.
- The IRIS GUI requires a Relational Database entry to exist on the AS/400 from which it will be accessing data. To check whether this needs to be done or not, run the following command on the AS/400:
If the list displayed by this command contains an entry for a ‘remote location’ of *LOCAL then nothing further needs to be done in relation to this.
If there is not an entry for a ‘remote location’ of *LOCAL then one will need to be added by running the following command on the AS/400:
The ‘system name’ should be replaced with the system name of the AS/400 (this is usually displayed in the top right corner of the AS/400 logon screen).
- Ensure that the library XUNMTOOLS is in the library list. This can be checked using the following command
If the library XUNMTOOLS is not in the library list then add it with the following command
CRTSTP needs to be run for each IRIS environment over which the GUI is to be run. The example of this command that follows uses the typical names of the data library and system library of an IRIS environment. These may be different on some environments and replaced with the appropriate system and data library names for the environment over which the GUI will be run:
2.5 Data Sources
The IRIS GUI no longer requires ODBC data sources, but now has a connection that can be defined centrally in the System Administration function. However, this does require that the AS/400 is defined with a common name within Client Access across all PCs.
If DecisionBase is installed for the first time, as part of IRIS GUI then an ODBC data source needs to be set up on each PC. See appendix 1 (page62)
For more information on how the connection is now defined from within the System Administration function then see the section titled Review Security Settings (Server Upgrade)
On each new release of IRIS there will be new security options made available.
It will be necessary for the System Administrator to visit the IRIS System Administration function and review the security settings. The default setting for any new security options will be to make all existing users ‘unauthorised’ to the new option.
In the IRIS 7.13-005 upgrade it is highly recommended that all the security settings are reviewed to make sure that all the original security settings have been imported correctly.
New security options that did not exist in the original security set-up will definitely need to be visited.
These include the following:
1. Bureau Closings
2. Policy Reinsurance Screen
5. System Setting and Reference Files
6. Environment library names(in case system library was renamed during AS400 upgrade)
7. Bureau Message Receipt
9. N.B. It is important that for each Role within ‘System Settings and Reference Files’ that the ‘Configure’ button is pressed and at least one code is something other than ‘No Access’. Failure to do this could stop superqueries working.
System Administration (Server Not an Upgrade) on page 39
2.6 Installed Components
For a comprehensive list of the components installed by the installation routine please see Appendix 2 on page 68. What follows is a brief overview of what is installed.
2.6.1 Data Access Components
During the IRIS set up process all relevant components of Microsoft’s Data Access Components (MDAC) are installed.
Note: MDAC actually consists of many data access components (e.g. ODBC, OLE DB, ADO, and DAO), of which IRIS only requires ODBC, DAO, JET and RDO. However, the latest version of MDAC (version 2.1) installs Jet 4.0 and IRIS will only run with Jet 3.5 (the Codes and User Enquiries databases are in “Access 97” format). Therefore, installing the latest version of MDAC will not result in a successful IRIS installation. For information purposes, the IRIS set up routine installs the following components:
· DAO 3.6
· ODBC 3.51
· RDO 2.0
· JET 3.5 (but not the ODBC driver)
2.6.2 Location of Applications
Due to the nature of DCOM, all application files are now installed on a local basis only. This will minimise any issues for future patches and/or upgrades.
2.6.3 Help
Help documentation is installed as part of the set up procedure. A shortcut to both the AS/400 IRIS documentation (which is installed onto a server) and the IRIS GUI help documentation (installed locally) will appear in the IRIS menu.
2.6.4 EXE and DLL Registration
The registration of all the DLL's are handled by InstallShield and IRIS Server.exe is registered within the set up routine.
3. Installation Checklist
Server Checklist
PC (page 10)
1 Decide where to install the Server components, and ensure all users have access to it.
2 Decide whether the server path will be specified using a UNC path (e.g. \\Server01\IRIS) or a mapped drive letter path (e.g. R:\IRIS\); see the section Server Location on page 16.
3 Check disk space is adequate.
4 PC Specification must meet requirements
5 Prerequisite software: Client Access, ODBC and Internet Explorer. The correct versions must be installed.
6 If installing on an NTFS formatted drive then please review the section on NTFS issues on page 75.
7 If this installation is an upgrade of an existing IRIS installation, it is recommended that a backup copy is made of the folder containing the IRIS server components.
AS/400 (page 11)
8 Determine the names of the IRIS data and system libraries.
9 Delete SQL Packages in QGPL.
10 Check Relational Database entry.
11 Library list.
12 Run Server set-up, choosing set-up type Server. (page 16); N.B. the server install is designed to be run from a client PC and not on the server itself. In addition, since the server install will put the administrator’s functions on this client PC it is also recommended that the server install is run from a PC that will be the administrator’s.