On of influential factors to supervise the teaching room , in order to present a suitable pattern
Mohammad Vafaee Mehr1, SamadKarim Zadeh2, Fattah nazem3
, +989143614458
, +989123036744
, +989123201988
The aim of the present research is to recognize the suitable factors on supervising the teaching class in order to propose a suitable pattern. The ideal research is descriptive. The statistic society contains all teachers and head masters of the elementary schools in khoy city. From the total numbers of them,290 are ladies,260 men,170 school masters. The last one contains: 97 men and 118 lady masters. They are chosen ,accidently, as a symbol and. The research tool was satisfied with the two question papers. The first one was used to investigate the rule and method of the class-room management .Its simplicity was satisfied with the use of Lavashi method. The obtained symbol was 0/78.The stability of it was ratified with Ameli’s analysis. The second questionnaire CVR, its stability to choose the proportion degree of the proposed model the ideas of the specialists in the field were used. The 0/89 stability was obtained with the use of Alfa Kronbakh research.
To analyze the data the sketch was identified and the path clarified. The results showed that: The teachers’ experience have great influence on supervising the class. Education have had a direct control on the routine of the class surveillance. In the presented model according to the specialists between the average experience mark of all model parts- according to specialists ideas and the average notion-There have been a great meaningful difference. In other words the average experience of all ideas was overcoming to surveillance entity was higher extremely. So, the proposed model ,according to the specialists, got the accepted number of(4/666 from 5).
The key words:The class-room management, experience, education, specialties, and model
1. Introduction
The main performance of teaching and learning concept, is to teach students who have ability to learn, for that reason, all the effort of teachers spend on the environment of this specific occasion. Today, new ways and ideas have been introduced on the basis of ideas and researches teaching. Teachers will be able to overcome the difficulties ,through the learning of the various points of this proposal. The advantage and usage of these methods need to be a suitable teaching environment, that is, to be an acceptable peacefulness, and students collaboration with the teachers (Germin 2002).
According to the most teachers belief, if the behavior difficulties happen most often in the classrooms, equivalence of teaching and learning will be in danger, and teachers will be unable to teach their students preferably. The most essential is that, if teachers benefit from the best ways of teaching methods, again they will be alarmed from the students misbehavior in the class-rooms .(Lewis and collaborators2000).The most researches believe that misbehaviour of students, cause the controlling of the class-rooms become one of the biggest anxiety and concern of the most teachers, especially those who have begun teaching recently (fowler & Sarple 2010,Manning&Boucher ,2003 Smith 2000 , reupert &woodcock 2010).
Nancy Martin(2003) in his article ,with the name of supervising the student in the class-room, describes the relation between the learning and controlling in the class-rooms. He deduces that for the reason of close relationship between the controlling the class-room and teaching, these two items should not be checked, separately.
Since these two variables have influence, simultaneously, on controlling the class-rooms they should not be ignored. Sorrowfully this relation has been postponed, though ,at the present, using new ways of teaching ,such as, students preference, collaboration in teaching co-helping continuously are mentioned. In controlling and management the class-rooms the old and tradition is still in use. It is evident that without students collaboration or their respect to the rules the wished ideas will be impossible. On the whole, supervising the class-rooms is one of the main concerns of teachers , in all levels. Some researches show that the personal believes of teachers, their choice will influence the class-rooms management (cootni2011).
The class-room management is a moving work contains, progressive planning, continuing evaluation during the work and the final approval concerning the children and their environments, will cause progress and activities in learning and mind health of the children in the class-rooms(Tal 2010)
A simple and complete description for this purpose is done by Martin and this collaborators (2006).According to him, supervising the class-rooms, is a multi pointwork . It contains three extensive personality points, teaching , discipline and drills. Personality conclude the teacher’s belief about the personality of the students and also holding some provisions that is done by the teacher and helps the personal growing of the students. This idea is connected to the understanding of teacher from the general abilities ,mind provocation of students. The educational point contains all the verifications that a teacher does, in accordance with learning activities in class-rooms. Existence of suitable area and using the time confidently are more valuable points. The third aim is, regulation and discipline which contain the points the teacher do until creates a suitable standard in the class-room.(Djic & stojilikovic2011).
