MAY 2009
Dear Residents-With the arrival of May, many of our residents have left for the summer season. Jasmine Pointe is indeed quiet now that many have left or are in the process of doing so. I hope everyone has had a safe journey to their summer destinations.
Exterior Painting-The exterior painting project of our buildings was officially completed on April 24 when a final walk-thru took place with members of the community along with representatives of Mario’s Painting. Special thanks to Al Richards, Thalia Lake, Jack Whitney and Maria Emanuele for assisting me with the walk-thru. Again I cannot stress enough how pleased everyone is with the outcome of this extensive project. Our buildings look fantastic and the work was completed with little community disruption. A letter of reference on behalf of the Jasmine community was written to Mario’s Painting for their high degree of professionalism and workmanship. Those that have not yet seen the end result will be more than pleased.
Pool-As in past years, we have stored much of our pool furniture for the summer season due to a lack of use and to prevent wear and tear. Thanks to Anthony and Andrea Barone for the use of their garage for storage and to Ted Lake for helping Mary Ann and me with the moving of the furniture. Thanks to Ted Lake for doing pool readings for May. As usual our pool is being maintained to the highest standard by our vendor.
Lakes- Lake levels are at their lowest point in quite some time. There is a growing concern about possible damage to irrigation pumps. However, the last 2 days have brought some much needed rainfall so maybe we are getting into our rainy season a little sooner than usual. If you are getting a lot of rain where you are, perhaps you can send a little our way!
Landscape-In spite of the severe drought conditions, our turf and surrounding landscaping are in fine shape. As stated in prior newsletters, we will be replacing some plants once rainy season begins. Likewise any planting done by the Master Association is on hold as well. The schedule for May is as follows:
Mowing Thursdays
Trimming May 26
Irrigation Inspection May 11
Fertilization May 14
Insurance Appraisal-An insurance appraisal of our community was recently completed for insurance purposes mainly due to a change in Florida law which now makes the insurance of the AC/Heating units the responsibility of individual associations in regards to hazard. Prior to January 1, 2009 it was the responsibility of the unit owner. Remember the replacement cost value is for each building and not your individual unit. I am enclosing a copy of the insurance summary.
Meeting Dates-With the constant use of our Clubhouse for a variety of events, I have arranged some dates for future meetings. These dates are similar to those dates used last year for important meetings. The dates are as follows:
Wednesday, November 11 Budget Workshop
Wednesday, December 2 Budget Adoption
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 Annual Meeting
All meetings will be at 6:30 at the Clubhouse.
Master Association Notes-At the last Master Board meeting, a proposal for the installation of low-voltage lighting at both the south and north entrances was approved. A demonstration of this lighting was presented to the Board in April and everyone was impressed not only with the improvement in lighting for security reasons, but for the overall aesthetic improvement as well. Also the Clubhouse is under a 3 year plan for refurbishment. Replacement benches as well as added landscaping for the bocce courts are also being planned. Proposals for repainting the street markings throughout the community are also being considered.
ASR Well Site-Recently at least a dozen palm trees have been planted at the ASR well site. This additional landscaping should aid in beautifying the area.
Item for Consideration-Recently and throughout this past year there have been concerns about renters and their pets. We have had numerous incidents with dogs left unattended which bark and create problems for owners here in Jasmine as well as owners across the lake. We have also had instances where dog waste is not being cleaned up. In spite of being reminded of the rules regarding pets, these incidents have continued to plague the well-being of our residents. After consulting with other associations who have experienced similar problems with pets of renters, it was suggested to me that we can amend our bylaws and not allow renters to have pets. This would apply only to future renters. Many owners within our community already do not allow pets in their rental agreements. Perhaps the time has come to emulate what other associations have done to help eliminate these problems which interfere with the overall quality of life for our residents.
Mailboxes-Our mailboxes have been repainted by Mario’s Painting to repair the peeled paint due to the posting of notices with tape. I have arranged for a clear frame to be installed atop the mailboxes which will provide information concerning upcoming meetings, etc. The bulletin board at the pool will continue to have notices posted. With everyone not always visiting the pool area, by retrieving your mail you can be kept up to date on all upcoming meeting dates.
Social-In last month’s newsletter I mentioned the plans for a neighborhood cruise to the Bahamas. I didn’t realize the amount of interest this idea would generate. Information for this adventure was put together by CI Travel. The dates will be February 19-22, 2010 and we will depart from Miami with transportation to Miami leaving from our Clubhouse. If you desire information I can e-mail the information sheet along with the registration form. My e-mail in case you forgot is . Don’t miss out on what promises to be a memorable event.
In conclusion, with the installation of the new lights, the pressure washing of our walkways and driveways and of course the new painting, I hope we are all proud to call Jasmine Pointe our home, whether we live here full-time or part-time. I for one am especially proud of our community. I hope everyone has a great summer wherever you may be.
Enclosure-Insurance Appraisal