SAO Video Module Agenda

JThompson, Center for Assessment

Professional Development Agenda

Student Achievement Objectives Video Modules

March 15, 2017

The Student Achievement Objectives (SAO) video modules have been recorded in order to present a unified message to teachers. There are five (5) modules that teachers should watch during this session. Each module is approximately 10-15 minutes long and end with a few teacher reflection questions. Below is an agenda for administrators that include some suggested considerations for the reflection questions.

Time / Module
2 minutes / Preparation for Module 1
15 minutes / Play Module 1: Introduction to Student Achievement Objectives
5 minutes / Reflection Questions – Have teachers select one question:
1) How well does the SAO process fit into your current teaching and pedagogical process?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk about how their planning and lessons revolve around the expectations of their course standards and expectations.
2) How does the SAO process align with the goals in your school and/or district?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk about how educators and administration desire for students to meet the standards at high levels of cognitive rigor rather than just memorizing facts.
3) What implementation challenges do you foresee and how will you overcome these.
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk as problem-solvers. They may identify several obstacles, such as finding the time to monitor their SAO, attending professional development, developing assessments, etc. However, it is important to point out that all of these challenges are actually part of good teaching, so therefore is not an additional expectation.
4) What are some potential positive outcomes for you, your students, your school, and your district when implementing SAOs?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk about what may happen when they specifically focus on student learning in an area that may have been a struggle for them or their students in previous years. Not only will they seek additional professional learning for themselves, their students will benefit and gain deeper learning, and the achievement of students will increase.

22 minutes / TOTAL Time for Module 1
2 minutes / Preparation for Module 2
10 minutes / Play Module 2: Developing Learning Goals for Student Achievement Objectives
5 minutes / Reflection Questions – Have teachers select one question:
1) What big ideas are associated with the course(s) you teach?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk and consider why the learning of the course or subject(s) they teach are important beyond their classroom.
2) How do you ensure that your students demonstrate high levels of cognitive rigor?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk and share how they plan lessons that expect students to demonstrate strategic thinking including analyzing, synthesizing, and creating.
3) What instruction and strategies do you use to engage your students in learning the meaningful goals you set for them within the time you have available?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk to share specific strategies that they use to have students learn these higher level expectations such as modeling and think-alouds, collaboration amongst students to problem-solve, etc.

17 minutes / TOTAL TIME for Module 2
2 minutes / Preparation for Module 3
10 minutes / Play Module 3: Determining Assessments for Student Achievement Objectives
5 minutes / Reflection Questions – Have teachers select one question to respond to:
1) What standards and expectations are part of your course and might be measured by your SAO Learning Goal?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk to generate some expectations that they might want to use for a SAO Learning Goal?
2) What summative assessments do you currently use to measure and evaluate your students’ knowledge and skills? Could these summative assessments be used to measure a cognitively rigorous SAO Learning Goal?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk to share ways that they could measure these rigorous expectations (e.g., real-world tasks, projects, essays, etc.).
3) What formative assessment do you use to ensure that your students are making progress toward the knowledge and skills associated with your course and to be successful on the summative assessments? Could these formative assessments be used to measure a cognitively rigorous SAO Learning Goal?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk to share some ways that they monitor the learning on a regular basis and how this formative assessment process will help students on the summative (e.g., journals, collaborative groups discussion, Socratic seminars, etc.).

17 minutes / TOTAL TIME for Module 3
10 minutes / BREAK
2 minutes / Preparation for Module 4
10 minutes / Play Module 4: Selecting Baseline Data and Establishing Targets for Student Achievement Objectives
5 minutes / Reflection Questions – Have teachers select one question:
1) What are the pre-requisite knowledge and skills needed for students to be successful in your class?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk to share what students need to know and be able to do when entering into their class.
2) What sources of baseline data would allow you to determine the pre-requisite knowledge and skills of your students?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk to share what data/information they currently use or could use to determine what students know when entering their class, even if it is NOT a tested subject or grade.
3) How will you group your students based on the information obtained from the baseline data?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk about how they currently group students or could group students based on the information and/or data they gather.

17 minutes / TOTAL TIME for Module 4
2 minutes / Preparation for Module 5
13 minutes / Play Module 5: Evaluating the Quality of Student Achievement Objectives
5 minutes / Reflection Questions – Have teachers select one question:
1) In what ways do teacher have opportunities to collaborate on developing a Learning Goal, analyzing data results, and monitoring student progress?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk about opportunities they currently have for collaborating and sharing opportunities that would be beneficial.
2) How have teachers been trained and provided with multiple opportunities to collect and analyze student data related to their SAO Learning Goal?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk about how they use student data.
3) In what ways are teachers able to access professional development that connects to their content and student needs to improve achievement toward their SAO Learning Goal?
  • Encourage teachers to turn and talk about the types of professional development they think would be useful based on what they have heard in these modules.

20 minutes / TOTAL TIME for Module 5
1.5 hours
10 minutes / TOTAL Video Module approximate time