The class manager must provoke students to have good social , positive connection and encourage them to learn earnestly (Ropertwoodcook 2010). It is evident that creating a suitable atmosphere in teaching is too much important. To do this, the teacher should follow his procedure in the teaching center on the bases of accepted and generate pleasant relations and with the students.
GlaimanTemayshiro provided a good frame in three points to describe the ideas of a teacher about the class-room management. These three points are interference, non- interference and procedure. On the base of this model interference group believe that students learn the suitable behaviours when their behaviours be strengthened with provocation and resentment. So, the teacher should have extra control to the class-room. According to non interference model, it is believed that each person has needs that wishes to introduce and correct them personally. So the teacher’s control is not much important. On the other hand between these two models is procedure model . It means that every person does something to change his or her environment and also the person pays attention to it and sometimes has close regard on it. In this point the teacher and the student ,equivalently ,control the class-room system. It can be said totally that procedure method is simulative to create learning environment (retold from DijickIstojil cooike2011).
Managing the class-room, like other managements, up to now, have been described with two different paradigms . In NewToni paradigm it is emphasized on classic management, behavioral ideas, conditional ideas, results, organizational powers, powerful controlling, and the final value. Contrary to this, in Post Newtoni paradigm, it emphasizes on the ideas of qualification ,management of the total organization, learning organization, learned organization, conditional controlling, energetic leadership, students preference, quickness in solving the problems, social abilities, quick symbols, teaching, creating acceptable ideas and continuous evaluating are all the ideas of classic management. Attention to all the above description show that the management of the class-room needs to do some known activities , but, some of these descriptions imply to little points and some others refer to the most of the mentioned ones.
Those descriptions that the class–room management has been their initiating of the teaching, shortened their description to planning ,managing and controlling, but those descriptions have chosen the class-room the beginning of the teaching method. They have reduced their description to a social system and implied to total work. On the whole these researches: the class-room activities, the trait of teachers ,such as the level of education, experience, personality, special trainings, number of students all have had valuable effect on the teachers managements.( AminyazdiAti 2008). It can be said that the personality of a teacher is a variable that can have relation with the class-room management.
In this way some researches have been done, too. For example, (Chambers , Henson & Sienty,2001) have studied and forecasted the relation of personality and the teaching influence on the class-room control. They have found out the kind of personality and the sort of persons have meaningful influence on teaching and management. Teachers should prepare their teaching methods and the class managements with their own personalities. They have to equip their own weak and powerful points of personalities. The personality of a teacher develops, through the ling time experience of life and the orders that given through the Education Office that to be improved. (Aho& his collaborators2010)
Decarlo(2004) has pointed out the influence of profession on the development of management experiences. Borer research(2003) makes evident that there is a meaningful relation between the teacher’s ideology to control the management routine.
One of the most potential ideas about the importance of class-room management and its role on learning, is long investigation that Wang and his collaborators (2003) have done it. They have reviewed and written 179 books and articles in this field. They have planned in a meaningful frame 228 influential variables in learning. They have divided inside six groups in30 scales. According to the obtained results the class-room management with the average mark of 2/07, after the known and important influential variable on learning in schools and the other mentioned points have been the second.
The researches that have been done In Iran show that the management of class-room have been less under attention in comparison of the other points (Ismaili &his collaborators1391,Bakhshayesh1392,Alavi& Soleimani 1392) According to the most researches that have been done they have mostly conducted the research to evaluate the connection between the class-room management with various variables. But ruefully, the influential process about the management of the class-room have been ignored. From other point, due to the importance of knowing procedures and their influential procedure, in designing planned program me the improvement of teachers job and knowing the ways to increase teachers identity to various influential plans the present research , with the current model has examined the influential actions on class-room management.
2. Knowing the procedure
The present research is on the base of operation and according to collecting data is descriptive kind .The statistic society includes all teachers and elementary school head masters of Khoycity(the total number of teachers is 1924. Ladies 1133 & men 791. The number of elementary school masters are 310 persons).
According to Moorgan scheme 290 women and 260 men teachers were chosen. 170 school masters were also chosen which from this number 118 , women were chosen as a symbol. to choose the sample the accident the level way was determined.
