The Steering Wheel

Our Mission Statement:
To share the love of our antique cars and to show them off.
To enjoy fellowship of other car enthusiasts.

October 2015 Vol.15#08

President: / Al Preisner / (616) 874-9336
Vice-President: / Jim Nyman / (616) 914-8895
Secretary: / Shirley DeLange / (616) 878-3618
Treasurer: / Leon DeLange / (616) 878-3618
Board of Directors:
15/16 / Fred Brailey / (616) 365-0804
15/16 / Roseanne Lynch / (616) 460-2161
15/16 / Chuck Swift / (616) 450-7245
15/16 / Carl Esakson / (616) 677-5816
14/15 / Judy Swift / (616) 450-7245
14/15 / Dennis Biggins / (616) 365-1371
14/15 / Jim Nyman / (616) 914-8895
Committee Chairs:
April Auction / Al Preisner / (616) 874-9336
Craig Chalmers / (616) 361-2220
Christmas Banquet / Sean & Cynthia Smith / (616) 560-3108
Club Historian / Roseanne Lynch / (616) 460-2161
Club Picnic / Cheryl Chalmers / (616) 361-2220
Judy Swift / (616) 916-3538
Membership / Al Preisner / (616) 874-9336
Metro 28th Cruise / Leon DeLange / (616) 878-3618
Newsletter / Bonnie Woodman / (616) 997-6413
Retirement Visits / Ruth Esakson
Jim Nyman / (616) 677-5816
(616) 914-8895
Sick & Shut Ins / Linda Biggins / (616) 365-1371
Special Events / Ruth Esakson / (616) 677-5816
Cynthia Smith / (616) 560-3108
Tours: Dust Off / Sean & Cindy Smith / (616) 560-3108
Fall One Day / Al Preisner / (616) 874-9336

Events Calendar

** Indicates a SPECIAL Event

NOTE: Fall Potluck

Oct 27 Tue GRACC Membership & Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR –

St. Ann’s Home - Board/Meeting @ 6:45pm – Greeters & Treaters: Chuck & Judy Swift / Entertainment: Fall Potluck

NOTE: Election Night

Nov 24 Tue GRACC Membership & Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR –

St. Ann’s Home - Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters & Treaters: Chuck & Judy Swift /

Dec 12 Sat GRACC Christmas Awards Banquet - @ St. Mary’s Church Hall – 15164 Juniper Dr, Marne, MI – Social Time 12 noon – lunch @ 12:45

Application & map available – get yours mailed soon


Feb 23 Tue GRACC Membership & Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR –

St. Ann’s Home - Board/Meeting @ 6:45pm – Greeters & Treaters:

Mar 22 Tue GRACC Membership & Board Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR –

St. Ann’s Home - Board/Meeting @ 6:45pm – Greeters & Treaters:

“Dates marked in BOLD, Underlined and marked with a double asterisk **, are SPECIAL Events and Visits. Please make note of these dates. These events and visits earn points toward the year end awards.”

** We will now have a 50/50 Raffle and/or a prize drawing at all membership meetings – this is to help offset the cost of the Awards Banquet.

NOTE: - A Reminder – that Greeters are also Treaters – please bring a snack (baked goods, whatever) and a beverage. Any items purchased for this can be reimbursed by the treasurer.


Hi Everyone,

Hopefully everyone is enjoying good health and enjoying this fine late summer weather. Next months’ meeting we will be enjoying our annual Fall Potluck with a short general meeting after. Please remember that November meeting is Election night. We have three (3) board Members to replace. Also our Annual Holiday Party will be in December, please be sure to get your application in soon. I hope to see all of you at these events.

Your GRACC President

Al Preisner

Board Of Directors Report

ELECTIONS – are coming soon!!!! We need volunteers for three of the Board of Directors positions – Fun, informative and exciting positions to be filled – please consider volunteering or talk to other club members whom you feel would be good for these positions.

A Reminder: the Board Meetings are open to all Club members. If you have suggestions and/or feedback for the club, please join the Board Members at one of the meetings.

