Effective Math Class Note Taking Lesson Plan


Teach and assess effective math lecture note-taking skills.


  1. Instruct students in effective classroom note-taking skills.
  2. Instruct students in the specifics of math lecture note-taking.
  3. Provide students a baseline awareness of their existing note-taking skills.

Introduction and Discovery

5 min - Introduce Cornell two-column note-taking system:

  • College math class story…
  • Use is required and graded for the entire math course.
  • There will be a quiz at the end of class (don’t say it will be an open-notes quiz).
  • Quickly describe the Cornell two-column note-taking system using overhead, and provide a simple example.
  • Instruct students to take notes using the Cornell system on the remainder of this lesson, and that those notes will be graded at the end of class.

15 min - Introduce effective math lecture note-taking skills:

  • Model this note taking session.
  • Follow notes exemplar.
  • Sample questions:
  • In what ways is taking notes in a math class different than a history class?
  • What do you think it means to be an active listener?
  • How can questions help you be an active listener?
  • How do you know when you should notes on something?
  • Who in the classroom gives you note-taking cues?
  • What note-taking cues does the teacher give?
  • What other cues can you watch for in the class?
  • What types of things in math are especially important to take notes on?
  • What are some things you could do in your notes to help you remember/note really important things?
  • Now that you have taken notes, what good are they to you?
  • Display good and poor note-taking examples.

10 min - Assessment

  • Open-notes quiz, exemplar lecture notes handout use permitted.


Group level student grading and review of lecture notes just taken:

  • Break class up into dyads.
  • DisplayEffective Math Lecture Note-Takingexemplar.
  • Distribute and explain note-taking scoring rubric.
  • Students review and grade their partner’s lecture notes.
  • Each group lists the three things that worked as they took notes.
  • Each group lists the three main problems they encountered taking notes.

Class level clarification and summarization:

  • Groups share and class discusses what did/didn’t work when taking notes.
  • Teacher clarifies and summarizes.
  • Collect student graded scoring rubrics.
  • Inform students that every class will start with:
  • Grading/review of lecture notes from the prior day.
  • Correcting/reviewing of homework.