Regular Meeting


October 21, 2013

2:30 pm

Student Center (F) Building, Ground Floor, Forum

College of Alameda

555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway

Alameda, CA 94501-2109

Members of the public may address the Council on any item within the Council’s jurisdiction. A summary of Council rules concerning communications from the public is available from the ASCOA Secretary at the meetings. Persons addressing items included on the agenda will be heard at the time the item is considered. Persons requesting to address items or subjects which are not on this agenda will be heard under the agenda item “Communications from Members of the Public.” Assistance will be provided to those requiring accommodations for disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Interested persons must request the accommodation at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to the ASCOA President.

CALL TO ORDER: Time: __2:36 pm______


President Alaysia Williams PrX_ Ab_,

Operations Officer Jeramy Rolley PrX_ Ab_,

Programs Officer Tarundeep Singh PrX_ Ab_

Secretary Gabriella Flores PrX_ Ab_,

Treasurer (Vacant) Pr_ AbX_,

Communications Officer (Vacant) Pr_ AbX_,

Senator Raina Buckner Pr_ AbX_,

Senator Ashley Campos PrX_ Ab_,

Senator Regina Drake PrX_ Ab_,

Senator Victoria Huynh PrX_ Ab_,

Senator Elma Legados Pr_ AbX_,

(Volunteer) Dayana Merino,

(Volunteer) Simmie Muhammad,

(Volunteer) Alvin Yu.


#3 will be tabled. Moved by Singh and seconded by drake to postpone senators reports till end of meeting. 5 yays and 1 nay from Rolley, the motion passes unanimously.

Motion to approve the agenda for October 21st moved by Singh and seconded by Drake.


Ratified minutes from #7 for sponsoring Gabriela Flores in the correction to the made of instead of account 543 to 510 account, Moved by Campos and seconded by Drake. Abstentions 0, the motion passes unanimously. Have the date changed from October 16th to the 14th moved by Singh and seconded by Rolley, abstentions 0 and the motion passes unanimously.


1.  Student Trustees’ Reports

2.  President's Reports- Gathered documents for senators retreat, also talked with the book keeper.

3.  Vice President's Reports- Academic Senate meeting attendee.

4.  Programs Officer Reports- Working on creating a club list.

5.  Secretary's Reports- Discussed DC trip.

6.  Treasurer’s Reports- Nothing to report.

7.  Communications Officer Reports- Nothing to report.

8.  Senators' Reports- Ashley Campos-Attended event “Stomp out stigma” and tabled. Victoria-Meeting attending staff committee.

9.  Advisor’s Report-Nothing to report.

10.  Committee Reports-Nothing to report.

11.  Ad Hoc Committee Reports-Nothing to report.


(Please line-up to speak when your name is called.) This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on matters not included on this agenda. A maximum of 14 minutes (2 minutes per individual maximum) will be provided for speakers under this agenda item. Requests to speak which cannot be honored within the time limit will be scheduled for subsequent meetings in the order received. Under the Brown Act, Council members are not allowed to discuss and/or take formal action at today’s meeting on items brought before them under this item. Council members are only allowed to respond briefly. Written statements can be submitted to the ASCOA Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.


1.  Student Center Restoration

Presenter: President, Dr. Gravenberg

Ideas of better utilization for space, a place where students can study past the 5 o’clock max time.

2.  Gay-Straight Alliance Event and Funds Request

Presenter: GSA Club Rep

Nov. 6th GSA breakfast project, buying stuff from Costco October 28th-29th from 8:00-11:30am. Up to the amount of $180 requested from the GSA account 820. Moved by Campos and seconded by Flores.

3.  Black Student Union

Presenter: BSU Club Representative

Item has been post pone until the next meeting.

4.  Latinos Unidos Event Request

Presenter: LUSC Club Rep

Moved by Campos and seconded by Singh to approve request of event for “Dia De Los Muertos” event on 30th-6th (Oct. & Nov). Up to the amount of $75 dollars cut into $50 dollars first prize and $25 for second place “Drawing contest” from account LUSC 808. Moved by Campos and seconded by Drake.

5.  Estuary Shuttle

Presenter: Alaysia Wiliams

Feed back or contact info on where the new shuttle location will be at, by star bucks.

6.  Student Center Hours

Presenter: Alaysia Williams

Moved the hours to 9:00 pm, facilities committee contact. ASCOA office assigned Singh writing up a resolution.



3:38 pm