$ Treasurers Report from Leon DeLange $

NOTE: - Report as of September, 2015

Balance Aug. 24th $3,640.33
Receipts 364.15

Disbursements - 91.44

Balance Sept. 21st $3,913.04

Note: a further detailed report will be available at the October membership meeting.

Committee Reports

Sick & Shut Ins

Linda Biggins – Chair


Thoughts and prayers for all our sick & shut-ins are greatly appreciated ……

NOTE: If you know of someone else in the club who has been ill and/or in the hospital, has

had a death in the family, etc. Please call Linda and let her know – 616-365-1371


Retirement Visits

Brought to you by Ruth Esakson & Jim Nyman

PLEASE check the Events listings – we’re adding new ones each week!!

Clark Retirement Community - August 27th – attendees were: Jim Nyman, John & Judy Wilson, Casey Meyer, Bob & Carol Diefenbaker, Roger Beard, Ken & Nancy Bogardus, Leon & Shirley DeLange, and Denny & Linda Biggins.

Sentinel Point - September 21st – attendees were: Carl & Ruth Esakson, Chuck & Judy Swift, Bob & Carol Diefenbaker, Roger Beard, Ken & Nancy Bogardus, Linda & Denny Biggins, and Lorrie & Ron Weinrich.

PS – if you’re not sure where a ‘Retirement/Nursing Home’ is – ask us – maps are available!!


Special Events

Brought to you by Ruth Esakson & Cynthia Smith

(616) 677-5816

Sunset Manor – Sept 1st – attendees were: Al Preisner, Carl & Ruth Esakson, with Michael & Daniel, John & Judy Wilson, Denny Biggins, John & Bonnie Woodman, Bob & Carol Diefenbaker, Chuck & Judy Swift, Roger Beard, Roseanne Lynch with Elsie, Sig & Margie Baumgart, Fred Eisen, Bob & Elsie Waller, Don Sheridan, and Gary Timmermans. Thanks everyone for coming in that hot weather. Many great compliments.

Thanks again, Ruth & Cynthia



Al Preisner – Chair

We currently have a total of 68 families in our group!

Please welcome our newest members – Dave & Carol Rice of Grand Rapids. They have 14 cars in their personal collection, plus have a Car Museum (be sure to check out Be sure to say HI and WELCOME!!! When you see them at next outing.

SNOWBIRDS!!!!! – a couple of things – (1) if your heading to warmer parts for the winter – be sure to send us your address so you can get your newsletter wherever you’re at, let me know when to resend it to your regular address (2) Be sure to pay your dues before you leave, that way you won’t be left out on receiving your newsletter come spring time. Don’t want to miss all the upcoming events for the year 2016. Dues are $20.00 per year for the family and can be mailed to: Al Preisner – 7973 Ramsdell Dr NE, Rockford, MI 49341


One Day Fall Tour


Sat. Sept 19th – We had 19 people and 9 cars. Left New Beginnings Restaurant about 9:20am. The clouds broke for our ride over to the Hoffman’s Showroom We saw numerous antique items. Tractors, lawn tractors, butter churns, and many other items. We left the Hoffman’s for our ride over to Sagatuck for lunch at the Butler’s along the Kalamazoo River. A smaller group accompanied along country roads to Byron Center for ice cream. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the tour.

Your tour leader – Al Preisner


GRACC Christmas Awards Banquet


Saturday, December 12th St. Mary’s Church Hall – 15164 Juniper Dr, Marne, MI – Social Time 12 noon – lunch @ 12:45 – Application was in last months newsletter – get yours in soon. So for only about a dozen people have sent in their applications – Please get your in soon – you don’t want to miss all the fun, fellowship and entertainments Any questions call Cynthia @(616) 560-3108 (see application & map this newsletter)

Extra Newsworthy News

2015 Club Directory

IS HERE!!!! And Available – each club family gets 1 free directory. See John or Bonnie Woodman at the next club meeting to get the newest hot off the press 2015 Club Directory – lists all members and their info, plus what cars they have. How about an extra one??? – it’s great to have one in the house and one in the ‘ol car! - $5.00 for the second one – what a bargain!!!

NOTE: Want yours mailed? Send a self-addressed – stamped envelope (71cents worth) and we’ll see that one is sent out to you.

