The theme of Homecoming 2006 is “Welcome To Our Jungle.” Decorations may focus on anything relating to a jungle, panther, safari, etc. If you have any questions about the theme, please see Mrs. Howell room 192. PLEASE READ TO STUDENTS AND POST IN ROOM!
Homecoming 2006 Club/Sports Team Banner Contest
1- twin bed sheet of any color.
Design needs to coincide with the theme
Name of the club should be located on banner
All banners must be appropriate to show at football game
Due to Mrs. Howell by October 11th, 2005
General 2006 Information
Game Day- October 20, 2006
Murphy Vs. Bryant at Ladd Stadium 7:00
HC Dance- October 21, 2006
Mobile Convention Center 8pm –12 am (in the Exhibition Hall)
Pictures- Pictures can be taken before or during the dance at the Convention Center. Sign up for an early apt. time when you buy your tickets.
Cost- $15.00/person$30.00/couple
T-Shirts- short sleeve- $12.00 long sleeve- $15.00
Tickets and T-shirts will go on sale the week of HC during the lunch waves, in front of the cafeteria.
Homecoming Dress Code for the Dance
Semiformal Dress (ex. Cocktail style)
Length- short or long
Cannot be inappropriately short or have any inappropriate slits or cutouts
No midriffs to be shown
Not inappropriately low cut or tight
Must wear dress jacket and tie
No jeans
No hats
No sneakers, cowboy boots or Birkenstocks
*Anyone whose attire is in question will be asked to leave without being refunded.
Homecoming Maid Vote- TBA
We will report back to section to vote after the pep rally
Queen Vote- TBA
We will report back to section to vote after the pep rally
Homecoming Door Decorations
Doors must be completed by Monday, October 16th. (We will judge 1st block)
The winners will be announced at the pep rally.
Spirit Week Guidelines
Monday- Crazy Hair and Accessories Day
You must be in complete uniform on this day. Wear accessories that show
your Murphy spirit.
Tuesday- Jersey Day
Wear your favorite team jersey. T-shirts must have the team’s name on it. If it
is sleeveless, you must wear a white t-shirt under the jersey. You may not
wear jersey dresses.
Wednesday- Jungle Day
Dress up as your favorite animal from the jungle. You must be in uniform
from the waist down.
Thursday- Homecoming T-shirt Day
*You must be in uniform (belts, pants, shoes) from the waist down each day (complete uniform on Monday just add accessories). You may not wear tank tops, midriffs or revealing shirts. Anyone who violates these guidelines or who wears an outfit that is not appropriate for school will be referred to Coach Lawless for uniform violations.
See Reverse Side for More Fun Activities