Busing Information
Waiting for the bus
1. Be on time for the bus but do not arrive at the stop earlier than 10 minutes before the time at which the bus usually arrives.
2. Do not allow younger children who are not attending school to accompany you to the bus stop.
3. Observe all safety precautions while waiting for the bus:
a. Do not play in the roads.
b. If possible, avoid crossing streets.
c. Whenever you must cross a street, look both ways and cross only if you are sure that no moving vehicles are approaching from either direction.
d. Do not push, pull, or chase any other pupils.
e. Avoid trespassing on private property and being noisy.
4. As your bus approaches, line up fifteen feet off the highway, and do not approach the bus until it has stopped and the driver has opened the door. Again, avoid pushing others in the line.
Loading the bus
1. Get on your bus quickly and be seated at once (unless seats are not available).
2. If seats are not available, proceed towards rear of the bus, remain standing in the middle aisle, and grasp a seat bar firmly before the bus begins to move.
3. Listen carefully and obey any and all directions issued by the driver.
Riding the bus
1. Do not eat food on the bus.
2. Avoid extending your arms or any other part of your body out of the windows.
3. Do not change seats while the bus is moving.
4. Avoid shouting and other excessive noise that may distract the driver and lead to a serious accident.
5. Help keep the bus clean and sanitary.
6. Be courteous to other pupils.
7. Listen carefully and obey any directions issued by the driver.
8. Upon boarding the bus in the morning, remain on the bus until arrival at school.
9. Students will be allowed to disembark from the bus in the afternoon prior to arriving at the authorized bus stop only upon written authorization.
10. Pupils transported in a school bus are under the authority of and directly responsible to the driver of the bus.
11. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver is sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation on a school bus.
12. The driver of any school bus is responsible for the orderly conduct of the pupils transported.
13. No school bus can stop to load or discharge pupils except at stops regularly designated.
14. No pupil can engage in unnecessary conversation with the driver while the bus is in motion.
15. Use of tobacco, smoking, chewing or any other means, in a school bus is prohibited.
16. No intoxicating liquor or drugs can be transported at any time in a school bus.
17. No animals can be transported in a school bus.
18. No loaded weapons of any sort, except sidearms carried by authorized police officers, can be transported on a school bus.
19. No persons should be allowed to occupy a position in a school bus that interferes with the vision of the driver to the front, to either side of him/her, or through the mirror to the rear, or with the operation of the bus.
20. Nothing can be thrown within the bus or out the windows.
Unloading the bus
1. Do not leave your seat until the bus has come to a complete stop and the driver has opened the door.
2. Again, obey and directions issued by the driver.
3. Leave the bus quickly but in a courteous manner without pushing other pupils.
4. If you must cross a street as you leave the school bus, be sure to walk in front of the bus (never in back) at a distance of at least 10 feet away from the bus, the driver will not be able to see you and a serious accident could occur.
5. Again, be sure to observe all safety precautions as you travel from your bus stop to your home.
6. Violation of the bus rules may result in loss of bus privileges.
Supervision and Discipline
All pupils must behave appropriately as passengers of a school bus. Clearly understood and well-enforced rules are necessary for the successful management of pupils who ride school buses.
Misbehavior problems on the buses will be handled in the following manner:
First Offense: The bus driver should make an attempt to correct any discipline problems by speaking directly to the student involved, and, if necessary, to make special seat assignments for certain students.
Second Offense: The bus drivers should make out a misconduct form in triplicate and take or send two copies to the principal. The principal should then talk to the student about his/her unacceptable behavior. The action which has been taken by the principal will be noted on the report, a copy of which will be returned to the Transportation Department. The other copy will be retained by the school principal.
Third Offense: The written procedure outlined for the second offense should be followed. The principal should confer with the student and parents regarding unacceptable behavior on the part of the student.
Fourth Offense: The written procedure outlined for the second offense should be followed. The principal will confer with the student and parents and may suspend the transportation privilege for a period of up to five (5) school days. During the period of suspension, the parents shall be responsible for transportation to and from school.
Fifth Offense: The written procedure outlined for the second offense should be followed. The principal will confer with the student and his/her parents and may withdraw the transportation privilege for a period up to the remainder of the school term. The parents shall be responsible for transportation to and from school during the withdrawal period.