UPDATE – Fred Brailey has new info – please update your directories:

Phone # - 616-303-7070 / E:mail:


Car Club T-shirts

We would like your input: we are considering ordering T-shirts with the Club logo on

on Front left corner & ‘Grand Rapids Antique Car Club’ on the back

T-shirts could be ordered in either crew and/or V-neck – sizes:

Crew: infant to XXXXXL / V-Neck: small to XXXL

Logo would be blue with gold car (club colors) and lettering on back – black shadowed in blue. A minimum order for the shirts would be 24 and would cost each person $15.00. Not sure of color at this time, we have had suggestions of light grey or light blue. Let me know what you think!!! Is this something you would consider? Either call or e-mail – Bonnie @ 997-6413 or

They are a good quality shirt, plus the process imbeds the ink into the shirt – so printing doesn’t chip off or fade with washing.


Did you Know???

The GRACC have done two Wedding shoots this year – all that is needed is one of our gorgeous and beautiful Antique cars to sit while the wedding party has their pictures taken with it. A great way to make extra money for the club – SO – if you know of anyone planning a wedding – this would be a great suggestion for some very unique wedding photos. Contact Ruth Esakson @ 677-5816 for further information.



Carl Esakson will turn 80 years young on October 2nd – be sure to wish him a very special day – cards can be mailed to: 0-719 Country Lane, Grand Rapids, MI 49534

Roseanne Lynch will be 70 years young on October 17th – be sure to wish her a very special day – cards may be sent to: 7635 Leonard St, Coopersville MI 49404

PS – I don’t keep years for birthdays and/or anniversaries – if you know of any members having a ‘very special’ day – let me know so we can announce it!!!


Study of Penetrating Oils:

Noting Torque to remove a rusted bolt.

Bolt with no lube 516 lbs

Bolt with WD 40 238

Bolt with BP Blaster 214

Bolt with Liquid Wrench 127

Bolt with Kano Kroil 106

Bolt with ATF/Acetone, 50/50 mix 53

·  Any type of ATF can be used. You can substitute Lacquer Thinner for Acetone with almost as good of results.

A thank you to the West Michigan Street Rod Assoc. for this above information!


RAFFLE PRIZE WINNER for September – Fred Brailey, Jr – took home $27.00


** Auto Trivia Answer: Watch next months’ newsletter for the answer to this months’ Trivia.

1.  What was introduced in 1937 that would remain until 1952 on Ford Automobiles?

Two-Piece Windshield

2.  What 1929 automobile was dubbed “the 1 ¼” bulge that killed a car”?


3.  What year were demountable tires introduced?


4.  How many taillights did the Stingray have in the song “Dead’s Man Curve?”


5.  Which type of plating was used on radiators and lamps in 1922?



Visit our web site at


For your Auto Repair needs – contact Adam


If you need glass replacement for your ‘old’ (and/or new) car – give B&K Auto Glass a call. He stated he actually likes replacing glass in the old cars. Info:

Bob @ B&K Auto Glass

260 Ottawa St., Coopersville, MI

(616) 837-7060


Breton Auto Wash (in Grand Rapids)

Eastbrook Auto Wash Oil & Lube (in Comstock Park)

Will be advertising our Car Club on their website – and feature some of the activities & events that we as a group participate in. So please, if you’re in the area stop by and use their services. And be sure to let you friends and family know. Great advertising for us!!!!!


Cars/Parts For Sale and/or Wanted


FOR SALE – 1939 Plymouth Convertible = runs & looks good – only 2nd owner – Dark Blue w/tan top – restored a few years ago – needs some work – $24,000 – call Bob Vos @ 616-949-0908 (10/15)

FOR SALE – 1940 Chevy Conv Master Delux – nice & clean older restoration. In same family for many years – call for more info.

Bob V@ 616-696-9384 (09/15)

FOR SALE – 1940 Olds Coupe – very nice mostly original condition & low mileage – in same family for many years – call for more info.

Bob V@ 616-696-9384 (09/15)

FOR SALE: Corvair & Chevy Parts – Block 327-350 plus Parts – located in Jenison – Call Stony Bing @ 293-4659 (08/15)