3. The tools of research
The real questionnaire made for the class-room management (Number one)
In order to evaluate the various procedures of class-room management the real questionnaire has been used. This questionnaire weighs the class-room procedure in two ways; students and teacher preference .The questionnaire contains 26 questions. Scale of answers are distributive and are four questions of lickret. (1)- it does not describe me,(2)-it nearly describes me(3)it describes me very well.(4)the method of answering in questionnaire is the method of self saying.
Polishing and strength of the tool
To evaluate the smoothness of the questionnaire Lavashi ideas have been used. At the end, the average coefficient of smoothness to all questions were calculated.Finally the number of 0/78 CVR graph obtained . The strength of it, was ratified with Ameli description.
The second real questionnaire
To evaluate the scale of relationship of the presented model in order to be ideal to specialists and ideologists, another questionnaire was planned and presented to the specialists of class-room management. This questionnaire contained the initiative model such as: philosophy, ideas, ideological thoughts, the ways of continuing, and evaluating model. this questionnaire contained 24 points and with Lickret five questions continued to measure the ideas of specialists of class-room management. For that reason with the use of getting idealist sample 30 persons from ideologist and specialists of class-room management were chosen as a sample. The obtained results after evaluating was chosen with Alfa scale at the final point. it was 0/89.
4. Obtained ideas
Evaluating the proposed research model
Before analyzing the research questions, in order to, have information from the existence of each introduced variable an initiative model , with the name of the first path, was introduced and then being checked.
Table 2-4: The symbol model: The influence of various actions on the class-room control.
The Connection between the teachers experience and the methods of class-room operation
The provided symbol -from the connection of the two variables on the table - 1-4 is shown
Table1-4:The creative table the influence of teachers experience on the procedures of class-room management.
All the coefficient with the number of t >2 on the level of p<0/05 are meaningful.
The coefficient influence of Gama between the free variable and hidden is (B=0/64) and the value of t , its equivalent(18) show meaningfully the difference between the teachers experienced years and method of management in class-rooms. This method is able to make evident 42 per-cent of class-room management variance. The method of checking the variable is still strong and meaningful. The variables that are seen with the coefficient of between 0/84to0/88 and the numbers of t are upper than two meaningful show points on the idea of experience.
In the evaluating model the routine of class-room management, the first variable has 0/89 burden and the second seen variable has the burden of 0/78 that is hidden on the idea. coefficientlambdyY introduced in this model with having t bigger than the two of them. The mentioned model admits 80 per cent from the first seen variance and 61 per cent from the second seen variance. So the observed variances in each model can overload on their hidden point and have ability to measure. The value ability of the above model is presented in model17-4.
Table17-4:The significances procedure of class-room management
About the indicators of pleasing, except the indicator of coefficient K and its meaningful points, also according to the coefficient k to the independent degree , can be a reason for the pleasing, the presented symbols show the close connection among the models. So according to direct influence of background on the routine of class management and to the experience of teachers ,the class-room management can be improved meaningfully.
The connection of education with the class-room management
The following model shows the connection between the variables.
Table 2: The constructive model and the influence of education on the routine of class-room management
All coefficient numbers with t >2 in the line of p>0/05 are meaningful. As we understand from the above table education has direct influence on the method of class-room management.(b=0/58)
What kind of model can be introduced to the class-room management?
To reply the question and in order to plan a model, first two points of student privilege and teacher privilege should be chosen. Then, by using and examining the preference of each actions, the main one should be chosen to supervise the class-room management. As it is forseen, this model contains: philosophy and its aim, is to investigate points, ideas, the doing and evaluating periods. The main points and ideas of it, will be discussed.
Table(4-3) shows the introduced model of the class-room management.
Table (4-3)modelClass-room management presented by the specialists
Philosophy and the ideas of the model
1-Ratifying collaboration and cooperation thought among teachers
2-Evaluating the human equivalence and expanding personal experiences
3-Blooming leader ship and abilities of teachers’ cooperation
1-Velfgang and Gilman ideas
2-Rag idea
3- Nansi Martin idea
Class-room management
1-Student preference
2- Teacher preference
5-Work experience
6- Education
Performing stages
1-Creating special committees in the Education Office with groups of teaching center and teachers.
2- Creating committee in the Education Office with the help of vice-head master.
3-Choosing groups of educated personality to begin doing the model
4- Continuing experimental work
5-Evaluating the weak and strong points
6-The final stage of the model
Re- evaluating and engineering
1-Evaluating , on the base of obtained results from the experimental model