PRESENT: Sammi Freehill, Billy Laxton, Coach Yosten, Mary Doak, Kelly Byrne Sheets, Ronda Kasberg
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by board President Sammi Freehill.
Minutes from the previous meeting on 8/5/15 were approved and accepted.
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Coach Yosten reported that volleyball is 2 and 0 in district. Next week they have two home games on 9/14, JV @ 4:30 and varsity @ 5:30, then on 9/17 @ 5:30. Football will play Parkview on 9/11 @7:30 in Waco. The cheerleaders will attend a cheer competition on October 5th in Waco.
He also reported that Holy Trinity will be hosting a vaesity basketball tournament on December 3rd, 4th and 5th. Mark your calendars! More details to come!
TREASURER’S REPORT: Billy reported that we had an income of $3619.85 and expenses totaling $3313.84 giving us a positive balance of $306.01. Please see attached reports for details.
VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR’S REPORT: Mary reported that signups for working concessions for football and volleyball games are going well but volunteers are still needed for some games.
OLD BUSINESS: Billy reported that there are grants available for the automatic defibrillators. Kelly reported that her mother in law may have some ideas and avenues for us to pursue. We will report as information becomes available.
Billy reported that we have most of the parts for our water cow. UMHB has graciously agreed to donate a pump for it.
NEW BUSINESS: Kelly suggested that she would like to take old spirit t-shirts and old jersey/uniforms and construct a quilt to donate to the HT Gala. It was agreed that booster club would donate old items and Coach Yosten would donate old uniforms.
Our Charlie O’ Malley mascot is being looked at for a make over. Sammi is working with her marketing person for ideas and suggestions. It was suggested that the students voting on the choices would be a good idea. She will confer with Dr. Alonzo. More details to come.
Sammi presented a new clothing/spirit wear option that would serve as a fundraiser as well. The company is FanCloth and our options could be customized specifically for the school. There would be no start up fee and everything would be pre-order and pre-pay. Watch for more details!
Our homecoming game will be on October 9th. GG’s Trailertique will be there for shopping as well as many other fun activities! Make plans to be there!
The next booster club meeting will be October 14th at 6:30. Please make plans to join us.
The meeting was adjourned @ 7:45.