Ealing Health and Social Care Summit
Follow-up Recommendations

Set out below are action recommendations arising from the Ealing Health and Social Care Summit between the CCG, LBE and ECN

There is a commitment to hold a further Health and Social Care Summit in November 2015.This will include a report back on progress against the action points below

Future Partnership Steps

Action / Timescales
Recommended action points relating to the CCG to be considered by the CCG Executive / June 2015
Recommended action points relating to the VCS to be considered by the ECN Executive / May 2015
Recommended action points relating to LBE to be circulated to relevant LBE teams / May 2015
Recommended action points relating to Healthwatchto be considered by the Healthwatch Executive / June 2015
Quarterly joint partnership meetings between the CCG, LBE, ECN and Healthwatch / Quarterly
Hold further annual Ealing Health and Social Care Summit / Nov 2015

Joint Recommendations for the CCG, LBE, ECN and Healthwatch

Action / Timescales
Hold regular partnership discussions and question and answer sessions with VCS reps via the Ealing Voluntary Sector Health and Social Care Forum / Quarterly
Hold regular partnership discussions and question and answer sessions with VCS reps via the Ealing Children and Young People Forum / Quarterly
Agree final delivery plan and funding allocations under the DCLG Health Transformation Fund- £1.9m over two years / June 2015
Set up a new Ealing Mental Health Forum (including VCS reps,LBE, the CCG and West London Mental Health Trust) / Oct 2015
CCG, LBE, ECN,West London Mental Health Trust and Healthwatch to map mental health provision in the borough and produce a signposting resource for residents and services users / Dec 2015
Develop joint actions to promote use of the Ealing Care Place Portal covering adult and some children services / May 2015-March 2016

Recommendations for Ealing Clinical Commissioning Group

Action / Timescales
CCG to commission new VCS services to support integrated care programme (£350,000 per year for two years) / June 2015
CCG to commission new VCS led Care Navigator Scheme / May to July 2015
CCG to work with ECN and Healthwatchto capture patient and VCS experiences of the pilot and roll out of the integrated care programme / April 2015 onwards
CCG to ensure VCS and Healthwatchstaff are involved in future culture change training around integrated care / April 2015 onwards
GP practices and health centres to display information about local support services for carers, including the young carers support service / June 2015 onwards
CCG to provide information and make presentation on local NHS services to the Newly Arrived Communities Forum coordinated by Ealing Equality Council / June 2015
CCG to use the new network of Ealing Community Health Champions to disseminate information about the integrated care programme and changes in local health services / Quarterly ‘champions briefings’
CCG to contribute relevant health information to the Young Ealing, ECN, Ealing Involved and LBE Bubble websites / Sept 2015
CCG to look at options with the VCS for future out of hours mental health services / Oct 2015
GPs to play a greater role in early identification of children’s health problems, this will be assisted by the new joint LBE/NHS Ealing Early Start Service due to start from October 2015 / Oct 2015
CCG to involve the VCS in supporting patients making the transition from specialist mental health services to primary care / Ongoing
CCG to actively use VCS groups and Healthwatch to inform patients and residents about attending GP appointments, awareness of 7 day appointments, avoiding unnecessary A+E visits, winter pressures services, disease prevention and self-care / Ongoing

Recommendations for VCS, ECN and Healthwatch

Action / Timescales
ECN and ECVS to support and advise local VCS groups about the new LBE/CCG commissioning round for adult and children grants / April-June 2015
ECN and ECVS to work with LBE and the CCG to develop new VCS delivery consortia for:
Older people groups
Help at home groups
Mental health groups
Advice and advocacy groups
Children and young people groups / April 2015 onwards
ECN and Healthwatchto agree a forward partnership development programme with West London Mental Health Trust / June 2015
ECN and Healthwatchto arrange joint informal ‘Meet your Care Coordinator’ events / 3-4 per year
ECVS to recruit and train further new volunteer Ealing Community Health Champions / June 2015-March 2016
ECVS to produce a new online Ealing Health Self Help Directory and work with the CCG so this can be made available direct to GPs and other health workers / July2015
ECVS, CCG and Healthwatch to train more people to become expert patients and involve them in future care planning / July 2015 onwards
ECN to work with Ealing Council Children’s Services on supporting young people when making the transition from childhood to adulthood, and develop information resources on the Young Ealing, Ealing Involved and Bubble websites / July 2015 onwards
ECN to hold a ‘VCS Mini-Bus Tour’ for CCG reps and GP leads / Sept 2015
Ealing Volunteer Centre to pilot new health volunteering programmes with 3-4 GP practices / Sept 2015
Ealing Advice Forum to promote to local VCS advice groups information about new rights for care users and carers under the Care Act / Ongoing

Recommendations for Ealing Council

Action / Timescales
Adult Services to use VCS groups to promote awareness of the Care Act among local BME communities and newly arrived communities / April 2015 onwards
Adult Services to involve VCS staff and Ealing Community Health Champions in future training programmes around the Care Act / April 2015 onwards
Adult Services to use VCS groups to develop and promote use of emergency carer cards / April 2015 onwards
Children Services to use VCS groups to more actively promote the ‘Young Ealing’ website to young people who may not know about it / June 2015 onwards
Public Health and CCG to work with Ealing Women’s Forum to produce an ‘Ealing Directory of Services for Women and Girls’ / Oct 2015
Children Services to develop online information and support for young carers, involving young carers themselves in designing this resource. ECVS can help promote this through its’ website and Ealing Involved / Dec 2015
CCG, West London Mental Health Trust and Children Services to work with VCS groups to develop online and social media advice for young people with mental health issues who may have a stigma around using statutory services / Dec 2015
Children Services to use VCS groups to publicise to young people the Disability and Special Educational Needs Local Offers and the Family Information Service / Ongoing
Public Health to make use of voluntary organisations that provide services in people’s homes. / Ongoing
Public Health and CCG to continue to commission healthy eating programmes by VCS groups, especially for parents and families on low incomes / Part of new grant specs
Public Health to use voluntary organisations to ensure public health messages are accessible for hard to reach communities, neighbourhoods and estates / Part of new grant specs
Public Health to extend programmes on social and physical activity, using the VCS to reach vulnerable communities and tackle social isolation eggentle exercise, volunteering, falls prevention / Part of new grant specs
Public Health and CCG to work with Ealing Women’s Forum to develop more accessible information and community events around maternity and women’s sexual health services, particularly for young women and girls and women from newly arrived communities / Ongoing
Public Health and CCG to use voluntary organisations and Healthwatch to develop more accessible information, advice and community events around men’s health issues / Ongoing

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