/ The XXIX BPW International Congress
“Making a Difference through Leadership and Action”
Cairo, Egypt  23-27 October 2017


The Young BPW Congress Fund is administered by the Executive, in accordance with the recommendations accepted by the 17th Congress in 1985, to assist business and professional women under the age of 35 to participate in BPW International Congresses. Applications for assistance must be submitted to the Executive Finance Officer on the attached form.One Young BPW member is chosen from each region to receive financial help towards travel and/or registration expenses for the Cairo Congress at the total of 1,000Euro each.


To ensure a fair and well-balanced use of the Fund and facilitate its administration and distribution, the following guidelines are applied:

  1. The Finance Officer informs the available fund for grants for executive consideration/ approval.
  1. The total of the approved grants cannot exceed the balance of the Fund.
  1. Preference is given to applications from Affiliates most in need.
  1. Grants are made on the basis of not more than one recipient per country.
  1. Consideration is only given to applicants from Affiliates whose dues for the current and the previous years have been paid in full.
  1. Grants are restricted to members under the age of 35 years on the opening day of the General Assembly.

Payment is only made at the Congress on production of receipts/invoices for costs actually incurred after deduction of any unpaid dues (including for the current year), registration fees and other amounts owing to BPW International. Requests for payment in advance will not be considered.

The Finance Officer will notify all applicants in writing of the success or otherwise of their application within seven days of the Executive’s decision. At the same time, successful applicants will be notified of the terms and conditions under which the grant will be paid.

Applications must be completed on the official form, be addressed and sent to:

Ms. Roshan Strange, e-mail: ,

Address: PO Box 421,Ramsgate NSW 2217 Australia and

President’s Office: ,

Address:President’s Office Av. Allende 351 Ote. Colonia Centro,Torreón, Coahuila Mexico

Applications must be received not later than midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) on22 April 2017.

Dr.Catherine Bosshart-Pfluger, Executive Secretary of BPW International

Freibourg/Switzerland, February 2017


Please read guidelines first, then complete the form

First Name: FamilyName:

Postal Address:

Occupation: Date of Birth:

Employer:Home Phone:

Business PhoneFax No:



Position held in club:

Have you previously received assistance from the Fund? YES/NO If yes, what year?

The applicant agrees to attend Congress events and submit a report about her experience within 1 month after Congress:

______(Signature of Member)

The above applicant is recommended as being the most worthy BPW member of our Affiliate who would be able to attend theXXIX BPW International Congress.


Signature of President Signature of SecretaryDate

Name of Affiliate: